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  1. sidnasty80

    What was your starting salary after college?

    I got a BS in software engineering in silicon valley. The offer was for a web developer. But I'm not trippen since I just landed one today. Not 100k, but I got s ******** of other benefits and fast raises 
  2. sidnasty80

    Post your cheap, quick, (& somewhat healthy) recipes for bachelors

    I just started cooking and I noticed that theres no real good sources out there to find a lot of recipes that fit the following: Really easy to make Cheap Quick to cook (around 20 minutes or less) Somewhat healthy Contains some form of chicken or beef No crazy ingredients or cooking...
  3. sidnasty80

    What was your starting salary after college?

    trust me its worth it. fresh out i got an offer that was close to 100k. i took it but ended up getting rejected cause im a felon 
  4. sidnasty80

    Self-Hating Rich Kid Goes On Shooting Rampage, NTers Write Paragraphs Arguing About It

    After reading most of this kids manifesto, its pretty obvious to say that he is a product of this generations parenting. Kids now a days a spoiled rotten and given everything without working for it. This makes them believe that they deserve everything, and they get really angry when what they...
  5. sidnasty80

    What does it mean to be hoodrich?

    A wise man once said
  6. sidnasty80

    Lil Herb > Chief Keef

    his flow on kill **** is . got his whole verse memorized too 
  7. sidnasty80

    NT, time to get classy.

    I cant view this track. Maybe its on private? But . Im gonna go buy a bottle of scotch or wine when I get off work
  8. sidnasty80

    Lil Herb > Chief Keef

    Saw it on instagram. Welcome to Fazoland officially drops February 17
  9. sidnasty80

    BLACKFISH.... 2013 Documentary. Critic: "Scariest Movie of the Year!!!" 97% on RT.

    cosign. it would make a lot more sense if we just killed the whale for food than torturing him like that
  10. sidnasty80

    Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

    didnt read the entire thread, but any hardcore star wars fans know which books these are gonna be based on?
  11. sidnasty80

    Damn, Women, You Pervy [VOL. Crotch Cam]

    the first girl 
  12. sidnasty80

    Iranian Man Doesnt Bathe Himself in over 60 years

    How does showering have anything to do with a job. You can take a shower in 10 minutes. I used to work 8 hours a day and go to school for 6 hours, then gym and I would still shower twice a day.
  13. sidnasty80

    Lil Herb > Chief Keef

    i really think he got a better flow than bibby
  14. sidnasty80

    Chicago what up?

    never been, but i heard in a lot of songs, including kanye west, where they mention 64 and normal & 64 and king drive. might want to check those places out. maybe they got some nice places to eat there
  15. sidnasty80

    My boy got caught up in a World Ventures Scam

    Lol i actually know someone who made it off ACN. But, he was recruited/mentored by the starting guy that brought ACN to Las Vegas. The starting guy is a multi millionare, but everyone else I know that hopped on even a few months after lost all their money . You really have to be at the top 1% or...
  16. sidnasty80

    Lil Herb > Chief Keef

    i may be late but J. Tsunami is  iono why he didnt come up with herb & bibby since they all nlmb
  17. sidnasty80

    My boy got caught up in a World Ventures Scam

    How exactly are they not worthless? Name me one person you know with a BA that actually works in a moneymaking career that is related to their degree? I know tons of people with BA's or other worthless degrees that still work at T-Mobile 
  18. sidnasty80

    My boy got caught up in a World Ventures Scam

     are you serious. a degree from ANY school is worth far more than a pyramid scheme (unless your at the top). but of course it matters what your majoring in. I got some homies that spent like 50k plus for school, just to major in Art . That for sure is definitely a scam. Colleges should let...
  19. sidnasty80

    Should I Let My GF Drive My Car?

    some of yall are stingy as ****  ill let anyone i care about borrow all my ****. i dont see what the big deal is, its just material **** its not like they taking your life. if you guys are cool like that im sure theyd give up a lot more for you. selfish people man, yall should be ashamed 
  20. sidnasty80

    Official Cooking Steak Thread

    salt, pepper, and this 4 minutes medium high on each side 
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