2 explosions at Brussels airport

Its kind of funny now that i think about it. I had an auto shop teacher in highschool and he asked us one day what was the main cause of war. Naturally we all said money and he said no its religion.
You all were right
Saying that 1 billion people are muslim and therefore it's not a nutcase religion is a logical fallacy: argumentum ad populum. Let's be honest, anyone who makes that claim is afraid of being called out by the PC police and labelled an islamophobe. :smh:

:lol: @ regurgitating philosophy 101 key terms.

I'm sitting here wondering why is this guy pretending to be all educated.

Not related but its hard to really have a decent discussion here when everyone on both sides just uses whatever new term or name they learned in their latest google search. This thread is 70% name calling 20% facts and 10% people crying about unrelated stuff.

"a young girl looks out of the window of a bus after airport evacuations"

Pretty powerful image. Hate that innocent kids have to be a part of this. This is probably what she saw
"Muslim patrols" fam!!!? Really!? :smh:

This is what y'all supporting? How do you not see what's going on?

Lol each n every so called Isis situation or Muslim terrorist attack, these people all look the same once they reveal the "suspects". The level of stereotyping and racism is off the charts!

Yeah, this would be a great time to also release "meet the blacks" so we can further the black agenda too [emoji]128527[/emoji]

"Oh hey look sheeple. Remember those people from 911, San Bernardino, Paris, etc...well yeah uh, those are same people who committed the Brussels acts. Therefore we must shut down ALL Muslims and do a mass sweep!" Racist, ignorant asf! :smh:

Now go back to history and see why they are coming at muslim's necks. They are not just going hard on Muslims for no reason. Some people actually think all this is happening to Muslims either randomly or for no reason at all. That's some dangerous ignorance. The same amount of ignorance you need to allow a hitler in power, a trump, to fall for 911 and all these other staged plots.

What's worse are the sheeple who fall for it not thinking, not using their own minds, no critical thinking, best jury candidates mindset havin...
"Muslim patrols" fam!!!? Really!?

This is what y'all supporting? How do you not see what's going on?

Lol each n every so called Isis situation or Muslim terrorist attack, these people all look the same once they reveal the "suspects". The level of stereotyping and racism is off the charts!

Yeah, this would be a great time to also release "meet the blacks" so we can further the black agenda too [emoji]128527[/emoji]

"Oh hey look sheeple. Remember those people from 911, San Bernardino, Paris, etc...well yeah uh, those are same people who committed the Brussels acts. Therefore we must shut down ALL Muslims and do a mass sweep!" Racist, ignorant asf!

Now go back to history and see why they are coming at muslim's necks. They are not just going hard on Muslims for no reason. Some people actually think all this is happening to Muslims either randomly or for no reason at all. That's some dangerous ignorance. The same amount of ignorance you need to allow a hitler in power, a trump, to fall for 911 and all these other staged plots.

What's worse are the sheeple who fall for it not thinking, not using their own minds, no critical thinking, best jury candidates mindset havin...
you sir have mastered the art of typing out a bunch of words without providing a single meaningful or coherent idea
Dude straight "@" the mod tho [emoji]129300[/emoji]

My first time seeing it being that serious but I guess. Anyway...

A lot of you all do not realize how freedom works. It's a double edged sword and especially on the Internet on a forum like this man, plus you have a block feature. Y'all just want to hear people who think and act like you. That's not freedom of speech. Hell! Even the kkk have the freedom to speak their nonsense. Unless people in here are physically doing things to others then I don't see why dude could not voice his opinions or anyone else for that matter.

Once some of you start realizing that NO elaborate drug operation CANNOT set up shop n operate in any hood without the police and prob Feds knowing and/or supporting, just like no terrorist can commit these type of acts without our gov't, intelligence knowing and/or is when you will finally start seeing what this crap is all about and stop falling for it.

Eyes wide shut
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this is legit hilarious 
So you think ISIS is a real independent organization articulate enough and skilled enough to carry out these attacks without any western intelligence intervention? the dates of these attacks seem to coincide with numbers dealing with the occult. Im not asking you to believe what these people are saying but simply do a little research b4 you take cnn msnbc and fox news as truth. 
Dude straight "@" the mod tho [emoji]129300[/emoji]
My first at seeing it being that serious but I guess. Anyway...

Once some of you start realizing that NO elaborate drug operation CANNOT set up shop n operate in any hood without the police and prob Feds knowing and/or supporting, just like no terrorist can commit these type of acts without our gov't, intelligence knowing and/or is when you will finally start seeing what this crap is all about and stop falling for it.

Eyes wide shut

would you prefer if i allowed his hate speech to continue?
this is legit hilarious :rofl: :rofl:
So you think ISIS is a real independent organization articulate enough and skilled enough to carry out these attacks without any western intelligence intervention? the dates of these attacks seem to coincide with numbers dealing with the occult. Im not asking you to believe what these people are saying but simply do a little research b4 you take cnn msnbc and fox news as truth. 

Not dismissing anything in the video or what you have said but these attacks don't take much skill. You can learn how to make a bomb on youtube, add some assault riffles from Russia then just follow any movie or video game script and you have an attack.
this is legit hilarious 
So you think ISIS is a real independent organization articulate enough and skilled enough to carry out these attacks without any western intelligence intervention? the dates of these attacks seem to coincide with numbers dealing with the occult. Im not asking you to believe what these people are saying but simply do a little research b4 you take cnn msnbc and fox news as truth. 
7+1 = 8

sharpshooter 88

 you're in on it too! 

it doesnt take a genius to make a bomb, walk it into a building and blow it up, just a very dark and twisted mind.

you can find pointless numbers in anything if you look hard enough. The day kobe allegedly raped a girl and 9/11/2001 are 666 days apart.
Exactly look at the destruction in San Bernardino and they did that by themselves without any support or training. It doesn't take much work to be a terrorist these days with all the information online and the access to armory here in America thanks to the 2nd Amendment.

Turkey for example has been hampered by bombings the past month, or Beirut, or Mali, or Jakarta, the last few months... where are all the conspiracies there? None why? No media attention why? No white people died. People of color getting blown to bits do not attract the same type of media coverage.
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Not dismissing anything in the video or what you have said but these attacks don't take much skill. You can learn how to make a bomb on youtube, add some assault riffles from Russia then just follow any movie or video game script and you have an attack.
Carrying out a mission and simulating one is two different things. they have dfferent feelings to them on a molecular level by the assailant . These supposed terrorist have no training yet carry out precise missions that never fail on times that other events seem to have taken place... \

no one even knows where most of the world leaders were yesterday??
[h1]Join us for The AIPAC Policy Conference 2016, March 20-22 in Washington, D.C.[/h1]
AIPAC Policy Conference is where pro-Israel activists influence policy, strengthen the bond between the United States and Israel, and ensure that Israel remains strong, vibrant and free. Contact the AIPAC New England office at (617) 399-2562 to sign up for Policy Conference 2016, which will take place March 20-22 in Washington, D.C. But don’t stop there. Attend with two of your friends. The AIPAC Policy Conference is three of the most important days affecting Israel’s future.

Event Location: Washington D.C. Convention Center
Boston, Massachusetts, 02110

go here to find out
Exactly look at the destruction in San Bernardino and they did that by themselves without any support or training. It doesn't take much work to be a terrorist these days with all the information online and the access to armory here in America thanks to the 2nd Amendment.

Turkey for example has been hampered by bombings the past month, or Beirut, or Mali, or Jakarta, the last few months... where are all the conspiracies there? None why? No media attention why? No white people died. People of color getting blown to bits do not attract the same type of media coverage.
The first report of the shooter were 3 white men... 2 hours later it was a muslim couple... lol
the american government cant stop a 16 year old white kid from walking into his highschool and shooting it up in their own country but somehow it takes high level tactical training to pull off a terrorist attack half way across the world? 
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So you think ISIS is a real independent organization articulate enough and skilled enough to carry out these attacks without any western intelligence intervention? the dates of these attacks seem to coincide with numbers dealing with the occult. Im not asking you to believe what these people are saying but simply do a little research b4 you take cnn msnbc and fox news as truth. 

Don't even waste your time on fam. He is simple as they come. Let them stay in their comfort zones.
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