Fake Outrage??? VOL....Why You Mad Son?

Apr 15, 2004
Can someone give me an example of this.

not 100% sure i fully understand
pete rose
barry bonds
oj simpson
rae carruth
hideo nomo
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Peoples problems with Kanye.

Caitlyn Jenner fiasco.

"But what about black on black crime?"

"I get that she punched him in the mouth and pulled a knife on him but he had no reason to push her slightly to the right!"
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Forcing yourself to be mad at some relatively insignificant issue while conveniently ignoring the much worse @#$@ going on in our society.

Calling for the head of the Cecil the lion dentist, writing essays all over Yelp about him, but ignoring/supporting innocent black people getting murdered on a frequent basis :rolleyes
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When someone feels as if they're "supposed" to be upset, so they fake it, when in actuality, they really don't care or secretly like it.

Example, certain women that get up in arms about getting cat called.
Forcing yourself to be mad at some relatively insignificant issue while conveniently ignoring the much worse @#$@ going on in our society.

Calling for the head of the Cecil the lion dentist, writing essays all over Yelp about him, but ignoring/supporting innocent black people getting murdered on a frequent basis :rolleyes

As black people we must be fair and consistent about this but yes yes yes to everything you said.
Cecil the Lion.

Had a NTer kill a cat and he left the carcass all over the neighborhood. NTers found the thread amusing as ****.
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Thread has potential

People changing their profile pictures to show they support gay marriage. Or going completely out of their way in general to appear to be supporting something.
I still think Cecil the Lion situation is messed up. I am not outraged but there is no getting around it. The dude seems like a prick :lol: and has been very shady. But imagine what could be done if people had as much empathy for humans for removed from themselves?
My honest answer is fake outrage is an excuse people who don't care about something say (ex. "why are all these black people upset a black kid got killed? They aren't mad when a white guy gets killed by a cop") when they don't want to give any legitimacy to the people that actually care.
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