Gilbert Arenas' ex wants 109k monthly/1.3 MIL annually...pic of him getting served pg. 9 SMH

Originally Posted by M00DSWING7


Ummm... Nah. All this drama for a chick that ain't even a 6. 

Lebron WON.
I thought he only messed with 9's.
You guys all assume she's doing all this for her children. I'm not willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. Not a chick as crazy as her. Seen too many women use kids as pawns just to get more money (either from gov't, a rich ex, etc). Don't take proper care of the kids. Or just barely adequate care and spend all the excess to keep up their fabulous lifestyle. She supposedly comes from money, right? Her kids are likely fine.
Originally Posted by codex57

You guys all assume she's doing all this for her children. I'm not willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. Not a chick as crazy as her. Seen too many women use kids as pawns just to get more money (either from gov't, a rich ex, etc). Don't take proper care of the kids. Or just barely adequate care and spend all the excess to keep up their fabulous lifestyle. She supposedly comes from money, right? Her kids are likely fine.

I dont think any sane person is giving her the benefit of the doubt...

Originally Posted by ChampCruThik

It's not the dollar amount or money running out that's problematic, but rather the lavish lifestyle and bad spending habits. Even if Gil gets another big contract, it would seem he's not saving or putting anything away for when his NBA career is over. Many Americans have the same trouble saving money. It's like I make $1.5 million a month so I can spend $1.5 million a month. I'm not quite sure NBA superstars are ever able to cut back or practice moderation when it comes to material possessions/items. It's really an indication of American society and our reliance on the latest technology and newest gadgets. Whether it  be a mansion, Bentley, iPad, or whatever else, the issue lies with the strong desire or even need to have the "best" that's out. The question is what do we as Americans and athletes in particular resort to when the money isn't flowing as comfortably? Do we "sacrifice" and live without those things or simply find another means (perhaps illegal or immoral) to still obtain them? 
I love everything that you said and I agree 500%.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by ChampCruThik

It's not the dollar amount or money running out that's problematic, but rather the lavish lifestyle and bad spending habits. Even if Gil gets another big contract, it would seem he's not saving or putting anything away for when his NBA career is over. Many Americans have the same trouble saving money. It's like I make $1.5 million a month so I can spend $1.5 million a month. I'm not quite sure NBA superstars are ever able to cut back or practice moderation when it comes to material possessions/items. It's really an indication of American society and our reliance on the latest technology and newest gadgets. Whether it  be a mansion, Bentley, iPad, or whatever else, the issue lies with the strong desire or even need to have the "best" that's out. The question is what do we as Americans and athletes in particular resort to when the money isn't flowing as comfortably? Do we "sacrifice" and live without those things or simply find another means (perhaps illegal or immoral) to still obtain them? 
I love everything that you said and I agree 500%.

DC...u remember Matt Bonner would get laughed at by his teammates for taking public transportation to games when he was playing in Toronto? 
hes still spending his OLD contract money, tho... the interest alone is paying all these frivolous house/lawn/nanny bills... i think yall r forgetting how caked up Gil really is... Antoine Walker didnt make a third of what Gilbet has

Agent 0
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

ZachKleinWSB Zach Klein
This has 2b a 1st.. Gilbert Arenas was served w/child support & custody papers as he was leaving court during halftime of a Magic gm


I woulda swung on that Court Marshall then dipped down the tunnel
Probably in the minority here, but if it is true that Gil dipped out on his kids like that (don't care bout him leaving his girl) I say he deserves all the embarrassment and loss of money etc that he can get. Don't matter how much drama he's going thru with the BM, you ain't supposed to take it out on your own flesh and blood...
Originally Posted by grittyman20

Probably in the minority here, but if it is true that Gil dipped out on his kids like that (don't care bout him leaving his girl) I say he deserves all the embarrassment and loss of money etc that he can get. Don't matter how much drama he's going thru with the BM, you ain't supposed to take it out on your own flesh and blood...

i somewhat agree.. the money? ok maybe.. but 100k a month? that's a little extreme... she would never have to work another day in her life. child support is for supporting the kids, not for her. if most of the 100k was going into a fund for the kids, then i'm all for it... but we all know that's not happening. 

embarrassment? no. just because he's a celebrity, he shouldn't be put on blast. but of course, the media (especially cause they cover this #!!#) and some people will disagree. there are a ton of low life's out there who have done worse, but of course, no one cares cause they're not famous. 
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