If you don't love Jesus, how can you love America?

Not sure if my friend is trolling me because he's from South America

"if you don't support America you're basically saying you support everything that stands against America. if you're not supporting our war against evil you're obviously pro abortion,child rape,global warming, cancer,gay men, Mexicans, brown people,erectile dysfunction,terrorism,and a lot more. not loving America says a lot about your personality"
Okay he was messing with me. Had me going. :smh:

Meth I know you lurking. Close this before it gets out of hand
you sure he's from south America?

def sounds like something an upper middle class white guy would say. not even upper middle class really.

the kinda white guy that would say "this is gods country". y'kno?
With the sins America has commited since inception. I don't think Jesus would love america if he existed...

Enslaving black people, stealing native american land, dropping atomic bombs on the Japanese but not Germans.

Now complaining about ISIS. The same group the US trained and funded until they said F america. The hipocracy is too much    

P.S Jesus is a fairy tale perpetuated by white people through the "king james bible". The title alone should tell you something.
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