Living without a cell phone...vol. smart or dumb

Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by Though

OP trying to be a hero.


I just think it would be a fun challenge.  Kind of force me into situations i wouldn't otherwise be in. 

You want a challenge? Try to survive in the wilerness for a week with nothing but the clothes on your back.
Getting rid of a cell phone though? Thats just ehhhhh. Many of poor people are forced to do that every day of their lives.
Where's that at?
i was thinking of doing the same thing, maybe even get a pager/beeper.
this past year i've been turning my phone off a lot and not using it for days.  i still need a phone though.  i use the navigation feature when i have to drive to new places.  my friends and i mostly communicate through texts and find out about parties/barhopping.

i do find it annoying that a lot of people are obsessed with their phones.  they can't even turn it off during dinner, or the movies, or church.
i was thinking of doing the same thing, maybe even get a pager/beeper.
this past year i've been turning my phone off a lot and not using it for days.  i still need a phone though.  i use the navigation feature when i have to drive to new places.  my friends and i mostly communicate through texts and find out about parties/barhopping.

i do find it annoying that a lot of people are obsessed with their phones.  they can't even turn it off during dinner, or the movies, or church.
Originally Posted by hella handsome

why live without a cell phone?

why not have a cell and not give your number out to everyone? you never know what kind of emergencies may come up and you just may need a cell.


i hate when people say this like cell phones always existed
Originally Posted by hella handsome

why live without a cell phone?

why not have a cell and not give your number out to everyone? you never know what kind of emergencies may come up and you just may need a cell.


i hate when people say this like cell phones always existed
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by iBlink

What if an emergency comes up and you need to call the authorities or your family? You'll be SOL all because you wanted to be different.

Why not get a hella basic phone and downgrade it to the minimum calling plan with no extra features. I swear folks have forgotten the primary function of a phone.
 Welcome to  the world pre-  1970
More like 1999 - when I graduated college very few people had cellphones. It's only been in the last few years that their use has exploded.
It's amazing we actually survived all those years without constantly being in contact with people.
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by iBlink

What if an emergency comes up and you need to call the authorities or your family? You'll be SOL all because you wanted to be different.

Why not get a hella basic phone and downgrade it to the minimum calling plan with no extra features. I swear folks have forgotten the primary function of a phone.
 Welcome to  the world pre-  1970
More like 1999 - when I graduated college very few people had cellphones. It's only been in the last few years that their use has exploded.
It's amazing we actually survived all those years without constantly being in contact with people.
Originally Posted by hella handsome

why live without a cell phone?

why not have a cell and not give your number out to everyone? you never know what kind of emergencies may come up and you just may need a cell.


i hate when people say this like cell phones always existed
Originally Posted by hella handsome

why live without a cell phone?

why not have a cell and not give your number out to everyone? you never know what kind of emergencies may come up and you just may need a cell.


i hate when people say this like cell phones always existed
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

OP, what are you trying to prove?

Nothing really lol just sparking convo seeing what people think.  Some good ideas and opinions though everyone appreciate it.

Not trying to be a hero, and lead a no-cell phone revolution, just thought it would kind of fun to see how my life would unfold without being tethered to society at all times.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

OP, what are you trying to prove?

Nothing really lol just sparking convo seeing what people think.  Some good ideas and opinions though everyone appreciate it.

Not trying to be a hero, and lead a no-cell phone revolution, just thought it would kind of fun to see how my life would unfold without being tethered to society at all times.
Well, I went my whole freshman year in college without a TV or laptop and it really makes you more social.  I met alotta new people and still enjoyed myself, but going a year without a phone?  Thats a diff story, good luck w/ that
Well, I went my whole freshman year in college without a TV or laptop and it really makes you more social.  I met alotta new people and still enjoyed myself, but going a year without a phone?  Thats a diff story, good luck w/ that
No point of seeing how your life would be without it unless you are looking to cut costs and you are SERIOUSLY struggling. Pointless thing to see if you ask me. Will do more harm than help.
No point of seeing how your life would be without it unless you are looking to cut costs and you are SERIOUSLY struggling. Pointless thing to see if you ask me. Will do more harm than help.
Hey man if YOU feel that this is something you want/need to do for yourself then go for it.When I didn't have this #$+% it was pure freedom for me.
Hey man if YOU feel that this is something you want/need to do for yourself then go for it.When I didn't have this #$+% it was pure freedom for me.
Originally Posted by Dynamics82

Originally Posted by hella handsome

why live without a cell phone?

why not have a cell and not give your number out to everyone? you never know what kind of emergencies may come up and you just may need a cell.


i hate when people say this like cell phones always existed

There also used to be payphones on every corner too. 
Originally Posted by Dynamics82

Originally Posted by hella handsome

why live without a cell phone?

why not have a cell and not give your number out to everyone? you never know what kind of emergencies may come up and you just may need a cell.


i hate when people say this like cell phones always existed

There also used to be payphones on every corner too. 
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