My greatest jordan story

there are a lot of dynamics in this tale that have shakesperian overtones... Greed, Decit, Anger, Death, Tragedy and Confusion....perfectly crystalized by thereceipt of a pair of stealth fusion 20's.....let me be the first to say that this is a great story. great in it's overall sadness. remember class,great does not have to equate to good. for example, the loss of his grandfather is a great loss. not a good loss, but a great loss. finally to the OP, if yourstory is true, cherish the fusions and the significance of how they came into your possession. learn from all the mistakes made that led up to your possession,the lying, the anger, the molestation, and the death. learn from it all to be a better man in your own journey. later.
Originally Posted by kly13

I just read someones post about a certain pair of sneakers and their story behind them. Mine is about the Jordan XX stealth.
Growing up (loving jordans) my grandfather and i hadnt had a close relationship, because my mom wouldnt let me. He only had few times where we could be together a year and one day back about 3-4 years ago my grandfather took me to the mall, we were in a footlocker and there i seen the jordan xx stealth on the sale rack for $80 and then i thought they were the greatest shoe ever. I begged him to get me them. he told me no and carried on to all the people in the store how he goes to k-mart and buys his sneakers for 7 dollars. i was furious. i had a 20 dollar gift card to that store and i bought my self some green chucks. I was furious. Later that year my mother told me why she didnt want me with my grandfather and i was heartbroken ( a personal reason). i always wanted to know why she wouldnt let me near him and wouldnt let me get a close relationship with him, i then knew why. I wouldnt talk to him after that. I seen him Twice since 3 years ago and on those occasions i went off on him about what i knew. He called me repeadedly trying to get a hold of me i didnt want nothing to do with him. One day i came home from school (november '08) grabbed the mail seen my name opened it and come to find out it was from him. He apologized to me and stuff begging me to forgive him. I wrote him back with some unpleasent words and i also added in how he was too cheap to get me the "jordans" i wanted, by the way he knew nothing about sneakers and only knew they were jjordans i knwo he didnt even know what they looked like being that i never showed him the shoe i asked if hed get me and 80 dollar shoe. I got a package in the mail on December 21st 2009, inside was a size 10 1/2 pair of fusion 20's stealth colorway with a letter with in big letter sayin I LOVE YOU I AM SORRY. My mom told me two days later she got a phone call, he hung himself. These might be the cheapest sneaker i have going for about 90 dollars in stores but these are the most meaningful sneakers i have. It was a very weird cooincidence that he got me the fusion 20s when i wanted the 20s 3 years back. Let me Know what You think about my story!!!
Originally Posted by Jhon

wow, your a terrible person, really you are.

EDIT: Sorry to be so blunt, but *****ing at your grandfather over sneakers? Saying unpleasent words to your grandfather even after he had asked for your forgiveness. thats sad really, i mean i feel bad for your loss but come one dude.
word man.

i really don't know how to feel about this story.
i thought getting the ds wht/maroon/grey xiii for $30 at oshmans was one of my best jordan stories. they had a fsr in these and the wheat xiii all for $30each. i couldnt believe my eyes. i think that first guys story is going to give people nightmares.
What is this story really about. Your horrible relationship with your grand-father or your tantrum in footlocker. Green chucks
Thanks for sharing. I'm sorry for your loss.

I don't know why everyone is jumping on you for sharing such a personal story, especially considering that they don't know the reason why your motherdidn't want you to have a relationship with your grandfather. I really can't believe how many NTers are so judgmental.
Originally Posted by inglewooood

Wow. really?? this is iss status! we all have stories. do we all post them? NO! this forum is done thanks to people like u OP and Riker.

naw man you got it all wrong, its people like you who ruined this forum, all i ever see you post is useless stuff, always trying to start trouble with someoneor just trying to be a mini-mod, just stop please!
Dude .... whats **#$ing wrong with you? That is the worst story I have EVER heard,.... You really need you a## kicked.....really... I award you no points, andmay God have mercy on your soul.....what a D BAG
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