NT fambs....my own brother got me. For 10 Deadstock pairs of sneakers...what do I do? *update page 6

My housemate be in situations like this.

Not as drastic as yours but everytime he can't find a pair of kicks or hat, he's pretty sure his lil bro took em.

I don't understand how that slides, off rip my bro knows if he needs something I got him

but if he steals he'd get his top knocked off, not even by me but my moms
also courtroom doesn't really go for hypebeast prices. Most you could sue him for is msrp, assuming you had evidence he was the one that stole them. Good luck
2 choices call the cops and probably nothing will happen or
You take his **** equal to what he took from you or take your stuff back if he still has it and beat his ***
Bro, we're riding a similar boat.

I wanted to whoop my younger brothers *** so many times for being a burden to everyone in my family. I have several other siblings and no one else in my family has pissed me off as much as this guy. I don't think he's ever stole from me yet, (I'm waiting on that day and he's cut from my life for good), but he guilt tripped and took my lil sis' financial aid money and life savings, never paid a cent back. On top of that, every other day a request for money would come out of his mouth, including owing other people money that I had to save his *** from too many damn times. I could go further, but my situation is not as deep-cutting as yours. My older brother tried to sit down and talk with him, but he wasn't having it and it ended up getting physical. The dumb *** still hasn't learned a thing.

I know exactly how you feel about lending him an *** whooping. Just hope for the best, find a way to corner this guy with everyone in your family in the room. Don't let him leave. Make him suffer, not physically but emotionally. Instill some logic in him, if that doesn't work, then do what is in your hearts.
Mann.. I had a similar situation happen recently..

Except it wasn't my sibling... It was my wife's sister who stole from me..

We all met up at my mother in laws crib cause it was her sisters birthday and her other sister was acting a damn fool and ruined the whole day so my wife invited her back to our place to chill for a bit.
I had some Vicodin that had been prescribed to me cause I had my wisdom teeth pulled and didn't end up taking it cause I had a bad reaction.

Basically she just went and took some. I asked her about and she denied when I knew that there was 13-15 pills in there and when i checked there were only 7.

She does have a drug problem. The same day she stole pills from her other sister who has ADD.. And we're prty sure she stole some diamond earrings from her mom.

I don't really care about the pills but I was just heated at the fact that she was invited into my home and stole from me.
I don't play that ****.

Honestly.. If she was some random female.. I prolly wouda smacked her.. But since she's my wife's sister I let it slide.
But she's never coming in my crib again.
Sorry to hear about this dog. I would be furious if that happened to me. I know it took many of years for you to hold on to those sneakers and then 1 day all gone SMH. To me it sounds like you have all the resources you need to handle the situation. You have 3 other brothers that know about this? Yall need to collaborate a plan to find out what happen to your stuff first. Then make him understand what he did was wrong. Ruff him up a little then get him some help. Sounds like you have a pretty nice size family. Just come together and help dude. Has he stolen from any of your other brothers? If so what was the outcome? And I wish you the best man with this. I know youll do whats right.
It's better u teach him this lesson as a brother then someone else who will just kill him got stealing from then.
I wouldn't be too concerned about the money but then again, I probably don't value money as much as I should.

I would be too worried about long term implications that it would have on his life if I got him arrested for robbing me, having that on his record when he's looking for jobs down the line would probably make it really difficult to find one. 

I don't know, complicated situation. You can't do nothing either, you would be enabling him and funding his drug habit, on top of you personally taking a loss.

I'd probably just confront him as a brother. Confront him about stealing, ask him if he's been doing drugs, and everything else. Get physical if it gets there. If it doesn't work out then tell him you'll be calling the cops if he ever steals anything from you again. Then protect your assets with locks and call the cops if he does it again. That's probably what I'd do atleast. It'd rest easier on my conscience knowing that I gave him fair warning.
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Throughout my whole life I have been got for maybe $800 in sneakers (Not all at once) and it felt terrible. You should've just beat his *** when he took the $600. You'll get through this tho. How many sneakers do you have. I hope that wasnt the bulk of your collection or something.
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My old lady's brother was addicted to heroin/pain killers and he would steal from her mother incessantly. Art, jewels, cash, etc. He lived with us and tried doing all that. Even stole from a four year olds piggybank. She refused to allow me to put hands on him and elected not to press charges on him. I left her after her brother stole her credit card and racked up $10K+. He would call me when he was in tight spots from stealing from his family and the drugs wore off. The reality was too much for him to take. He continued to steal until robbing both sisters and she was forced to press charges. Plead guilty to 50 or so felony charges. Only did a year and change though.

I'm sure he is back to his old tricks.

Don't take the addiction aspect too lightly. That stuff ruins families and relationships.
Sad to hear stories like this, but it's the reality of being around people on drugs.

The police probably won't be able to do much for you except put him in jail for a short period (maybe). I doubt you'll see any money from him anytime soon.

I hope for everyone's sake that you and all your brothers freeze him out indefinitely. It's not worth dealing with him unless he's eventually clean with a family, holds a real job, and apologizes/tries to pay you at least partially back. Maybe it could be a contributing factor to him one day turning his life around.

Most heavy drug users are sadly a waste of space that cause massive amounts of unnecessary stress. Even if he starts to get help, he will probably relapse. I hope he truly has a need to get clean one day, I'm sure your mom will do everything she can to help.

This also isn't to say that society as a whole shouldn't devote large amounts of resources to help empower drug users to get clean. However, when you're severely burned by a drugged out sibling, it's very unlikely it will ever do you any good maintaining a relationship.
if you think sending him to jail will help.. it will prolly make his situation worse. I have a record and tried to do good for years but I still can't get a job with my credentials. I stayed strong and started a business so I'm good now.  Unfortunately my boy couldn't handle the struggle of rejection and is doing a 10 year bid. Think twice before you snitch on your family.

Having any criminal conviction on your record is pretty much the same as being a felon these days. Even if its a misdemeanor.
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if you think sending him to jail will help.. it will prolly make his situation worse. I have a record and tried to do good for years but I still can't get a job with my credentials. I stayed strong and started a business so I'm good now.  Unfortunately my boy couldn't handle the struggle of rejection and is doing a 10 year bid. Think twice before you snitch on your family.

Having any criminal conviction on your record is pretty much the same as being a felon these days. Even if its a misdemeanor.

Damn, when you put it like that. It makes it hard to put a permanent scar on someones life.

Only thing left to do is find him...

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You don't call the cops on your brother.

He's your little brother you should've never let it go this far honestly.

You give him the hands nd help him get his **** together.
I can relate but I would never call the cops on my brother.

I'd beat the **** out of him and then try and help him overcome his problem lol
Of course its never that easy cause they never want your help but u can't just give up on him
I dunno about you dudes but beating the **** out of Fam isn't easy. Also it's not hard to beat someone's *** an ooops......."hey man stop playin, wake up!"
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The bible says thou shall not steal tho and he should repay you 5x back or become your slave.
if you think sending him to jail will help.. it will prolly make his situation worse. I have a record and tried to do good for years but I still can't get a job with my credentials. I stayed strong and started a business so I'm good now.  Unfortunately my boy couldn't handle the struggle of rejection and is doing a 10 year bid. Think twice before you snitch on your family.

Having any criminal conviction on your record is pretty much the same as being a felon these days. Even if its a misdemeanor.

This. Although from my experience it depends on what career path you take. I have a friend with a misdemeanor theft who could never get a job. Eventually he met the right people and does very well for himself as a welder. I know a guy with 6 misdemeanor charges. I can't remember all the charges but I know there are drug charges and one misdemeanor theft and he is an accountant now. Didnt take him long to get a good job out of college(after he decided to get his life together) but he did pay for good grades (buying hw assignments and such). Though I have had my run ins with the law and it still affects me to this day I know I am close to overcoming it.

But either way criminal records ruin lives and its why I could never snitch even tho I was never gangsta.
I dunno about you dudes but beating the **** out of Fam isn't easy. Also it's not hard to beat someone's *** an ooops......."hey man stop playin, wake up!"

Nobody said put him in a coma

But I've put the hands on fam you can make your point without putting homie in the ICU.

Just the way I was brought up I guess my uncles have had full on brawls as grown *** men but that's how some things go. You squash it after that and it's all good.
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