So Will You Teach Your Son That There Is NEVER A ReasoN For Him EVER To.....

the only time that i would advise on hitting a woman if it has to come down to that delineation would be if she attacked my kids in anyway shape or form, in any state, balls all the way thru ... otherwise dont hit anyone. violence isnt going to get the results long term to solve a situation it only harbors resentment.

me im cool, my kids and im +!$#*@ you up 8 ways from left ...
Originally Posted by SShanique

I will teach my son never to hit a woman and not to fight his sister.
i dont hit my sister but i can ++!% with her emotions at the drop of a hat ... which is worse? forcing him to learn how to attack out of self defense isnt correct either ... its bad all around id like to be more altruistic but man sometimes its hard.
Originally Posted by HOVKid

Of course.  Except he has a bigger sister who I am relatively sure will be handing out beat downs
my sister is 5 years older than me and she had the same mind set until i awarded her with her first swollen lip


Originally Posted by JediMaster23

I would never hit a woman out of spite, but if im attacked then its on,real talk
If a female hits a man she can get hit right back, Iwould beat a woman just like a man if needed.
I would teach myson the same.
PS, if she is my GF orwife and she hits me shewould prolly just get smacked back.
But a random chick gettinamp, its a fight.
you would beat a woman like a man?you'd smack your wife or your girlfriend?
your mother shouldhave off'ed you when she had thechance.

i know i would...don't you believe in equality amongst the sexes?
I will teach my son to be a gentleman, and how to treat a lady, but for those @#@%#+% that get out of line and do unladylike things, the choice is up to him on how he handles that. My hopes is that he handles that with a right hook followed by a quick jog to avoid the penitentiary.  
ima teach him what i was taught, if a girl feels she wants to put her hands on you, the you jab her thighs up, till she gets the point. If she wont stop starting drama, on to the next one
Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

Originally Posted by JediMaster23

I would never hit a woman out of spite, but if im attacked then its on, real talk
If a female hits a man she can get hit right back, I would beat a woman just like a man if needed.
I would teach my son the same.
PS, if she is my GF orwife and she hits me she would prolly just get smacked back.
But a random chick gettin amp, its a fight.
you would beat a woman like a man? you'd smack your wife or your girlfriend?
your mother should have off'ed you when she had the chance.
You believe you are either inferior or superior to others due to gender? You should either off yourself for being so weak minded , or get beat back into the real world. It's as simple as keep your hands to yourself, if you think because of lack of a penis you are entitled to do as you want with no repercussions then I question your upbringing and mental state.
Originally Posted by Wade187

I will teach my son to be a gentleman, and how to treat a lady, but for those @#@%#+% that get out of line and do unladylike things, the choice is up to him on how he handles that. My hopes is that he handles that with a right hook followed by a quick jog to avoid the penitentiary.  
so i will teach my son that there is NEVER a reason for him to EVER EVER EVER.....

be weak in the face of oppurtunity....

Originally Posted by SShanique

I will teach my son never to hit a woman and not to fight his sister.

Will you teach your daughter to never hit a man or her brother? I know you will avoid this question
Originally Posted by HOVKid

Of course.  Except he has a bigger sister who I am relatively sure will be handing out beat downs.

My son is only a month old and my daughter is just about two.  My daughter will be hanging out with a kid at a b-day party or whatever playing and she'll out of no-where just push the kid over (boy, girl, sometimes even kids older than her).

We had to do like a month of teaching my daughter not to hit.  She has chilled out now.

my niece is like 4 and still loves fightin, we got her a boxing glove and a punching bag. i think it's pretty hilarious.
Originally Posted by KingofIlladelph

Originally Posted by l Knicks Fresh Knick l

yes sir, aint no way this should/will happen if you have the right convo's about this with your child.

and I hope they NEVER legalize gay marriges, that will "open" that window for the oppurtunity..


That had nothing to do with the topic.

@ random homosexual hatred
My father (who I no longer see or speak with) hit my mom because he was a very angry individual to put it lightly..he was a womanizer too..he used women to get what he wanted..

I will never hit a woman no matter what the reason will b because I saw how it affected my mom so no son of mine or daughter will strike a woman..or man for the latter..
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