So Will You Teach Your Son That There Is NEVER A ReasoN For Him EVER To.....

Originally Posted by Kim1

Originally Posted by AF1 Beast

I don't like this double standard.
Females should be taught to never hit a guy either.
If you can give them out, you better be able to receive them.
Which is what my dad taught me
When you hit someone always expect them to hit back, man or woman.
Don't throw hits first just because they're not "supposed" to retaliate
I like that logic and would agree.

I've never hit or been in a situation where I've thought about striking a woman, but I would never just let her attack me and just stand there.

I'd teach my son about right and wrong, and trust that I've raised him with proper judgment for life's gray areas.  If I felt legitimately in danger and I couldn't just walk away, I wouldn't feel guilty to give her a Jay-Z mush to the face or whatever was necessary to make her stop.
mytmouse76 wrote:
you keep bringing up all this extra stuff about cars and grits and what not...if it gets to that point where you think shorty could really thrown grits on you or hit you with a car then maybe you should leave the situation if not the female all together...i'm not saying its ok for her to do that stuff to you but you can only control yourself and 10 times out of 9 YOU will be the one to get in trouble regardless what she did...

   There Is NEVER A ReasoN For Him EVER

Thats why i am bringing up different scenarios. Because it was said never ever. And again like i said ppl (the sheeps) say its wrong because their programmer inputed the info that it is wrong. Proof... Ppl keep saying oh you just not suppose to, its an unwritten rule etc so on and so forth b.s.

They have no validity or reasoning for they belief, cause in all honesty they dont even know why they believe its wrong. Its just is what it is. Same for many other everyday aspects of life. Aka wearing a suit and tie means your professional/intelligent, wearing white after labor is wrong, domesticated animals should be placed on a hire status then animals of the wild or animals we use for food/clothing.

This thread reminds me of those apple jack commercials. All the kids love the cereal, cant tell you nothing about the cereal, doesnt taste anything like apples, and have no reason why they eat it. Other then simply put "we like it, just cause we just do" No one can honestly tell me why striking a woman other then what a certain group of ppl said it was wrong yrs ago. Everyone started agreeing with it, was conditioned to it, raised to believe it, so that makes it right.

By that logic, racial discrimination,gay bashing etc should be right/oked so as long a vast majority of ppl say its ok, and if your parents say its ok.

I still stand by this until someone can provide an absolute truth behind this thought. Like you drink water because it is essential for humans to substain life. Thats not a belief, a opinion, a perpetuated belief by a certain race/groups of ppl. It is simply a unquestionable fact.
Originally Posted by LDJ
I'm gonna try my best cuz i should be sleep...smh

domesticated animals should be placed on a hire status then animals of the wild or animals we use for food/clothing.
thats cultural...nothing to do with right or wrong...if a worm is sacred in Kansas than thats what it is in Kansas...culture

the white after labor day is just a fashion rule which doesn't really mean much unless you're into fashion

By that logic, racial discrimination,gay bashing etc should be right/oked so as long a vast majority of ppl say its ok, and if your parents say its ok.
  not the same is DISCRIMINATION equivalent to NOT hitting someone?

again...if shorty is getting that point you need to remove yourself from that most you grab her arms/mush her but to beat on a woman? c'mon....there's more for me to say i might come back when i wake up...i cant quote from my phone tho so maybe not
Originally Posted by LDJ

mytmouse76 wrote:
you keep bringing up all this extra stuff about cars and grits and what not...if it gets to that point where you think shorty could really thrown grits on you or hit you with a car then maybe you should leave the situation if not the female all together...i'm not saying its ok for her to do that stuff to you but you can only control yourself and 10 times out of 9 YOU will be the one to get in trouble regardless what she did...

   There Is NEVER A ReasoN For Him EVER

Thats why i am bringing up different scenarios. Because it was said never ever. And again like i said ppl (the sheeps) say its wrong because their programmer inputed the info that it is wrong. Proof... Ppl keep saying oh you just not suppose to, its an unwritten rule etc so on and so forth b.s.

They have no validity or reasoning for they belief, cause in all honesty they dont even know why they believe its wrong. Its just is what it is. Same for many other everyday aspects of life. Aka wearing a suit and tie means your professional/intelligent, wearing white after labor is wrong, domesticated animals should be placed on a hire status then animals of the wild or animals we use for food/clothing.

I'll tell him not to because of the stigma that it carries. But this stuff about you should never ever hit a woman is sorta off.

Because what if she is mistreating a child? What if she had another man up in your house when you're working? Everybody has a breaking point. And some women play on their untouchable card.

I know we are programmed to say never but sometimes people deserve to get slapped,hit,shaken etc.

I wouldnt do it because I' not trying to go to jail or carry a stigma for the rest of my life.
If she is trying to do serious bodily harm to him then He will be instructed to walk away if He can and defend himself when He must.
You know what they say, "There's no reason to ever hit a woman." %@##! There's a reason to hit everybody. You just don't do it. %@##, there's a reason to kick an old man down a flight of stairs. You just don't do it. Ain't nobody above an %##-whooping.
-Chris Rock
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by LDJ
I'm gonna try my best cuz i should be sleep...smh

domesticated animals should be placed on a hire status then animals of the wild or animals we use for food/clothing.
thats cultural...nothing to do with right or wrong...if a worm is sacred in Kansas than thats what it is in Kansas...culture

the white after labor day is just a fashion rule which doesn't really mean much unless you're into fashion

By that logic, racial discrimination,gay bashing etc should be right/oked so as long a vast majority of ppl say its ok, and if your parents say its ok.
  not the same is DISCRIMINATION equivalent to NOT hitting someone?

again...if shorty is getting that point you need to remove yourself from that most you grab her arms/mush her but to beat on a woman? c'mon....there's more for me to say i might come back when i wake up...i cant quote from my phone tho so maybe not

Like you said its cultural differences, which is exactly my point. Not striking a woman is a cultural bias created by a certain group of ppl. Whose to say its right/wrong. Just as slavery was a cultural thing. Did it make it ok? Was it right just because the general census said it was so? Same goes for wearing a suit and tie to a interview/business setting. Does wearing a tweed blazer make you more of an adequate employee then the man who comes in with khakis and dickies? So i own my own business(quite successfull i might add). Yet because i didnt conform to cultural beliefs it was hard for me to stay employed in the corporate world. So they deemed me as unprofessional and not good in a business setting. Yet 8 yrs later, Ive done pretty damn good. And i dont water cool talk shine and buck, and black-face tap dance for those ppl.  Or as some of the asians have put it conform and adapt to the ways of the majority culturally.

I mentioned all that because culturally i am seen wrong. And even tho i own my own business, most wouldnt even hire me to work as a janitor in the corporate world because i dont follow suit and seem as wrong. But obviously that is not true because ive made it regardless.

All these examples are showing how ppl follow suit, have a belief system in something just because it is the general census of the majority people cultural beliefs. And if it does not conform and fit into what they believe is right, it is wrong.

Discrimination. I brought that up because there both deemed as wrong. But are they truly wrong? Like i said there is no right and wrong. Its peoples views and opinions about a subject, and if it is approved by the general census then it is said to be right. Who is this general census? Sorry im using some of my psych studies reasoning. 

What i want you to do is look up the def. of right,wrong, and the def of fact. Then look at the whole situation about not hitting a woman.

Originally Posted by Kim1

Originally Posted by AF1 Beast

I don't like this double standard.
Females should be taught to never hit a guy either.
If you can give them out, you better be able to receive them.
Which is what my dad taught me
When you hit someone always expect them to hit back, man or woman.
Don't throw hits first just because they're not "supposed" to retaliate
Wise words from your father. I agree with him as well.

LDJ, wise words in here. People don't know or even question half of the things they do. You brought up some good examples and I think we even had a discussion about the taking the hat off in the building issue before.

Off topic, I was going to church with a friend a few weeks back and as I walk in the FRONT door, one of the ushers "motioned" for me to take my hat off. I wanted to tell him a few words but I just ignored him and walked to my seat and then took it off, as I was going to do in the first place. Just bothered me because I wasn't even 5 steps into the building coming out of 20 degree weather.
Originally Posted by rocksfan25

When he's young, I'd say no to hitting a female under pretty much any circumstance. As he got older I'd hope he'd develop the common sense to know the correct situation to strike a female. Jail time is not joke and females are always favoured in court. When he's younger he may not go to jail but it'd still badly damage his reputation and develop bad habits. He shouldn't be hitting anyone unless he has to but there are situations where young men shouldn't be afraid to get in a fight. Times are changing, guys have to watch out, from group attacks and weapons being used to the feminization of society (large consequences). But there are still situations, such as bullying, where a guy shouldn't be afraid to throw a punch, but run away as fast as he can if it is a girl confronting him.
Yea but the thing is USUALLY kids stick to what they are initially taught when it comes to the opposite sex. Which is the reason why so many dudes put females on a pedestal throughout their ENTIRE lives because of the indirect conditioning they receive from their mothers. Mothers involuntarily (or intentionally depending on how you view it) force their boys to believe that they ALWAYS have to have a woman around and as a result they will jump through flying windows for females.

So I say if you teach the boy that as a boy, he will always believe that for the most part. Will be hard to un-brainwash him.
DCAllAmerican wrote:
Kim1 wrote:
AF1 Beast wrote:
I don't like this double standard.
Females should be taught to never hit a guy either.
If you can give them out, you better be able to receive them.
Which is what my dad taught me
When you hit someone always expect them to hit back, man or woman.
Don't throw hits first just because they're not "supposed" to retaliate

Wise words from your father. I agree with him as well.

LDJ, wise words in here. People don't know or even question half of the things they do. You brought up some good examples and I think we even had a discussion about the taking the hat off in the building issue before.

Off topic, I was going to church with a friend a few weeks back and as I walk in the FRONT door, one of the ushers "motioned" for me to take my hat off. I wanted to tell him a few words but I just ignored him and walked to my seat and then took it off, as I was going to do in the first place. Just bothered me because I wasn't even 5 steps into the building coming out of 20 degree weather.

I now work with gbhc which is georgia better health care. I direct/manage/bill medicaid,social security,on the job injuries etc. Alot of times i would almost be a shoe in for a job, thats until they saw me with my tall statue, my dark skin, at the time my dreads/braids and my rick ross looking beard. Then it was a litany of excuses of why i wasnt hired. I tested this bias, by my baby mother who is white. I had her apply for certain jobs. She had little to no experience, and didnt have post education. Yet still would get the job offers.

So its safe to say racial discrimination, mixed with a lil cultural biases was the merits i didnt uptain employment. I even recently applied for a job to do medical coding and billing from the georgia career center, which i was granted an opportunity for a interview. I went in with levis, some nike blazers etc typical streetwear. Needless to say they felt i wasnt qualified. Ironically i own my own company doing the same thing. So how can i not work/suceed at a job, that i currently make 6 figures owning a business doing? I still got white folks stumped on that one.

I made the decision long ago to take the road less traveled. As i could not see myself living my life under the thumb, of what the masses say i should live my life. Why because it is MY LIFE. Not theirs. Like i tell my kids anyone can follow suit do what everyone else does. Thats why you got 90% of americans doing a cookie cutter,monotonous life, 9-5, working following the beat of another mans drum. The other mans drum is the 10% that i am in.

I understand there should be rules regulations and parameters for civilization to exist. But why is it set by a certain group of ppl? A group of ppl who as history has proven, pretty much have been the detriment and downfall of our society as a whole.

I propose this question. Whats the difference between a dopeboy/trapper and a pharmacist? A post-secondary education. And the fact that a certain group of individuals say it is wrong. Both provide/distribute chemical man-made controlled substances. Eckerds can give out vicodin etc to a patient(user) and if they od etc then its ok. But raheem does the same thing with a crack rock and a user(patient) od he is getting fed time. Its not like raheem made the person a addict, nor is it his fault the user becomes a addict, overdoses and dies. Same as the dr who prescribe the oxy-cotton didnt make the patient a addict,who overdoses and dies.

So why is one gonna get life in prison, and the other gets off on a technicality aka a disclaimer. If thats the case it should be ok for raheem to sell dope so as long as he puts a warning label on the crack baggies.

I could go on and on with examples of these so called right aka white and wrong way of things, but like i said the mass majorities are sheep preprogrammed drones destined to live they life as suited by certain group/individuals.
Hell no, I'd tell him if a B (like you) gets all up in his grits, then you have all right so smack the cuchifritos outta her mouth

Then I'ma teach him the correct way to do this so it leaves no brusing/cuts
If a chick is about to inflict some real harm or has hurt you do what you have to do. If she is just talking don't lay your hands on her to just shut her up.

I don't agree with anybody putting there hands on another person though. To me all bets are off once that barrier of "I want to hurt you and I'm going to do it this way" mindset has been activated from either party.
DCAllAmerican wrote:
Kim1 wrote:
AF1 Beast wrote:
I don't like this double standard.
Females should be taught to never hit a guy either.
If you can give them out, you better be able to receive them.
Which is what my dad taught me
When you hit someone always expect them to hit back, man or woman.
Don't throw hits first just because they're not "supposed" to retaliate

Wise words from your father. I agree with him as well.

LDJ, wise words in here. People don't know or even question half of the things they do. You brought up some good examples and I think we even had a discussion about the taking the hat off in the building issue before.

Off topic, I was going to church with a friend a few weeks back and as I walk in the FRONT door, one of the ushers "motioned" for me to take my hat off. I wanted to tell him a few words but I just ignored him and walked to my seat and then took it off, as I was going to do in the first place. Just bothered me because I wasn't even 5 steps into the building coming out of 20 degree weather.

On the church comment. First off organized religion is b.s. And the whole concept as a whole was used to suppress and control the masses. Its such a hypocrisy to the actual religion it aint even funny. Ppl know this yet, because the masses(funny how masses is pretty close to massas) program you not to question it for the most part ppl dont. I would post things that common organize religion practice, and how it directly contradicts the teachings of God. But again like i said cant teach an old dog new tricks.

Again like i said the mind is like a blank cd, it only holds knows the information that is programmed on it. Example if i write on the outside of a cd, rap mixes, but record nuttin but country and rock on it. The cd doesnt no it should be a rap mix cd, it only knows what it is programmed to read/play. This theory is the vast majority of ppl mindsets. 

Whether i change what the label/writing on the cd says, the programed info on the cd remains the same. And thus even tho what the label says contridicts what is actually programmed on the cd. It doesnt have its own concious,independent thoughts. So it only knows what it is told and dont see the contridiction.
Well played mass majority, well played indeed. Checkmate, they have well accomplished what the set to do.
LDJ your hang up doesn't seem to be the rules but the fact that you think white people made the rules...
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