Spanking Children? Right or Wrong?

What's the alternative punishment that would stop her behavior from happening in the future?

At this point, taking devices/toys/Wifi.

At a certain point, the beatings ain't going to work.

But there is no full proof, one-sized fits all way to discipline.

Different things work for different kids.

I just say to be sure you aren't (indirectly) teaching your child to use FORCE when things aren't going their way.
Uhhhh ima have to respectfully disagree
How hard of a beating are we talking here? Even when my dad tried to straight up terrorize me as punishment, over time I just saw it as easy. Pain and terror is nothing but my mom would take away my toys and later computer, gameboy, console, phone, ... for hours or days.
If I can just get slapped around for a bit and go on with my day, sign me up.
Yea, a beating lasts for a few tens of seconds (If that).

I damn sure would rather take THAT than have my stuff taken from me.

My father used to give me whoopings but the most "memorable" punishment was when he took my PS1 for 9 months. :lol:
Yea, a beating lasts for a few tens of seconds (If that).

I damn sure would rather take THAT than have my stuff taken from me.

My father used to give me whoopings but the most "memorable" punishment was when he took my PS1 for 9 months. :lol:
NINE months? :rofl:
Yeah I would've been the best child my parents could've wished for if I ever got that as a punishment, that's wild. I didn't step out of line much but the most I got was 2 weeks with all my toys/devices taken away and it was dreadful.
Yea, my father used to take my games for a few days etc. BUt he would always get soft and end up giving them back to me.

He realized that and took my PS1 to my uncle (his brother's) house and told him to hold it.

He lived kinda far and just refused to go get it back.

By that time, PS2 was coming out. :smh:

I don't even remember what I did. :lol:
son is 10. still haven’t physically punished him. he’s well-mannered and socially mature. daughter is almost 3. no physical punishment. she kinda sassy at times. responds well to being spoken to.

not sure what i’d do if my kids were wild - like some co-worker’s kids. this one boy opened up one of my kaws toys and lost a piece. his mom offered to pay for a new one and told her it was very expensive, just tell him don’t touch my things. ended up giving it to a friend here on NT. couldn’t stand looking at it (tweety - missing the “hair” on top the head). same kid used a screwdriver to gouge a hole through the top of a file cabinet (it was rusted).
Only terrible parents resort to this
so we all had terrible parents?

im not pro beating in the future with my baby girl . honestly curious what other parents have to say.
it worked well with me as a child as i got older they didn't use violence as a punishment though.
I rarely got in trouble much because I wasnt generally a trouble maker and when I was afoul I was clever at not getting caught, but also I am/was too strong for that to work. It didnt really hurt and for you to make it hurt would have to cross over into call C.P.S take the kid away level abuse.

My 2 yr old or my 6 yr old at worst get their feelings hurt for a second if I'm stern with them about something I usually told them multiple times but even still I dont yell. And I don't mind explaining things to my 6 yr old, some people feel like reasoning or saying please to your kids puts you at less of an authority and just be like cause I said so now what, but when I say please I am not begging her, it is how I generally interact with everyone and I am trying to impart that on them
My dad spanked me one time and I remember him crying while he did it. I remember him explaining why it had to happen and that if I acted right it wouldn’t have to happen again. Never had to do it again tbh.

My mom on the other hand after they divorced grounded me and took stuff away.. sucked. Bad.

Both ways work when done correctly and when explained / taught how to avoid, IMO.. one just gets a bad wrap cause people get too damn carried away and border abuse with it.
Beatings only teach your children violence is the solution to all of their problems.
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Whoopings definitely kept me in line and from even thinking about trying a lot of things. I believe each situation independently depends on the child's response.
Nowadays there are so many peer-reviewed studies linking physical punishment of young children to various potential developmental issues.
Not in every child of course, most will be fine, but I don’t think it’s even a question at this point that violence as punishment is bad and potentially harmful to young children’s cognitive development.
I have a 12 year old and I have to say when she was little I was a very strict parent. She had a bed routine and was in bed at the same time every single day. Also I took her everywhere with me. I have to believe she was so independent and well behaved because I spent a lot of time with her and included her in everything i did. I used to take her to the mall to walk around and out to eat so she would know how to behave out. There was probably times where she didn't want to listen or be bad and maybe i "spanked" not hard but enough to grab her attention. Anytime she went anywhere i would always get the same feedback that she was the most polite and well behaved child. She is now 12 and taller than me and i joke with her that i will still beat her *** if she gets disrespectful. and believe me she tries but she knows know that now at her age i wouldn't beat her. Punishing her is taking her phone and internet away. I'm pretty lucky she is still a great kid and i truly believe its about how you raise your kids. They are just tiny humans at the end of the day. I now have a 6 month old and i will raise her the same as her sister but her dad is softy and will probably let her get away with a lot and ill have to be the bad guy which i have no trouble being because i refuse to raise ******* children.
Yea, a beating lasts for a few tens of seconds (If that).

I damn sure would rather take THAT than have my stuff taken from me.

My father used to give me whoopings but the most "memorable" punishment was when he took my PS1 for 9 months. :lol:

Yeah, my pops was former Military in a 3rd world country(Philippines), so beatings were regular for me. And honestly, none were really too memorable.

But one time I stole and this dude cancelled cablevision for like 4months during the peak of the Monday Night Wars. And I can still remember how pissed I was then as everybody talked about all the events going on and I was the odd man out in the lunchroom:lol:
I'm the oldest of four (3 boys girl). My sister (2nd oldest) was a "goody 2 shoes". My parents tried to spank once and both times my parents came out injured. Somehow my mom hit herself in the face with the belt and ended up with a huge welp across her face. My dad managed to hit himself in the nuts with the belt buckle. My sister didn't need spanking all my parents had to say was they were disappointed in her and she would fall out.

My two younger brother's got beat on a weekly basis. They were 2 years apart and they were beat in pairs no matter who of the two actually did something. They earned whopping credits. My parents didn't spank us when they were angry or in the mood, they would wait until later. So you knew you were owed a spanking but you never knew when they would cash it in. My dad never went into the a new year owing a spanking. New Years eve, we always prayed as a family and if any whopping were owed they would be paid out after the family prayer.

I got spanking mostly for grades, which was every 6 weeks. Got beat once because I lied and told my dad I hadn't gotten my report card which I knew had bad grades. My dad goes through my backpack and finds my report card while I was in the tub, comes in with an electric card and wears me out. Hitting me everywhere but my face. I wake up the next morning with welts all over my body. I was shorts and short sleeve weather, but I went to school in a long sleeve denim shirt and denim pants.

Some kids need to be touched, but I believe that should be the very last resort.

Sometimes I would ride home with my friend and dad from school. His dad would ask him how was his day and my friend would tell his dad about his whole day they would talk it through. One time he told his dad he got in trouble and his name was written on the board. In my house that was a spanking. He explained to his dad what happened and they came to an agreement on how to keep his name off the board.

I thing spanking is replaced for lack of parenting.
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