Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

I've been atheist since I was 14. I was in the closet about it and attended church forcefully until I was twenty one, so I have seen on how religion can be polluted with illogical hypocrisy. My gripe is with theists who discredit the big bang or any scientific data. Like if you don't believe what science tells us, the beauty of it is, YOU CAN DO IT YOURSELF AND GET THE ANSWERS. there is physical and visual proof of the big bang occurring. The proof is written in space-time. Pick up telescope and study and comprehend what you're looking at and the answers are there. There is no proof to support a god, never has been. These popular religions base all their beliefs on a fairy tale book which has been altered to fit society.

On another note, how is the King James bible gonna condemn homosexuality when King James was in love with his male cousin?

Peace to Ska for shaking those mental shacklea
warrior on it warrior on it

I def agree with your train of thought, but the Big Bang is just a theory. It may not seem like a big deal but the concept of a explosion being the basis for reality is something that's set us back.
Yo I got some literature on stuff like that if you're genuinely interested.

Not trying to offend anyone but the bible was constructed with the premise of keeping people blind deaf dumb. Hence pushing for knowledge to be the original sin. The snake is nothing too fear but rather revere.

And question, how can a snake be the devil but yet be used as a miracle in the exodus narrative?

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I am.
My answer to that (and I'm not going to act like I KNOW this is the answer) would be this...

God didn't create sex with the idea that it should be created through the rectum. The anus is literally not constructed to have an erect penis go through it...if you compare a vagina vs an anus, you'll realize a vagina is meant to stretch and not tear as easy as an anus, when it tears, it will bleed, thus giving HIV.

Women aren't "punished" because men are the ones having the majority of anal sex.

but you can have anal sex with a woman too.

so it's not homosexuality that's wrong but anal sex?
Not to mention men contract HIV from females, and in some cases children are born HIV positive. Some "cures".
"Order" is a relative term. Are we in order? We have children born already with illness or deformities. We have people killing each other. Nations bombing nations for literally no reason other than "god". People starving while others are rich.

Where's the "order" you're speaking of?

If god wanted order he would of made his people equal. He would of made sure everyone was fed and clothed. He would of made sure we were born without sickness.

Unless you can say god made some people with the sole intent of killing them. Innocent children being born into war torn parts of the world while others are born rich.

I fail to see the order

*waits for*

"Bible said this would happen"

WRONG, none of this is new, this has been happening since the dawn of man.

Christianity does a good job of painting a pretty picture for its people and leaving out EVERYTHING else.

If you really examine the whole Bible then you would answer your own question. I never said equal. I said order in respect to nature and science. As far as famine, war, disease ect. that is a result of man's sin. We as humans have free will to do as we please.
If you really examine the whole Bible then you would answer your own question. I never said equal. I said order in respect to nature and science. As far as famine, war, disease ect. that is a result of man's sin. We as humans have free will to do as we please.
Sounds like a cop out answer to me. God created order and we destroyed it? So who's more powerful?

Free will is also NOT order, in fact it's the exact opposite.
religion, IMO, was created by man to control man. If we all believe the same thing it becomes easier to control you.
religion, IMO, was created by man to control man. If we all believe the same thing it becomes easier to control you.

this is how I've always felt, what better way to keep people in line than tell them they'll go to hell if they don't follow the rules
Sounds like a cop out answer to me. God created order and we destroyed it? So who's more powerful?

Free will is also NOT order, in fact it's the exact opposite.

I don't think we are talking about the same thing. I am speaking about the order in science and mathematics.
Thats the autocorrect making that mistake. The dumb stuff you write you do yourself.

Again, your act is played. Time to try something new kid.

I'll be bouncing around a lot so please don't mind.

The annunaki/lucifer/nephilim all represent the fall of the human race. When they say we fell it's speaking in terms of a higher vibration/frequency/dimension. The aforementioned aliases all discuss how advanced knowledge was brought to the terrestrial plane. The serpent in the bible represents what is called your kundilini energy. It resides in your spine and is symbolized by a snake because it's coiled while it's resting. Just like a snake charmer makes a snake rise with music, your snake rises in you when you increase your frequency. At any rate that's what the bible was really discussing. Hence moses staff being a snake, pharoahs all having snakes coming out of the area their third eye would be located etc

Satan wasn't introduced in the bible until the New Testament. Satan was took from Egyptian myth about osiris and Set hence satan/set. There's an astrological theory on this, but it also represents positive/negative in alchemy. The most important though is the battle of the ego and soul.

There's no devil. Earth is hell. The material plane is hell. The god of the Old Testament is the creator of the material world and possibly the closest thing you'd have to a devil. Hence him always being jealous angry vengeful and looking for material sacrifices. He's a jealous god because lucifer aka Jesus comes from higher reality and has what Christians misinterpret as the Christ
That brings up another question. God didn't want Adam and Eve to eat the fruit that would give them knowledge? Did god want them to stay dumb? In a sense did the devil make people smart?
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His insecurity and feeling of intimidation will not allow him to not get the last word.
I didn't even say anything negative either.

He stated something without doing the proper research and I called him out on it.
Moving on.

What research? Basic knowledge of math and science? Science says evolution and the Big Bang. Bible doesn't. What more needs to be said?
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I'll be bouncing around a lot so please don't mind.

The annunaki/lucifer/nephilim all represent the fall of the human race. When they say we fell it's speaking in terms of a higher vibration/frequency/dimension. The aforementioned aliases all discuss how advanced knowledge was brought to the terrestrial plane. The serpent in the bible represents what is called your kundilini energy. It resides in your spine and is symbolized by a snake because it's coiled while it's resting. Just like a snake charmer makes a snake rise with music, your snake rises in you when you increase your frequency. At any rate that's what the bible was really discussing. Hence moses staff being a snake, pharoahs all having snakes coming out of the area their third eye would be located etc

Satan wasn't introduced in the bible until the New Testament. Satan was took from Egyptian myth about osiris and Set hence satan/set. There's an astrological theory on this, but it also represents positive/negative in alchemy. The most important though is the battle of the ego and soul.

There's no devil. Earth is hell. The material plane is hell. The god of the Old Testament is the creator of the material world and possibly the closest thing you'd have to a devil. Hence him always being jealous angry vengeful and looking for material sacrifices. He's a jealous god because lucifer aka Jesus comes from higher reality and has what Christians misinterpret as the Christ

But Satan is in the Old Testament. Example: the book of Job. Where are you getting your info?
but you can have anal sex with a woman too.

so it's not homosexuality that's wrong but anal sex?
Right, I hear you. But one can essentially do anything, whatever they want. I am just saying that would be my answer on my homosexual men are more likely to get HIV than women.

Also, in my opinion, they are both wrong.

Here's my stance on homosexuality...I believe Satan is at work with many men and women on Earth and trying to get them to sin (become homosexual)...Satan's hope is that he will be able to get everyone on Earth to be homosexual...which, if that happens, what will happen to the world's population?
Also, was it the devil that tempted Adam and Eve or was it god? After all he made the fruit AND the devil. What was the point of that?
But Satan is in the Old Testament. Example: the book of Job. Where are you getting your info?

A conglomerate of sources over the last year. What you understand as satan/lucifer aren't one in the same. Lucifer was Jesus in the Old Testament. He became the demonized satan in the Old Testament
I don't know so god? Is that the correct answer to that?

Bible says the earth is 6k years old. Science says otherwise and there's hard proof of that.
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Jesus speaking in revelations:

Rev 22:16 (NIV) "I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star."

Reference of lucifer:

Isa 14:12-15 (NIV) How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, "I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High." But you are brought down to the grave, to the depths of the pit.

Notice how both are the morning star?
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