Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

A conglomerate of sources over the last year. What you understand as satan/lucifer aren't one in the same. Lucifer was Jesus in the Old Testament. He became the demonized satan in the Old Testament

Point me to the scripture in the Old Testament where you are getting this
Point me to the scripture in the Old Testament where you are getting this

Read the Old Testament. Notice the dialogue difference. How can someone turning you on to knowledge be evil? If you want other academic resources id gladly provide it. However, I'm not going to fall in bible logic trap.
Taking this a step further you guys ever notice how women are demonized in the Old Testament? In reality they're the ones who've got it figured out. For example, Eve eating the knowledge. Or lots wife turning into a pillar of salt. Most people say she was an idiot to disobey god, when in reality she was the only one wise enough to turn in on herself and look back to her soul knowing that the god of the old testament was a fake. In regards to her turning to salt that's just symbolic of her turning into the Christ energy. Christ spoke of the salt himself

Matthew 5:13 (ESV)
13 “You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s
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Jesus speaking in revelations:

Rev 22:16 (NIV) "I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star."

Reference of lucifer:

Isa 14:12-15 (NIV) How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, "I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High." But you are brought down to the grave, to the depths of the pit.

Notice how both are the morning star?

Context is important when studying the Bible. That was a mockery of what the Devil aspired to be. Think about this. If Jesus is Satan/Lucifer. How did they have a conversation while Jesus was in the wildernesss in Matthew 4? It is clear that two people are talking
Someone just responded to My "Ancient Aliens" post on another forum. I thought this was a solid response.

"knowledge" is what the apple in the garden of Eden represented in a way...

knowledge in this context wasn't a good thing

they had been naked the whole time then after biting the fruit they were aware of their nakedness and shamed by it...

knowledge can be power but also a detriment

that's why its believed we were perfect before this because we had no knowledge of imperfection or sin

hence why the devil is called the light bearer in Illuminati circles and the like...u shine a light on something its illuminated, you see it u have knowledge of it...

compare it to becoming a hypochondriac because u know there are germs on everything but prior to that u were just fine being ignorant
Right, I hear you. But one can essentially do anything, whatever they want. I am just saying that would be my answer on my homosexual men are more likely to get HIV than women.

Also, in my opinion, they are both wrong.

Here's my stance on homosexuality...I believe Satan is at work with many men and women on Earth and trying to get them to sin (become homosexual)...Satan's hope is that he will be able to get everyone on Earth to be homosexual...which, if that happens, what will happen to the world's population?
does Satan interfere with all the other animals who practice homosexuality? Cuz you know humans aren't the only gays in nature right?
Another reply

it's all about vibration

vibration controls matter and will determine the level of the hierarchy you can reside. A strong vibration would destroy something hat isn't geared for it

I pray and things of that nature but i know that my views are skewed in comparison to most. I don't hold all of the traditional beliefs that a blind man following their religion wuld hold

for one, the religions are metaphors based on the books of the dead. You would have to really read them to understand the metaphorical stories of the bible

There's also the belief that Moses/Musa didn't know whom he was praying to when asked to be delivered from Egypt. He summoned a power and was in debt to it and the blood sacrifices began. Supposedly they started off small, such as circumcision and then became bigger sacrifices.

They even tell you that religion isn't to be read, but it's all in books. It's to be 'sung' or 'vibrated'....that way it has an effect on the physical make up of the reciter.

....i dont really liketo get too into this subject cus you have the ones who know and the ones who don't and it's too much history and knowledge to try and cram into someones head n a 8 hr day.

I suggest everyone gets a copy of the books of the dead, a book on cymatics and then something spiritual on vibrations and meditation.
warrior on it warrior on it

I def agree with your train of thought, but the Big Bang is just a theory. It may not seem like a big deal but the concept of a explosion being the basis for reality is something that's set us back.
isn't gravity"just a theory " too tho? We have images of what is considered to be results of the big bang. The light from the explosion is still visible
Right, I hear you. But one can essentially do anything, whatever they want. I am just saying that would be my answer on my homosexual men are more likely to get HIV than women.

Also, in my opinion, they are both wrong.

Here's my stance on homosexuality...I believe Satan is at work with many men and women on Earth and trying to get them to sin (become homosexual)...Satan's hope is that he will be able to get everyone on Earth to be homosexual...which, if that happens, what will happen to the world's population?

so you think people make up there mind one day to be gay or not?

how does satan influence such a choice
Of course, I don't fit your narrow world view, so I was a false convert. Maybe you should go back and re-read before you judge. Or maybe use more than a handful of sentences to formulate an opinion. I have an idea for you thought. You might not want to consider yourself a Christian just yet. Many of us believed far longer than you and ended up as "false converts" and were "never Christians". 
You believed but didn't trust in God or

you never turned away from your sins.

You were missing the revelation of 

the Holy Spirit signifying your spiritual birth.

It's easy to believe when things are good,

but as soon as tribulation occurs and you aren't

standing on the Rock, its easy to break that

weak belief.
I have a question for Christians if I could get an honest answer that would be appreciated.

What's the first thing that pops into your mind when you hear the word occult?
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You believed but didn't trust in God or
you never turned away from your sins.
You were missing the revelation of 
the Holy Spirit signifying your spiritual birth.

It's easy to believe when things are good,
but as soon as tribulation occurs and you aren't
standing on the Rock, its easy to break that
weak belief.

I never said anything about tribulation breaking my belief. But keep making assumptions about people, it seems to help you with your beliefs.
You believed but didn't trust in God or
you never turned away from your sins.
You were missing the revelation of 
the Holy Spirit signifying your spiritual birth.

It's easy to believe when things are good,
but as soon as tribulation occurs and you aren't
standing on the Rock, its easy to break that
weak belief.

I never said anything about tribulation breaking my belief. But keep making assumptions about people, it seems to help you with your beliefs.[/quote]
Telling you as it is.

I don't know your story, if my assumptions

hurt you then I am sorry. 

But just know this for fact

once you're in Christ there is no turning back.
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so you think people make up there mind one day to be gay or not?

how does satan influence such a choice
Without a stronghold in God 

One can fall into iniquity one day without ever knowing they'v been initiated.

Be it fits of anger, homosexuality, promiscuity, drugs, pornography, gluttony,


Satan influences one to think that is what they need in life

to be happy, and in return, the heart is hardened and

you become defined by that sin.

and that sin becomes your god rather than the Lord.
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