Are you guys ready for the Lebron Lovefest???

Originally Posted by lnMyMind

Lebron's a great talent...but he's just not better than 24 right now. When he becomes a consistent threat shooting the ball then I'll re-evaluate that.
Originally Posted by JPZx

Why do Lebron and Kobe need to be compared? To me, they are very different players.

I guess I can understand why people feel they need to compare them, but in my opinion, the way they play is very different so comparing them is kind of worthless. Personally, I think Kobe is the best player in the league right now, with Lebron coming in very close behind. Lebron is not a consistent shooter and his free throws need work...if he improved those, he would be neck-and-neck with Kobe, or maybe even better.
Why can't peeps just like both players like myself?
Still makes me
... Definitely had me convinced after this. Surprisingly he SURPASSED the hype hewas given.
Kobes decline could be coming this year you guys. Its bound to happen soon and form watching the Olympics gave me the feeling hes already on it.
Dude is 30 he wont be getting better...

I know the olympics arent the NBA but in the olympics

Lebron, CP3, Wade, and even maybe Deron Williams > Kobe

If Kobes decline aint this year it will be next year. It will be odd without him being a dominant force but you better start liking LeBron because he will bedominating the NBA more then he already is.
Originally Posted by Jehlers02

Kobes decline could be coming this year you guys. Its bound to happen soon and form watching the Olympics gave me the feeling hes already on it.
Dude is 30 he wont be getting better...

I know the olympics arent the NBA but in the olympics

Lebron, CP3, Wade, and even maybe Deron Williams > Kobe

If Kobes decline aint this year it will be next year. It will be odd without him being a dominant force but you better start liking LeBron because he will be dominating the NBA more then he already is.
Do you watch basketball? Really....Deron Williams is better than Kobe....Dwyane Wade? Yeah he had a great olympics but really c'mon. Kobeain't looking like Wizards MJ yet damn....the guys is only 30
Yeah, Kobe still looks very fit and healthy at 30. Id say in about 2-3 years or so, his body will begin to stiffen and wear down. At that point, id say, isgoing to be the beginning of his downfall. But I do see LeBron becoming something serious. The NBA hasn't seen a big body with skill-sets and athleticability like his before. Also the stature of his hype coming out of high school was like no other.... if NBA teams were still able to draft hs players, hewould be a god to all of them.
Originally Posted by Jehlers02

I know the olympics arent the NBA but in the olympics

Lebron, CP3, Wade, and even maybe Deron Williams > Kobe
But when it REALLY mattered in the closing moments of the Gold medal game, all of those players pretty much deferred to Kobe....and he showed whyhe's the best (most clutch) player in the game...

Anyhow this thread isn't about Player A vs Player B, it's about how ESPN has begun the OD coverage of Lebron James.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by Jehlers02

Kobes decline could be coming this year you guys. Its bound to happen soon and form watching the Olympics gave me the feeling hes already on it.
Dude is 30 he wont be getting better...

I know the olympics arent the NBA but in the olympics

Lebron, CP3, Wade, and even maybe Deron Williams > Kobe

If Kobes decline aint this year it will be next year. It will be odd without him being a dominant force but you better start liking LeBron because he will be dominating the NBA more then he already is.
Do you watch basketball? Really....Deron Williams is better than Kobe....Dwyane Wade? Yeah he had a great olympics but really c'mon. Kobe ain't looking like Wizards MJ yet damn....the guys is only 30

I think he was speaking abou the Olympics. He said that Wade, Bron, CP3, and Williams were better than Kobe in the OLYMPICS. I agree that people need to stopsaying that Kobe is going to slow do since the way he plays doesn't really rely on natural athletism as much as it is a vast array of offensive moves. Idont mean to compare Jordan and Kobe but the both played similar in the aspect that they didn't need to rely on athletism to be great. They both have tonsof moves that allow them to get easy buckets which is why I believe it will still be another 2-3 years before Kobe even starts to slow down. When Kobe'sjumper stops falling and his post game leave then I will believe that he is slowing down, but as of right now he is showing no signs of slowing down other thanthe fact that he didn't play well in the Olympics which isn't an indicator at all of how good a player will be in the NBA. If that were true then LuisScola would be dominant in the NBA which isn't the case.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by Cant Nobody Stop Me

Im really anticipating all of the Kobe/Lebron debates
What is there to anticipate?

Kobe is CLEARLY better then Lebron and it's not even a question.

Bron is a much better passer, better rebounder and better team player than Kobe. He is also far more durable at this point in his career.

Kobe is more clutch and has a better jumper.

There is no clear better player but the fact that you are comparing a 23 year old to a 12 year vet with 3 rings, who is considered the second best 2 guard in history...kind of speaks for itself.

Not to mention i'll take a 45 point, game 7 performance over a 22 pt 4 turnover, game 6 embarrassment anyday....

There is no way that Kobe is a clearly better player.
STOP IT!. Lebron sat out with a sore finger Kobe still needs surgery on a finger and he's hoopin with a hyper extended knee. He played allthe way through to the finals, the olympics and now the season is starting again how do you figure that Lebron is FAR MORE durable?
Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by Cant Nobody Stop Me

Im really anticipating all of the Kobe/Lebron debates
What is there to anticipate?

Kobe is CLEARLY better then Lebron and it's not even a question.

Bron is a much better passer, better rebounder and better team player than Kobe. He is also far more durable at this point in his career.

Kobe is more clutch and has a better jumper.

There is no clear better player but the fact that you are comparing a 23 year old to a 12 year vet with 3 rings, who is considered the second best 2 guard in history...kind of speaks for itself.

Not to mention i'll take a 45 point, game 7 performance over a 22 pt 4 turnover, game 6 embarrassment anyday....

There is no way that Kobe is a clearly better player.
STOP IT!. Lebron sat out with a sore finger Kobe still needs surgery on a finger and he's hoopin with a hyper extended knee. He played all the way through to the finals, the olympics and now the season is starting again how do you figure that Lebron is FAR MORE durable?

i slightly agree with abeautifulhaze because LeBron is still very young. Especially with his build and age, hes not so prone to injuries and if he does, hesmore likely to heal faster. Like you stated Kobe has this, and playing through that. It will definitely wear and tear on his body, making him less and lessdurable. I dont think LeBron is FAR MORE durable, but down the road, Kobe's going to be working on his fade-aways and jumpers while LeBron will still betaking it up strong.
The difference is Kobe has more skill to fall back on than Lebron when he does start to decline
/\ Lebron is 23 years old...You're talking about his decline about 10 years early. Who knows what skill he'll acquire throughout that time?
blah whatever, you guys are just ASSUMING Kobe will start declining soon. Most NBA legends play into their 40s, with Kobes style of play he can easilly playuntil he's 42ish theres still atleast 7-10 yrs of dominance by Kobe comin fellas dont believe the hype. If lebron wants to be FAR MORE durable he'sgona have to learn some new skills, develop a consistent jumper and just because he's bigger than everybody else doesnt mean he can just run into the paintall the time and accept all of that punishment.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Its all good tho.

He took a D-league team to the final seconds of a game 7, against a team with 3 first ballot NBA HoF'ers....Not too bad for a 23 year old.
So what did the Hawks do?

Lebron, CP3, Wade, and even maybe Deron Williams > Kobe
Jordan wasn't a shooter early in his career either. Are you sure you can't acquire shooting?
Originally Posted by K8be wan Kenobi

Originally Posted by lnMyMind

/\ Lebron is 23 years old...You're talking about his decline about 10 years early. Who knows what skill he'll acquire throughout that time?

Lebron will NEVER be the shooter that Kobe is. You can't "acquire" the shooting ability Kobe has.
Why the hell can't he? Shooting is acquired inthe gym. Dudes aren't born knowing how to shoot...
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