Chris Brown just lost it (again)

im not you

May 29, 2009

WOW! Chris Brown REALLY doesn't ever want to talk about that Rihanna situation ever again! Chris was on Good Morning America this morning to do an interview with Robin Roberts. Well, TMZ is reporting that he was out of control after the interview. They say he freaked out, was screaming, stormed out of the dressing room, and scared the hair & makeup people so much they called security.

TMZ also reports that he smashed a window in his dressing room and some glass shattered with shards falling onto the street. ABC security told TMZ that the window was shattered with a chair. They also say that by the time security got there, Chris had ripped off his shirt and left the building. AND he blew off another performance that he was supposed to do for the ABC website.

Sources also say that on his way out of the building, Chris confronted a segment producer and got in his face. People had to get in between them. 
Chris just tweeted..."I'm so over people bringing this past s**t up!!! Yet we praise Charlie sheen and other celebs for there bulls**t."

CLICK HERE to go to TMZ to check out the interview with Robin.

this !$%%$ really needs some help. Hollywood really does drive certain people crazy.

*waits for some tree hugging az clown to come in screaming about how bad a person he is*
he acts like a little girl.  someone needs to punch him in the face when he does his drama queen act.
When Keeping Real Goes Wrong.

Charlie sheen is an Idiot crackhead, America loves idiot people who will ruin their lives for fame.
meh. he's definitely gone crazy and needs anger management..

but let's be real here, he's in hollywood..he's a young 20-21 kid and the media will feast on this subject all the way to his that age, he is vulnerable to anything and everything just by his demeanor.

i wanna say i feel sorry for the kid, but i'm not..he brought it upon himself.
Originally Posted by Put em up


*waits for some tree hugging az clown to come in screaming about how bad a person he is*

 You're really co-signing a grown !%! man throwing temper tantrums like a little girl?

I would have got my point across too about harping on the Rihanna thing but...destroying a dressing room and tearing your shirt off? That's what you do when you get upset?

These _'s need to keep their cool.
Nevermind. Didn't know he had an album coming out today.

Now it makes perfect sense. I retract my previous statements.
Give the boy anger management, stop asking him about Rihanna in interviews. Easy fix.

Its crazy how people keep pointing out the one mistake the N made. But thats what you get when you in Hollywood.
Throwing a temper tantrum and trying to be tough around a bunch of suits at ABC???
Dude is bunz.
This guy threw a full blown, preschool style tantrum.

*calls T.I. for emergency production on a new "Father forgive me anthem"*
I work for ABC News in Times Square where Chris was today. He did get mad afterwards. Him throwing a chair and/or breaking, I dont know.
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