Condo developers build separate entrances for lower income residents

I've seen the 1800-2000 figure thrown out there for the affordable housing apartments. Anyone know what kind of apartments these are? Studio or 1 bedroom?
looks guys!! rich white guys feel the same way.

"No one ever said that the goal was full integration of these populations," said David Von Spreckelsen, senior vice president at Toll Brothers. "So now you have politicians talking about that, saying how horrible those back doors are. I think it's unfair to expect very high-income homeowners who paid a fortune to live in their building to have to be in the same boat as low-income renters, who are very fortunate to live in a new building in a great neighborhood."
"Nobody is forcing them live there! If you don't like it leave!"

LOL. "Yeah break your lease and pay to get out of that contract you signed, not knowing they were going to make you enter thru a different entrance. Gosh you people are so ungrateful! I would kill my mother to live in UWS for cheap. These welfare losers get all the perks!!"
Quick question. Ive seen people in this thread speak down on those collecting government assistance, but gave props to the developer for doing the exact same thing. Taking a short cut to collect government tax grants and credits. May I ask why?

No this question NEEDS an answer i'm begging of it PLEASE.
Where did it say anything about anyone signing leases?   As i understood, the building has not even been built yet.

From the article: "The entrance is part of the Inclusionary Housing Program application, under which developers can build larger projects if they also provide low-income housing, either on- or off-site."

I suggest if you guys really are that upset about this, you take the time to write your government representatives and spend less time whining on NT.
Where did it say anything about anyone signing leases?   As i understood, the building has not even been built yet.

From the article: "The entrance is part of the Inclusionary Housing Program application, under which developers can build larger projects if they also provide low-income housing, either on- or off-site."

I suggest if you guys really are that upset about this, you take the time to write your government representatives and spend less time whining on NT.

Dude i work for my city and see the amounts of letters coming in per day about specific issues...... If you live in America and really think that the interest of the middle/lower class is going to overtake the importance of the rich I don't know what to tell you.

The government representatives care about the people who can afford to make 5 digit contributions to their campaign, or who have friends who can help their friends get in a better position. Government representatives do what the money tells them to do.
Where did it say anything about anyone signing leases?   As i understood, the building has not even been built yet.

You don't know how low income selection works, the paperwork with the government is long drawn up before they even step foot inside the building.
Dude i work for my city and see the amounts of letters coming in per day about specific issues...... If you live in America and really think that the interest of the middle/lower class is going to overtake the importance of the rich I don't know what to tell you.

The government representatives care about the people who can afford to make 5 digit contributions to their campaign, or who have friends who can help their friends get in a better position. Government representatives do what the money tells them to do.
So what do you suggest then? 
Do nothing and hope things change?
So what do you suggest then? 

Do nothing and hope things change?

Well as you see with this they tried to do something and the courts overruled them. A stand was at least taken. But bringing things to light and discussing things making people think critically is doing something as well. :smile:
This thing has been well known for a while now, I really hope people don't sign a lease here with the expectation that the court would over turn this and they would get to live like the 1% for life
So what do you suggest then? 

Do nothing and hope things change?

In all honesty as grim as this may seem until their is a complete overhaul in the way Americas Legal and judicial system are ran nothing will truthfully happen. However before people start getting upset with government and business being so intertwined people have to be able to realize that something isn't right. By simply discussing and bringing other thought process around i'm hoping to atleast get someone to look at it from another POV.

Their are people in here who legit See this as an issue about simply going through a door or not, they refuse to really take a step back and look at the factors around the situation, or the precedence decisions like this set going forward. All things involved with this should be discussed or atleast brought to attention.
Well as you see with this they tried to do something and the courts overruled them. A stand was at least taken. But bringing things to light and discussing things making people think critically is doing something as well.
When did this ever go to court?  All i saw in the article was that the application was approved and someone running for mayor (looking for votes, im sure) vowed to change the law.

"Extell applied to the Inclusionary Housing program in August 2013, which drew the ire of many critics, including Christine Quinn, who was running for Mayor at the time. Quinn called for a change of laws to force developers to provide common entrances for all occupants."

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When did this ever go to court?  All i saw in the article was that the application was approved and someone running for mayor (looking for votes, im sure) vowed to change the law.

"Extell applied to the Inclusionary Housing program in August 2013, which drew the ire of many critics, including Christine Quinn, who was running for Mayor at the time. Quinn called for a change of laws to force developers to provide common entrances for all occupants."

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Just a few days ago they took it to the city and the city approved the door, but said it would not happen in the future.
In all honesty as grim as this may seem until their is a complete overhaul in the way Americas Legal and judicial system are ran nothing will truthfully happen. However before people start getting upset with government and business being so intertwined people have to be able to realize that something isn't right. By simply discussing and bringing other thought process around i'm hoping to atleast get someone to look at it from another POV.

Their are people in here who legit See this as an issue about simply going through a door or not, they refuse to really take a step back and look at the factors around the situation, or the precedence decisions like this set going forward. All things involved with this should be discussed or atleast brought to attention.
i can understand where you are coming from.  I do not believe in corporate or social welfare, in most scenarios.  I also think there are MAJOR issues with government and business in America being intertwined, and i can see your point that this is one of them; however, i get a lot more upset about the big ones like cable companies/net neutrality, financial institutions, etc.  But, then i think of the alternative of this situation, the developer does not get the tax incentives to do this so then the building is all expensive condos, where no lower income folks can rent.  Which situation would be worse, in your opinion?  The lower income folks not even having a shot at living on the UWS or what is happening now? 
One source would have done.  The one article you linked to said: "However, Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer has vowed to reject future developments with separate entrances".  Saying they "vow" to make it not happen in the future is different than what you said: "would not happen in the future".

So you would rather keep all lower income folks in the same areas?  Or would you rather that everyone gets the fancy apartments (which include the ammenities) no matter what they pay?
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These articles are only telling half the story and play on how knee-jerk some of you libtards are

The luxury building is a condo, the affordable building is a rental, these never share entrances, luxury or not. 

Part of the deal with affordable housing does not include providing residents with million dollar river views, doorman and concierge. Perhaps if you want those amenities, pay for it like everyone else has to.
These articles are only telling half the story and play on how knee-jerk some of you libtards are

The luxury building is a condo, the affordable building is a rental, these never share entrances, luxury or not. 

Part of the deal with affordable housing does not include providing residents with million dollar river views, doorman and concierge. Perhaps if you want those amenities, pay for it like everyone else has to.

again, someone talking about amenities. no one cares about amenities. This may be "legal" to have two seperate entrances, butttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt if you understand the tax credit the affordable housing should not be considered a separate building. But they are using a loophole to gain both. Hey im a libtard so what do i know. Honestly im so libtarded i dont even know what that is to be honest lol.
One source would have done.  The one article you linked to said: "However, Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer has vowed to reject future developments with separate entrances".  Saying they "vow" to make it not happen in the future is different than what you said: "would not happen in the future".

So you would rather keep all lower income folks in the same areas?  Or would you rather that everyone gets the fancy apartments (which include the ammenities) no matter what they pay?

i have yet to say anything about fancy apartments, amenities, views, cats, dogs, apples, oranges, cigarettes, xboxs, staplers, or anything of that measure. I dont care what the size of thier apartment is. I dont care what they can use in the building. What I do care about is they have to take a separate enterance to not enjoy all of the stuff they cannot afford. thats all. this is about the door. nothing else.
i have yet to say anything about fancy apartments, amenities, views, cats, dogs, apples, oranges, cigarettes, xboxs, staplers, or anything of that measure. I dont care what the size of thier apartment is. I dont care what they can use in the building. What I do care about is they have to take a separate enterance to not enjoy all of the stuff they cannot afford. thats all. this is about the door. nothing else.
but the entrance is part of the amenities.....
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