Damn, Kevin Done Goof'd

Didn't the previous wife warned the new wife that he is going to do the same to her?

Where is Swiss Beats to make sense to all of this?

Didn't he do the same exact thing :lol:

It's not really the same thing unless he packs his bags and tells he new wife to bounce.
Or she tells him she's bouncing...

Pretty sure fam dropped the first wife like a bad habit. Which is why there was static between the new one and the old one in the first place. If the first wife dipped she wouldn't even be mad.

If I'm not mistaken she got kicked to the curb and didn't get a proper payout so she took Ls all around. Hence the anguish
It's not like there's a directory of chicks that's down for being a sister wife that players can access.

They are few and far between.

FWIW, One of those lou will
Chicks is engaged to Amir Johnson now. They were teammates in Toronto.
Don't know why these celebs won't follow in the footsteps of Lou Williams or find a chick that's cool with an open relationship.

It's the public ridicule that stops people from doing it

Lou will is kinda a nobody so no one really got in those girls' *** about it. But let someone like curry or lebron try that. It's a wrap. The twitter feminists will have those girls ready to commit suicide
Dude shoulda just stayed single. He cheated on the fine thick wife with his current wife so obviously dude don't want one chick. He already paid or paying his ex for that divorce, now his current is pregnant he could end up throwing away a bunch of money.

Kevin Hart has cultivated a wholesome, family oriented image by constantly posting on social media and going places with his wife and kids. It's definitely helped his career; he's carved a niche as the family friendly alternative to raunchier comedians. It's hard to pull that image off if you're single so I understand his motives for wanting to being married. That being said, being single sure and slaying women sure beats apologizing for cheating on your girl every couple of months :lol::lol::lol:.
FWIW, One of those lou will
Chicks is engaged to Amir Johnson now. They were teammates in Toronto.

Whoa so Amir was peeping while she was with Lou. Smh.

That's why I was so baffled by fish and Matt Barnes situation...them fools would have family cookouts together. The whole time fishbag was scheming. Damn cold world.
Whoa so Amir was peeping while she was with Lou. Smh.

That's why I was so baffled by fish and Matt Barnes situation...them fools would have family cookouts together. The whole time fishbag was scheming. Damn cold world.

I've seen all 4 of them in a pic together somewhat recently. I think Lou Will legit just gave one of em to Amir :lol:
He was still married and left the wife and new born baby for Alicia :lol:

You're right, not the same- worse :lol:
What's even worse is swizz was bringing Alicia around while they were still married and his wife had no idea what was goin on.

Chicks sure swept that under the rug though and Alicia came out relatively unscathed
Pardon my Magic Johnson tweet: But this scandal will either hurt his career or not do anything at all and he will still be collecting checks
Pardon my Magic Johnson tweet: But this scandal will either hurt his career or not do anything at all and he will still be collecting checks
I think it'll hurt a certain aspect. He can still do the normal movies of his but that kid/family segment may be gone for him

Coming from you that mean she a dime.

Kevin Hart has cultivated a wholesome, family oriented image by constantly posting on social media and going places with his wife and kids. It's definitely helped his career; he's carved a niche as the family friendly alternative to raunchier comedians. It's hard to pull that image off if you're single so I understand his motives for wanting to being married. That being said, being single sure and slaying women sure beats apologizing for cheating on your girl every couple of months :lol::lol::lol:.

We saw what happened to Tiger. Putting up that fake family image don't last. All it takes is one scandalous broad to expose you and in this internet famous era girls can't wait to come up off these dudes.
Coming from you that mean she a dime.

We saw what happened to Tiger. Putting up that fake family image don't last. All it takes is one scandalous broad to expose you and in this internet famous era girls can't wait to come up off these dudes.
The rock is somehow still untouchable
This won't hurt him at all.

Since when was cheating on your wife a dealbreaker in Hollywood of all places? If he anything he and his team are sitting down right now planning his next standup based around this.
I don't think it would hurt him at all. It's a lot of crazy mf's in Hollywood that's doing great. :lol: Robert Downey, Charlie Sheen pretty much gets a pass for everything. Eddie was caught with a whatever and still did Shrek. Pryor was doing... Everything and still did that kids movie The Toy.

The rock is somehow still untouchable

Is Rock married now?
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