Did anyone watch Ahmadinejad on Larry King?

Despite his own problems with his country and his presidency , this man is very smart. Every time he made a point, that old fart Larry went to commercial. You can't deny the truth he spoke.

Who are we to say who should have nuclear bombs and who should not?

Why don't we go after that crazy looney dude in North Korea
yea remember all those protesters he killed in his own country a while back? at the end of 2009?

he's a really cool dude.
yea remember all those protesters he killed in his own country a while back? at the end of 2009?

he's a really cool dude.
Larry king is a $++%@ for takin those commercial breaks while getting owned by Ahmadinejad. I don't know if it's just me, but Ahmadinejad sounds like an intelligent dude. Almost everything he said was as accurate as you can get. And to the guy above, listen man - leaders from all countries from all around the world have killed innocent people in their country. Umm did we forget about MLK? JFK, William Cooper? All these innocent black people killed from cops? HURRICANE KATRINA?! Let's not sit here and act like our country is innocent. Cause were far from it. Really far.
Larry king is a $++%@ for takin those commercial breaks while getting owned by Ahmadinejad. I don't know if it's just me, but Ahmadinejad sounds like an intelligent dude. Almost everything he said was as accurate as you can get. And to the guy above, listen man - leaders from all countries from all around the world have killed innocent people in their country. Umm did we forget about MLK? JFK, William Cooper? All these innocent black people killed from cops? HURRICANE KATRINA?! Let's not sit here and act like our country is innocent. Cause were far from it. Really far.
what the hell does katrina and corrupt cops have to do with someone arresting, torturing, and killing people for peacefully protesting?

you can go outside and say all that stuff you typed out loud. will you be killed for it?

NT always hops on the nuts of the wrong people. this guy isn't even powerful enough for everyone to be slurping him. he isn't the real source of power in iran. he's just a face trotted out

and complaining if there are 5 million jews or 6 million jews killed in the holocaust is hilarious. like it really matters. then again half of you think jews created the holocaust for their own benefit. and people really wonder why jews claim they need a homeland. guess jews are paranoid for no reason right?
what the hell does katrina and corrupt cops have to do with someone arresting, torturing, and killing people for peacefully protesting?

you can go outside and say all that stuff you typed out loud. will you be killed for it?

NT always hops on the nuts of the wrong people. this guy isn't even powerful enough for everyone to be slurping him. he isn't the real source of power in iran. he's just a face trotted out

and complaining if there are 5 million jews or 6 million jews killed in the holocaust is hilarious. like it really matters. then again half of you think jews created the holocaust for their own benefit. and people really wonder why jews claim they need a homeland. guess jews are paranoid for no reason right?
I swear NT makes me laugh a man that is about to stone a woman over adultery that is who is speaking the truth. I hope none of you idiots go hiking over there, see how fast this great man releases you.
I swear NT makes me laugh a man that is about to stone a woman over adultery that is who is speaking the truth. I hope none of you idiots go hiking over there, see how fast this great man releases you.
rashi wrote:

The Middle East was not always a region filled with religious extremists fueled by religious rhetoric. This has come about recently due to the numerous defeats of Arabs at the hands of Israeli forces. Arab Nationalism had failed them so they decided to go a different way.

Huh? Muhammad himself started his own crusade in the city of Tabuk and forced people to abide by 3 rules, fight or die, convert, or pay the jizya.

Right, because everything has stayed exactly the same for 1400 years in the region. If you actually think this, you're clueless. Maybe I should have said resurfaced if we're going to look at the history of the region as a whole. I was speaking in a more contemporary sense.
rashi wrote:

The Middle East was not always a region filled with religious extremists fueled by religious rhetoric. This has come about recently due to the numerous defeats of Arabs at the hands of Israeli forces. Arab Nationalism had failed them so they decided to go a different way.

Huh? Muhammad himself started his own crusade in the city of Tabuk and forced people to abide by 3 rules, fight or die, convert, or pay the jizya.

Right, because everything has stayed exactly the same for 1400 years in the region. If you actually think this, you're clueless. Maybe I should have said resurfaced if we're going to look at the history of the region as a whole. I was speaking in a more contemporary sense.
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Ahmadinejad is speaking the truth in this interview. I don't care what anybody says..
exactly you cant get mad at a single thing he says its all truth
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Ahmadinejad is speaking the truth in this interview. I don't care what anybody says..
exactly you cant get mad at a single thing he says its all truth
Originally Posted by LetItShine24

Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Originally Posted by bijald0331

I mean he is all fine and dandy except for his disregard for basic human rights, Holocaust denial, censorship, corruption, and religious fanaticism.
He's not a denier, he just doesn't believe the numbers. I don't either, much like a very large population of people.

I was taught 4-5 million in elementary, 6 million in middle school through about 11th grade, 12th grade it was 6.5 to 7 million. I graduated in 07, it is now 2010 and I'm hearing numbers like 8.5 million.

Everything else you stated happens everywhere else in the world, including here.
With the things he's been speaking on recently and the current attitude of the Western world towards this guy based on what OUR OWN news stations and government officials say about him... it's looking like Iraq and Afghanistan all over again.
they continue to find mass graves thats why. the numbers arent exaggerated.
I still want some cement numbers. I'm sure mass graves are still being found, but I would like extensive research to be done on this. As important as it seems to be to people, you would think the research would have been done by now.

I just read through this entire thread again.

Many of the human rights violations that people speak of, like the mistreatment of those in prisons, torturing, and freedom of expression being violated happen RIGHT HERE in this country. The scale does not matter, it's happening on our soil. Is a blind eye being turned to it by those in power? Yes.

@DubA169 said what does Katrina and corrupt cops have to do with someone arresting, torturing, and killing people for peaceful protests. First of all, Ahmadinejad is not the "someone" doing it, and many of those cases aren't just the police coming in an opening fire. Some of them are, but not all. Watch the reports. Then watch the reports about the G20 journalist who was threatened with rape and violence by police. Read and watch the reports about the teens and young people who were beaten by police and basically kidnapped, stuffed into cars and vans and just taken away. No cuffs, nothing. Just grabbed, beaten, and thrown into cars. For peaceful protesting.

Don't even get me started on Katrina, they literally took people's guns from them (rights violation) and some police just walked around popping survivors (murder, torture). These problems that people make a big deal about are not centralized in the Middle East, they're happening right here. But our news covers the "rebels and savages" in the Middle East, not the rich tyrant puppeteers we have here.

I posted those videos to show an intelligent view from the "other side", which isn't something we get here very often on our news stations. You cannot say he didn't make very good points in his speech, and probably pointed out a few or many things that a lot of people didn't know before watching the interviews.

I still believe that most country representatives are liars and hypocrites, but this man was speaking truth in this interview. Fact after fact after fact that Larry King could not retort against, so the station told him to cut to break. Rest assured he was briefed and given lines at those times.

And although we live in a free country where I could be an anti-Semite if I wanted... I'm not. I'm against all forms of racism, imperialism, globalism, and rights violations. I am against the regime that is using politics to murder thousands of people with no regard and throwing money around to cover it's own +@$. The regime over there and our own government are far too alike in actions to me and it's scary because with the way things are going, we could end up the same way.

People are pointing out things like "him" killing protesters and such. No one really mentions the civilians that our own soldiers are using for target practice and killing for sport like wild animals. People do evil things, and it gets worse with power. I'm not defending him but seriously, don't demonize him for things when our own policies on damn near EVERYTHING are horrid.

The stoning thing comes up often too... Death for adultery is a centuries old concept. It's in the Bible, or it may be gone by now due to all the heavy edits. But anyway much like hanging, the electric chair, gassing, and lethal injection... it's a form of capital punishment. There's no humane way to kill another human being. Some political leaders in Mexico have been killed by stoning in the past week or so, where's the uproar over that? They're trying to do away with stoning in Iran but as we all know, anything involving laws takes damn near forever.

Unless your president really wants it to pass

What do you guys think about Iran becoming a nuclear power? Is that cause to go to war as some people are saying? This country is the only one to have used nuclear bombs in an attack on another country. We also used depleted uranium in the attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq... but Iran can't use nuclear energy?

Sorry for the essay but debates and actual intelligent conversation are my favorite things about NT
Originally Posted by LetItShine24

Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Originally Posted by bijald0331

I mean he is all fine and dandy except for his disregard for basic human rights, Holocaust denial, censorship, corruption, and religious fanaticism.
He's not a denier, he just doesn't believe the numbers. I don't either, much like a very large population of people.

I was taught 4-5 million in elementary, 6 million in middle school through about 11th grade, 12th grade it was 6.5 to 7 million. I graduated in 07, it is now 2010 and I'm hearing numbers like 8.5 million.

Everything else you stated happens everywhere else in the world, including here.
With the things he's been speaking on recently and the current attitude of the Western world towards this guy based on what OUR OWN news stations and government officials say about him... it's looking like Iraq and Afghanistan all over again.
they continue to find mass graves thats why. the numbers arent exaggerated.
I still want some cement numbers. I'm sure mass graves are still being found, but I would like extensive research to be done on this. As important as it seems to be to people, you would think the research would have been done by now.

I just read through this entire thread again.

Many of the human rights violations that people speak of, like the mistreatment of those in prisons, torturing, and freedom of expression being violated happen RIGHT HERE in this country. The scale does not matter, it's happening on our soil. Is a blind eye being turned to it by those in power? Yes.

@DubA169 said what does Katrina and corrupt cops have to do with someone arresting, torturing, and killing people for peaceful protests. First of all, Ahmadinejad is not the "someone" doing it, and many of those cases aren't just the police coming in an opening fire. Some of them are, but not all. Watch the reports. Then watch the reports about the G20 journalist who was threatened with rape and violence by police. Read and watch the reports about the teens and young people who were beaten by police and basically kidnapped, stuffed into cars and vans and just taken away. No cuffs, nothing. Just grabbed, beaten, and thrown into cars. For peaceful protesting.

Don't even get me started on Katrina, they literally took people's guns from them (rights violation) and some police just walked around popping survivors (murder, torture). These problems that people make a big deal about are not centralized in the Middle East, they're happening right here. But our news covers the "rebels and savages" in the Middle East, not the rich tyrant puppeteers we have here.

I posted those videos to show an intelligent view from the "other side", which isn't something we get here very often on our news stations. You cannot say he didn't make very good points in his speech, and probably pointed out a few or many things that a lot of people didn't know before watching the interviews.

I still believe that most country representatives are liars and hypocrites, but this man was speaking truth in this interview. Fact after fact after fact that Larry King could not retort against, so the station told him to cut to break. Rest assured he was briefed and given lines at those times.

And although we live in a free country where I could be an anti-Semite if I wanted... I'm not. I'm against all forms of racism, imperialism, globalism, and rights violations. I am against the regime that is using politics to murder thousands of people with no regard and throwing money around to cover it's own +@$. The regime over there and our own government are far too alike in actions to me and it's scary because with the way things are going, we could end up the same way.

People are pointing out things like "him" killing protesters and such. No one really mentions the civilians that our own soldiers are using for target practice and killing for sport like wild animals. People do evil things, and it gets worse with power. I'm not defending him but seriously, don't demonize him for things when our own policies on damn near EVERYTHING are horrid.

The stoning thing comes up often too... Death for adultery is a centuries old concept. It's in the Bible, or it may be gone by now due to all the heavy edits. But anyway much like hanging, the electric chair, gassing, and lethal injection... it's a form of capital punishment. There's no humane way to kill another human being. Some political leaders in Mexico have been killed by stoning in the past week or so, where's the uproar over that? They're trying to do away with stoning in Iran but as we all know, anything involving laws takes damn near forever.

Unless your president really wants it to pass

What do you guys think about Iran becoming a nuclear power? Is that cause to go to war as some people are saying? This country is the only one to have used nuclear bombs in an attack on another country. We also used depleted uranium in the attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq... but Iran can't use nuclear energy?

Sorry for the essay but debates and actual intelligent conversation are my favorite things about NT
The U.S. villifies and attacks anyone that openly criticizes them. There are far worse leaders out there than Ahmedinejad that the U.S. actually SUPPORTS just because those leaders do not criticize U.S. policies. The U.S. government SUPPORTS dictators. It's just when the dictators act against U.S. interests or does something to piss the U.S. off that they decide to turn against them.

All this criticism of Ahmedinejad for human rights abuses in Iran is just a way to get the public and world opinion against him. The same U.S. government that criticizes Ahmedinejad for human rights violations is the same U.S. government that supports countries like Libya, Egypt, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Pakistan, etc etc who are just as guilty or even more guilty of human rights violations than Ahmedinajed is.

Was it not too long ago that the U.S. supported a gentleman by the name of Saddam Hussein? One of the most brutal dictators of his time who did not hesitate to kill innocent people. And yet we know for a fact that he received U.S. funding and we've all seen the photo of Donald Rumsfeld posing with him. All was well with Saddam because he acted in U.S. interests (going to war with Iran). The moment Saddam was deemed to have stepped out of line (attacked Kuwait which was a source of oil sent to the U.S.) he was villified and portrayed as an evil man. It's funny how he wasnt evil when he was committing atrocities against his own people (who the U.S. didnt care about) but he became evil when he decided to go for oil that was vital to the U.S.

Muammar Qaddhafi (Libyan Dictator) was actually found to have been responsible for KILLING innocent American citizens but he has since become a U.S. lapdog and Condoleeza Rice had no qualms with visiting him just a few years ago.

If the U.S. are going to call out Ahmedinejad for being a dictator than they should call out the dozens of dictators that they have cordial relationships with, otherwise they should shut up with their hypocrisy.
The U.S. villifies and attacks anyone that openly criticizes them. There are far worse leaders out there than Ahmedinejad that the U.S. actually SUPPORTS just because those leaders do not criticize U.S. policies. The U.S. government SUPPORTS dictators. It's just when the dictators act against U.S. interests or does something to piss the U.S. off that they decide to turn against them.

All this criticism of Ahmedinejad for human rights abuses in Iran is just a way to get the public and world opinion against him. The same U.S. government that criticizes Ahmedinejad for human rights violations is the same U.S. government that supports countries like Libya, Egypt, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Pakistan, etc etc who are just as guilty or even more guilty of human rights violations than Ahmedinajed is.

Was it not too long ago that the U.S. supported a gentleman by the name of Saddam Hussein? One of the most brutal dictators of his time who did not hesitate to kill innocent people. And yet we know for a fact that he received U.S. funding and we've all seen the photo of Donald Rumsfeld posing with him. All was well with Saddam because he acted in U.S. interests (going to war with Iran). The moment Saddam was deemed to have stepped out of line (attacked Kuwait which was a source of oil sent to the U.S.) he was villified and portrayed as an evil man. It's funny how he wasnt evil when he was committing atrocities against his own people (who the U.S. didnt care about) but he became evil when he decided to go for oil that was vital to the U.S.

Muammar Qaddhafi (Libyan Dictator) was actually found to have been responsible for KILLING innocent American citizens but he has since become a U.S. lapdog and Condoleeza Rice had no qualms with visiting him just a few years ago.

If the U.S. are going to call out Ahmedinejad for being a dictator than they should call out the dozens of dictators that they have cordial relationships with, otherwise they should shut up with their hypocrisy.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Was it not too long ago that the U.S. supported a gentleman by the name of Saddam Hussein? One of the most brutal dictators of his time who did not hesitate to kill innocent people. And yet we know for a fact that he received U.S. funding and we've all seen the photo of Donald Rumsfeld posing with him. All was well with Saddam because he acted in U.S. interests (going to war with Iran). The moment Saddam was deemed to have stepped out of line (attacked Kuwait which was a source of oil sent to the U.S.) he was villified and portrayed as an evil man. It's funny how he wasnt evil when he was committing atrocities against his own people (who the U.S. didnt care about) but he became evil when he decided to go for oil that was vital to the U.S.

you dont bite the hand that feeds you. its that simple. im sure you arent so self righteous about human rights violations in countries that benefit you personally.

and with regards to ahmadinejad. when you talk out of your @!! so often, people arent going to ever take you seriously. it works that way in all facets of life.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Was it not too long ago that the U.S. supported a gentleman by the name of Saddam Hussein? One of the most brutal dictators of his time who did not hesitate to kill innocent people. And yet we know for a fact that he received U.S. funding and we've all seen the photo of Donald Rumsfeld posing with him. All was well with Saddam because he acted in U.S. interests (going to war with Iran). The moment Saddam was deemed to have stepped out of line (attacked Kuwait which was a source of oil sent to the U.S.) he was villified and portrayed as an evil man. It's funny how he wasnt evil when he was committing atrocities against his own people (who the U.S. didnt care about) but he became evil when he decided to go for oil that was vital to the U.S.

you dont bite the hand that feeds you. its that simple. im sure you arent so self righteous about human rights violations in countries that benefit you personally.

and with regards to ahmadinejad. when you talk out of your @!! so often, people arent going to ever take you seriously. it works that way in all facets of life.
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Was it not too long ago that the U.S. supported a gentleman by the name of Saddam Hussein? One of the most brutal dictators of his time who did not hesitate to kill innocent people. And yet we know for a fact that he received U.S. funding and we've all seen the photo of Donald Rumsfeld posing with him. All was well with Saddam because he acted in U.S. interests (going to war with Iran). The moment Saddam was deemed to have stepped out of line (attacked Kuwait which was a source of oil sent to the U.S.) he was villified and portrayed as an evil man. It's funny how he wasnt evil when he was committing atrocities against his own people (who the U.S. didnt care about) but he became evil when he decided to go for oil that was vital to the U.S.

you dont bite the hand that feeds you. its that simple. im sure you arent so self righteous about human rights violations in countries that benefit you personally.

I think you may have missed the point of his argument. 
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Was it not too long ago that the U.S. supported a gentleman by the name of Saddam Hussein? One of the most brutal dictators of his time who did not hesitate to kill innocent people. And yet we know for a fact that he received U.S. funding and we've all seen the photo of Donald Rumsfeld posing with him. All was well with Saddam because he acted in U.S. interests (going to war with Iran). The moment Saddam was deemed to have stepped out of line (attacked Kuwait which was a source of oil sent to the U.S.) he was villified and portrayed as an evil man. It's funny how he wasnt evil when he was committing atrocities against his own people (who the U.S. didnt care about) but he became evil when he decided to go for oil that was vital to the U.S.

you dont bite the hand that feeds you. its that simple. im sure you arent so self righteous about human rights violations in countries that benefit you personally.

I think you may have missed the point of his argument. 
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Was it not too long ago that the U.S. supported a gentleman by the name of Saddam Hussein? One of the most brutal dictators of his time who did not hesitate to kill innocent people. And yet we know for a fact that he received U.S. funding and we've all seen the photo of Donald Rumsfeld posing with him. All was well with Saddam because he acted in U.S. interests (going to war with Iran). The moment Saddam was deemed to have stepped out of line (attacked Kuwait which was a source of oil sent to the U.S.) he was villified and portrayed as an evil man. It's funny how he wasnt evil when he was committing atrocities against his own people (who the U.S. didnt care about) but he became evil when he decided to go for oil that was vital to the U.S.

you dont bite the hand that feeds you. its that simple. im sure you arent so self righteous about human rights violations in countries that benefit you personally.

I think you may have missed the point of his argument. 
no, sadaam didnt keep with the program. when he was an ally, no one cared because it didnt affect America. i dont think i missed anything here.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Was it not too long ago that the U.S. supported a gentleman by the name of Saddam Hussein? One of the most brutal dictators of his time who did not hesitate to kill innocent people. And yet we know for a fact that he received U.S. funding and we've all seen the photo of Donald Rumsfeld posing with him. All was well with Saddam because he acted in U.S. interests (going to war with Iran). The moment Saddam was deemed to have stepped out of line (attacked Kuwait which was a source of oil sent to the U.S.) he was villified and portrayed as an evil man. It's funny how he wasnt evil when he was committing atrocities against his own people (who the U.S. didnt care about) but he became evil when he decided to go for oil that was vital to the U.S.

you dont bite the hand that feeds you. its that simple. im sure you arent so self righteous about human rights violations in countries that benefit you personally.

I think you may have missed the point of his argument. 
no, sadaam didnt keep with the program. when he was an ally, no one cared because it didnt affect America. i dont think i missed anything here.
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