Did anyone watch Ahmadinejad on Larry King?

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Was it not too long ago that the U.S. supported a gentleman by the name of Saddam Hussein? One of the most brutal dictators of his time who did not hesitate to kill innocent people. And yet we know for a fact that he received U.S. funding and we've all seen the photo of Donald Rumsfeld posing with him. All was well with Saddam because he acted in U.S. interests (going to war with Iran). The moment Saddam was deemed to have stepped out of line (attacked Kuwait which was a source of oil sent to the U.S.) he was villified and portrayed as an evil man. It's funny how he wasnt evil when he was committing atrocities against his own people (who the U.S. didnt care about) but he became evil when he decided to go for oil that was vital to the U.S.

you dont bite the hand that feeds you. its that simple. im sure you arent so self righteous about human rights violations in countries that benefit you personally.

I think you may have missed the point of his argument. 
no, sadaam didnt keep with the program. when he was an ally, no one cared because it didnt affect America. i dont think i missed anything here.

I meant his overall argument, not that single paragraph. Also, people did care about what was happening, especially families of the Kurds who were gassed. The average American may not have cared because they were uninformed, however if they had been I'm sure many more of them would have spoken out against a man who gassed innocent civilians and imprisoned many others.
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Was it not too long ago that the U.S. supported a gentleman by the name of Saddam Hussein? One of the most brutal dictators of his time who did not hesitate to kill innocent people. And yet we know for a fact that he received U.S. funding and we've all seen the photo of Donald Rumsfeld posing with him. All was well with Saddam because he acted in U.S. interests (going to war with Iran). The moment Saddam was deemed to have stepped out of line (attacked Kuwait which was a source of oil sent to the U.S.) he was villified and portrayed as an evil man. It's funny how he wasnt evil when he was committing atrocities against his own people (who the U.S. didnt care about) but he became evil when he decided to go for oil that was vital to the U.S.

you dont bite the hand that feeds you. its that simple. im sure you arent so self righteous about human rights violations in countries that benefit you personally.

I think you may have missed the point of his argument. 
no, sadaam didnt keep with the program. when he was an ally, no one cared because it didnt affect America. i dont think i missed anything here.

I meant his overall argument, not that single paragraph. Also, people did care about what was happening, especially families of the Kurds who were gassed. The average American may not have cared because they were uninformed, however if they had been I'm sure many more of them would have spoken out against a man who gassed innocent civilians and imprisoned many others.
Larry King got treated. A lot of good points made in the interview.
The same Larry King that can't remember the names of his guests half the time? *leaves thread*
The same Larry King that can't remember the names of his guests half the time? *leaves thread*
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