Donald Trump is running for president

Maybe I just been watching too much House of Cards...
I just ain't got no faith in Hillary.
Maybe I should inform myself more.

Rusty - What do you most look forward to Hillary getting done?
Where can I get the most unbiased views of her policies?
I know you always got the info on deck.

Here you go famb.

Her record

And a quick hit list if you ain't trying to read.

You also might want to take this QUIZ. Make sure you click the "other stances" button for more options.

What I look forward too? Protecting the lil progress Obama made, and MOST importantly, flipping the Supreme Court progressive. First time it will be that way in decades

A conservative Supreme Court has done plenty of damage, especially favoring big business over common citizens.

Even if we get a another trill dude like Bernie in 4-8 years, and a progressive productive Congress. A conservative supreme court can undo a ton of the laws they pass by siding with big business over and over.


I don't pumped about a Hillary presidency either. But sometimes you can't progress, gotta make sure you don't regress, and scrap for the inches where you can.

So a vote for Hillary is a vote not to go backwards.

If it was Mike Bloomberg running instead of Drumpf, even though I hate dude for stop-n-frisk, then some of the arguments being made for Drumpf might work for Bloomberg.

Then maybe I would consider that as a risk possible worth exploring. But not Drumpf, no way.
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When Donnie says he'll hire the "best people" to handle pretty much everything, bet that they'll be hardcore politicians that have been in the game for 40 years.

"establishment" is such a stupid, tired term. Everyone can't be an "outsider" just because you say you are and i refuse to believe a middle aged White billionaire from New York City is an "outsider" no matter how little politics experience he has.
When Donnie says he'll hire the "best people" to handle pretty much everything, bet that they'll be hardcore politicians that have been in the game for 40 years.

Actually naw, Trump's roldex lookin out a complete outta da usual beltway types.. He said it in that speech on Wisconsin.
I don't want no damb revolution.

In this election cycle? Ur in da solid minority.. And thats coming from both sides.
Both sides are dumber than I thought if they think they getting one.

Aint no revolution coming. This almost reminds me how distraught some young ppl were after the whole Vote or Die campaign did not pan out for them.

Voting is not enough. Especially if you only voting during presidential elections but most of these ppl thinking this way aint gonna smarten up any time soon. Treating a presidential election like it's a collab with American Idol and Housewives.

He an outsider doe, he not part of the establishment doe, he a fresh face doe

What's really crazy to me is how Trump is so much more coherent 28 years ago compared to now.

Still some of the same arrogance and ego (my speech got tremendous crowds and publicity) but it is so tempered here :lol:

Apparently he really isn't an outsider at all.
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What's really crazy to me is how Trump is so much more coherent 28 years ago compared to now.
The age of trolling had not yet begun.

Drumpf understands the age of Internet, social media, etc. and the dumb **** you have to say in order to get publicity. That's why 90% of his media exposure this campaign has been from insults - either to ethnic or religious groups, journalists and TV hosts, or his political opponents.
People say, Trump is an outsider and has his own money so he doesnt need the lobbyists.

In what world do we believe that Donald Trump doesnt desire to make more money?
Just because he isnt taking lobbyist money now does not mean he wont take it once in office.

Or like he has already alluded to, create policies which help his businesses out significantly in the form of deregulation and tax cuts.
I'd put the blame on a lot of you cats for entertaining him for the last I don't know how many pages.

You ever seen ninjahood change his mind on an issue?
You CHOSE to engage and go back and forth for pages on end.
Now you out here complaining about how he should be banned?
That sounds like a YOU problem.
Fool me one time, shame on you

Fool me twice, can't put the blame on you

Fool me three times, **** the peace signs, load the chopper let it rain on you.
On a strictly anecdotal assessment, da folks around my way who are as casual as you can get when it comes to politics, are SOOO in da tank for bernie that if they've told me of he dont win they sitting home or voting for Trump.
When Donnie says he'll hire the "best people" to handle pretty much everything, bet that they'll be hardcore politicians that have been in the game for 40 years.

"establishment" is such a stupid, tired term. Everyone can't be an "outsider" just because you say you are and i refuse to believe a middle aged White billionaire from New York City is an "outsider" no matter how little politics experience he has.

This is new given that all this anti-establishment sentiment has only been getting coverage relatively recently during this election cycle.

Glad the the topic has became such a hot button issue to the point that folks are tired of hearing about it,means its resonating :lol:

Drumpf is selling snake oil to his supporters though talking up his supposed "outsider" credentials :lol:
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When Donnie says he'll hire the "best people" to handle pretty much everything, bet that they'll be hardcore politicians that have been in the game for 40 years.

Actually naw, Trump's roldex lookin out a complete outta da usual beltway types.. He said it in that speech on Wisconsin.

Well I hope one of those billionaires has some foreign policy/diplomatic relations/foreign affairs experience.
When Donnie says he'll hire the "best people" to handle pretty much everything, bet that they'll be hardcore politicians that have been in the game for 40 years.

"establishment" is such a stupid, tired term. Everyone can't be an "outsider" just because you say you are and i refuse to believe a middle aged White billionaire from New York City is an "outsider" no matter how little politics experience he has.

This is new given that all this anti-establishment sentiment has only been getting coverage relatively recently during this election cycle.

Glad the the topic has became such a hot button issue to the point that folks are tired of hearing about it,means its resonating :lol:

Drumpf is selling snake oil to his supporters though talking up his supposed "outsider" credentials :lol:

I mean I get it, Washington politics as usual is dirty and serves the wealthy/upper class/etc.

But at the same time, this is the damn president of the USA I don't trust Degeneration-X to make sound policy decisions.

There's gotta be a better way to adjust the status quo of US politics than electing a clown to the highest office in the land.
On a strictly anecdotal assessment, da folks around my way who are as casual as you can get when it comes to politics, are SOOO in da tank for bernie that if they've told me of he dont win they sitting home or voting for Trump.
Makes sense, given that Sanders and Trump are basically snake oil salesmen who have similar appeal.
Nip :pimp:

A bunch of us gather & they come in riot gear. A bunch of Devils gather specifically to provoke & its negotiations lol
Are you guys saying only whites are allowed to gather? Look at what happened in Dallas this weekend. I guess the cops there didn't get that message.

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