Donald Trump is running for president

:lol: you still think your 1 sided liberal point of view is doctrine or something...

meanwhile Trump steady rising, and Hillary's only saving grace is......more of da same? :lol: good luck with that.
You don't see the irony in this? I don't think I've seen you do anything other than dismiss every opinion that doesn't fall in line with yours.

You're mistaking being a rigid political ideologue with me being sure of myself in what i say, which isn't bound by any ideology other than self aggrandizement.
I think he just has a mancrush on Drumpf. he defends him harder than kerr defending draymond's kick tonight.
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:lol: you still think your 1 sided liberal point of view is doctrine or something...

meanwhile Trump steady rising, and Hillary's only saving grace is......more of da same? :lol: good luck with that.
You don't see the irony in this? I don't think I've seen you do anything other than dismiss every opinion that doesn't fall in line with yours.

You're mistaking being a rigid political ideologue with me being sure of myself in what i say, which isn't bound by any ideology other than self aggrandizement.

Alright, fam.
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:lol: you still think your 1 sided liberal point of view is doctrine or something...

meanwhile Trump steady rising, and Hillary's only saving grace is......more of da same? :lol: good luck with that.
You don't see the irony in this? I don't think I've seen you do anything other than dismiss every opinion that doesn't fall in line with yours.

You're mistaking being a rigid political ideologue with me being sure of myself in what i say, which isn't bound by any ideology other than self aggrandizement.

Oh give me a god damb break :lol:
eh every election people say they'll leave but then no one ever leaves.

country has been fine before with idiot presidents. we'll be fine now.

if things do go crazy and we have a civil war then i'll reconsider.
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I wonder what half of you are going to do when the Donald becomes president??? Canada or Mexico?

I'm going to short the stock market and become rich beyond my wildest dreams after Trump crashes the economy.

I'll then buy a big mansion in Manhattan for around $100k.
I haven't popped into this thread at all so far...

But today I would just like to note that for the first time I actually believe Trump could beat Hilary.

Still dislike both candidates. Still have no faith in the system. Still probably won't bother voting.

But after talking with some people. America might really be that fed up with DC establishment politicians
You're mistaking being a rigid political ideologue with me being sure of myself in what i say, which isn't bound by any ideology other than self aggrandizement.
Since he opened the door to namecalling, I seriously think ninja has some mental deficiency that allows him to not see his barbershop logic. Then again most loudmouth idiots have no idea that they're loudmouth idiots.
Don't know if that's good or bad but that relates to Drumpf's idiotic tweet the other day:

The American people are sick and tired of not being able to lead normal lives and to constantly be on the lookout for terror and terrorists!

I have never once not led a normal life because of fear of terrorists. I did have to worry about the police installing martial law in my city because a racist police system unjustly killed a black man. Is Drumpf ready to fix that problem??
Don't know if that's good or bad but that relates to Drumpf's idiotic tweet the other day:

The American people are sick and tired of not being able to lead normal lives and to constantly be on the lookout for terror and terrorists!

I have never once not led a normal life because of fear of terrorists. I did have to worry about the police installing martial law in my city because a racist police system unjustly killed a black man. Is Drumpf ready to fix that problem??

What problem?
:lol: yeah, because you've never said "idiot liberals", "morons", "dumb broads", "ratchet broads" and on and on.. Fix your whole face b, and the 1 rep king needs to wash your residue off his lips.
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How does that fit with whats going on in da auto industry? Da market wants to keep buying trucks & SUV's and da government wants to put punitive regulations for giving consumers what they want.

Amazing how you conveniently didn't see my post addressing this, especially when I worked for one of the companies in question during that time frame. Absolutely amazing
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