Donald Trump is running for president

ninja got his jesus piece, Trump is president, gold is at an all time high :rofl:

Son going to be waiting a lifetime for that republican red Hemi to be personally delivered by the Trump man himself, though.
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We learned a million things through this endless election season. But I think a few ones to note are about the things we learned no longer really matter.

- Having your own party turn your back on you does not matter.
- Polls that go on forever designed to give us the pulse of the American voter do not matter.
- The tradition of releasing your tax records and the comedy of not doing so does not matter. (Trump would have destroyed Clinton if she pulled this).
- The three debates do not matter. It was largely written that if anyone "won" it was Clinton for all three.
- The celebrity endorsement no longer matters. This isn't a huge deal but it still is interesting to observe. Clinton had nearly all sports stars in her corner, had the usual music events with the heavy hitters. Donald Trump's most vocal celebs were basically Scott Baio and Ted Nugent. We are a nation that is obsessed with celebs and yes their opinions matter to the young.
- (Bonus) You have virtually no chance in this country to win president as a woman unless you are attractive with a great smile. That's how our male-controlled society works and always will.

It's officially now American Idol.

I don't agree with this. When it comes to this much power, the higher ups will always trust a man over a woman, period . As long as the general attitude surrounding women is that they need to be protected by men, and want to use excuses like 'I was only acting out of emotion, you can't take me serious when I act like that', qualified woman or not, the powers that be will NEVER take their gender serious in a position of power like this. Unfair? Maybe, but so are a lot of things in this country, and that's just the way it is here.
I'm really disappointed in Florida.......

A large percentage of South Florida is Cuban....

Now if he were talking about sending Cubans back to Cuba...they wouldn't have voted for Trump....

but since it was other hispanics that they frown upon anyway they didn't care.....

You South Floridian Cubans who voted Trump can forever hold this L.........

As much as you all hate yourselves the whites will never truly accept you all....
I think, this is coming from a non voter, that the numbers reported of people that voted are a lie.

I think trump was set to win by the powers that be.

I think votes don't matter. I think even if everyone turned out and voted Hillary trump still would of won. I think even the percentage of people that voted, more voted for Hillary yet it was always going to be this outcome. whenever they started electoral votes and the rest of that jib jab and adding dead candidates or a fill in the blank space, it's a joke.

That's just my thinking. How could we ever know and trust them? We gotta count ourselves.

And this is just speculation but imagine hillary in the whitehouse, she less likely to play ball, bigger risk factor in office. Trump can be bought a lot easier.
I'm with you on this and I know I'm in the minority. Don't even care. Politics are a joke and nothing but a show.
I'm a huge George Carlin stan. Country was bought and paid for a long time ago.
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People really put a guy in office with not an ounce of political experience. Zip. Never was a mayor, governor, senator, congressman ....nothing. Looked bad in every debate (if you can call what he was doing debating), and **** on every type of citizen under the sun. They voted for a reality show star with multiple failed businesses under his belt. Still in disbelief, but him being in office is very telling with the climate right now.

The "Terminator" was once the governor of the biggest state in our country. A German action movie star turned republican governor.....

Let's not forget that. At all

You know what, I actually did forget about that :lol: :x

This might be old news, but martin Shkreli leaked one of the unreleased Wu-Tang songs he bought after Trump one.

When Obama was running for his first term, a lot of people used his "lack of experience" as an argument against him :smh:

Yep, and now people are talking about Trump's non-existent political experience in positive light in relation to Hillary, marking it as a grand upset, when in fact it just showed the pure desperation and stupidity of not only him being elected as president, but the fact that he had a platform to even be a Republican nominee.
I now understand why Trump wouldn't honor the results of the election unless he won. He paid good money to rig the election :smile: but eff Donald Cartman I ain't going no place him and the rest of supporters gotta deal with and ain't nothing they can do about it :rofl:
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It's amazing how well he did among poor white people

He's everything they hate

born in to money
Ivy League Educated
not religious
not against abortion
It's amazing how well he did among poor white people

He's everything they hate

born in to money
Ivy League Educated
not religious
not against abortion

But his rhetoric and entire campaign was based on everything they love. Everything he spoke of hit the heart and souls of the camo-wearing, Ford F-150 driving, confederate flag waving, "Don't Tread On Me" folks. Just so happens that there were also a sizable amount of Mexicans and blacks that somehow identified with that as well.
People really put a guy in office with not an ounce of political experience. Zip. Never was a mayor, governor, senator, congressman ....nothing. Looked bad in every debate (if you can call what he was doing debating), and **** on every type of citizen under the sun. They voted for a reality show star with multiple failed businesses under his belt. Still in disbelief, but him being in office is very telling with the climate right now.

Not every citizen.

He went at everyone except white men.
And white men only care about white men.
I'm really disappointed in Florida.......

A large percentage of South Florida is Cuban....

Now if he were talking about sending Cubans back to Cuba...they wouldn't have voted for Trump....

but since it was other hispanics that they frown upon anyway they didn't care.....

You South Floridian Cubans who voted Trump can forever hold this L.........

As much as you all hate yourselves the whites will never truly accept you all....
Pricks are insecure about their own place in the racial hierarchy so they think they can impress their blonde haired WASP overlords by voting against someone who they assume is lower than them (Mexicans). "Did I do well, sir? Am I white now, sir?" 
 **** 'em.
People really put a guy in office with not an ounce of political experience. Zip. Never was a mayor, governor, senator, congressman ....nothing. Looked bad in every debate (if you can call what he was doing debating), and **** on every type of citizen under the sun. They voted for a reality show star with multiple failed businesses under his belt. Still in disbelief, but him being in office is very telling with the climate right now.

Not every citizen.

He went at everyone except white men.
And white men only care about white men.

Yea I pretty much meant he disrespected every type of minority
Pricks are insecure about their own place in the racial hierarchy so they think they can impress their blonde haired WASP overlords by voting against someone who they assume is lower than them (Mexicans). "Did I do well, sir? Am I white now, sir?" 
 **** 'em.
That not true at all..

Which part?

If he at one point went at white men i missed it.

And if you're talking about white men only caring aboit white men...i know thats kinda blanketed and dosent apply to everyone.
But if your a husband or father.. i dont see how you would want your daughters growing up ina country where the most powerful man has acted the way he has towards woman...only makes it ok for everyone else.
as a "south floridian cuban" i always found it weird how cubans look down on their own culture.......i can quote my peers around me laughing and degrading anything "cuban" and the strange obsession that a lot of cubans here in south fla have with being "american".....its hard to explain or gauge but to my miami talking about those kendall people that make fun of everything calling it "cuban style or hialeah style" .....listen to country music, etc....
as a "south floridian cuban" i always found it weird how cubans look down on their own culture.......i can quote my peers around me laughing and degrading anything "cuban" and the strange obsession that a lot of cubans here in south fla have with being "american".....its hard to explain or gauge but to my miami talking about those kendall people that make fun of everything calling it "cuban style or hialeah style" .....listen to country music, etc....
And homie I'm not generalizing all Cuban folks.

I lived in Miami 5 years I got love for my Cubano homies, because we from the same struggles, but yea you know the ones I'm talking about.

They identify as "white cuban" and are quick to tell someone to get thier "Hialeah" *** outta here..the self hate is real.

Its all good doe...all races have thier blacks too, but you gotta admit the 1st generation old Cuban folks be on some arrogant ****.

Loyal to replublicans because of Reagan...and voting against Hilary because of what the democrats did to lil Elian Gonzales 
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I'm really disappointed in Florida.......

A large percentage of South Florida is Cuban....

Now if he were talking about sending Cubans back to Cuba...they wouldn't have voted for Trump....

but since it was other hispanics that they frown upon anyway they didn't care.....

You South Floridian Cubans who voted Trump can forever hold this L.........

As much as you all hate yourselves the whites will never truly accept you all....
preach homie a damb shame what happened 
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