Harvey Weinstein = Hollywood dumpster fire.

:rofl: :rofl: that's one cornball, doesn't represent ny at all. Just like that fake Nyer who got knocked the **** out by those hillbillies
Dude mother probably took that hush money back in the day.

A lot of children were pawned off by their parents to get in Hollywood.

I gave my thoughts on this ordeal a while back. I don't think there were any victims here. Both benefited from the deal; some actresses had shorter careers than others and are coming out of the woodwork. Actresses who can't act have had careers spanning over a decade or more. The game is the game and they chose to play it. There's no such thing as a hotel room interview. You know what's going down when you get up there.
Agreed on the above. All parties involved are disgusting, especially the parents of the underage actors/actresses who were taken advantage of.
Somebody gonna need to explain this watch me fap fetish.

I still don't get it.

People have weird fetishes man. The human brain is a scary thing. R. Kelly got off on peeing on someone. Jeffrey Dahmer had sex with mannequins and corpses. Some dudes like getting their prostates "milked."

If you're saying it's deviant behavior I 100% agree with you. You'd probably need someone in the field of abnormal psychology to explain the "why" though.
A lot of children were pawned off by their parents to get in Hollywood.

I gave my thoughts on this ordeal a while back. I don't think there were any victims here. Both benefited from the deal; some actresses had shorter careers than others and are coming out of the woodwork. Actresses who can't act have had careers spanning over a decade or more. The game is the game and they chose to play it. There's no such thing as a hotel room interview. You know what's going down when you get up there.

Other than the kids stuff, it's pretty hard to argue with any of this.
So HBO is starting to pull LCK content off of their Demand platforms? But are they pulling Entourage episodes since Piven has been accused as well? Doubt it :lol: .
Its not that I can't believe Louis did this but I can't believe he did this and thought he'd get away with it. So odd.
That's what still blows my mind. Louis is a big time comic, but he had to know he didn't have "I'm gonna be a creep and your gonna keep quite" type power.
A lot of children were pawned off by their parents to get in Hollywood.

I gave my thoughts on this ordeal a while back. I don't think there were any victims here. Both benefited from the deal; some actresses had shorter careers than others and are coming out of the woodwork. Actresses who can't act have had careers spanning over a decade or more. The game is the game and they chose to play it. There's no such thing as a hotel room interview. You know what's going down when you get up there.

This may be arguable for the adult cases but I don't think you can say there were "no victims" when children are involved simply because they got a maybe undeserved acting/Hollywood career...

Unless you were talking about the Weinstein/CK type stuff and not the Sheen type stuff.
This may be arguable for the adult cases but I don't think you can say there were "no victims" when children are involved simply because they got a maybe undeserved acting/Hollywood career...

Unless you were talking about the Weinstein/CK type stuff and not the Sheen type stuff.

Word. Those kids were definitely victims, sure they benefitted in the sense they made mad money but they were violated and most probably weren't the ones that made the decision to do that. Plus the parents handled all the money and took control financially anyways.

With two adults theres definitely no victims, they knew whats going down. They were willing to sell their soul and their booty hole for money and fame.
Too broad of a brush to say there were no victims when dealing with Hollywood.

Some people are aware of the dirtiness of it all, but I mean you also got people with no money, no experience, and no support from the middle of nowhere trying to chase a dream.

I Think its just letting people like Weinstein off the hook when you say there are no victims.
This the first y'all heard about CK?

He openly discussed his fetish for jacking off in front of chicks years ago. This def isn't news. Dude been an open creep.
Jenny McCarthy Details Alleged Casting Couch Experience with Steven Seagal: ‘It Just So Grossed Me Out’

Although Jenny McCarthy first accused Steven Seagal of sexual misconduct back in 1998, amid new allegations against the actor, McCarthy, 45, detailed her casting couch experience with Seagal, 65, on SiriusXM.

“They sent me out for Under Siege 2,” McCarthy began, describing a 1995 film Seagal starred in, adding that she “purposefully wore a muumuu to the audition so the casting people would actually look at my face and watch my work.”

When it was finally her turn to audition, McCarthy said she noticed “there was no one else in the room,” but she convinced herself that wasn’t a problem because “he’s a celebrity.”

“So I stand across from him and he plops onto a sofa that’s near a fireplace,” she continued. “And he points at the sofa cushion next to him saying to me, ‘Take a seat. Relax.’ I said, ‘No thank you! I’m just really excited to read for this part. And I have so much energy I need to stand.’ ”

McCarthy then detailed how the actor went “on and on about how he spent time in Asia working on missions” adding that he was “watching out of one eye to see if I take the bait.” And then McCarthy claims he told her, ‘’‘You know, this part has nudity in it. And I can’t really tell what your body looks like in that dress that you’re wearing.’ ”

“In my head I’m like, ‘Okay here we go. Sound the alarms, this is not a test this is the real thing, activate all defense systems,'” McCarthy continued. “But I so wanted to legitimately read for this part that I wasn’t gonna give up yet. So I told him, ‘Listen. My agent says there’s no nudity. I specifically asked her and she said no.’

McCarthy then claimed Seagal told her “there is off-camera nudity,” before asking her to lower her dress for him.

“In shock, of course I responded with, ‘Could we please read the scene,’ ” but she said again he asked her if she could lower her dress “so I can see your breasts.”

“I paused, I looked up at him, went from shocked to sadness, my eyes filled with water and I yelled, ‘Go buy my Playboy video — it’s on sale for $19.99’ and just took off,” she continued, adding that as she was about to open the door to her car, the actor — who she said had followed her — told her not to tell anybody, “or else.”

“So I get into my car and I just burst into tears,” she said, adding that she didn’t know what the actor meant by “or else,” but that after that encounter, she was ready “to move back to Chicago.”

“It was so disheartening,” she continued. “And I thought about like, ‘I was the last girl that day. How many girls had to take off their clothes? How many girls had to do more?’ It just so grossed me out.”

A spokesman for Seagal previously denied McCarthy’s claims to The Daily Beast. Representatives for Seagal have not responded to PEOPLE’s request for comment regarding any of the claims.

In late October, Seagal joined the list of major Hollywood figures accused of sexual misconduct in the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal when Inside Edition correspondent Lisa Guerrero accused Seagal of trying to proposition her.

On Wednesday, actress Portia de Rossi tweeted about her alleged experience with Seagal saying that “her final audition for a Steven Seagal movie took place in his office” and that “he told me how important it was to have chemistry off-screen as he sat me down and unzipped his pants.”

And last week, Julianna Margulies recalled an encounter with Seagal, whom she costarred with in the 1991 film Out for Justice. “When I was 23, a casting director, a woman, said, ‘Steven Seagal wants to go over the scene with you in his hotel room at 10 o’clock at night,’ ” Margulies told Jenny Hutt for SiriusXM’s Just Jenny.
I'm curious to know what they'll do if this gets od extreme and 90% of the big names get exposed with solid proof. would Hollywood simply halt? just like most things in America, this stuff is known, it's just that no one got caught/ proven guilty.
sad/crazy part is that this probably extends way beyond hollywood and there will be a much more important and consequential distraction before it escapes the relatively unimportant entertainment industry and starts getting into politicians and the truly powerful
I'm curious to know what they'll do if this gets od extreme and 90% of the big names get exposed with solid proof. would Hollywood simply halt? just like most things in America, this stuff is known, it's just that no one got caught/ proven guilty.
I think 90% is excessive, I hope it ain't that many sickos in the movie industry
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