Have you ever lost your wallet?


Never ever lost my wallet.

A couple of close calls.


Worst Idea Ever.


Never ever lost my wallet.

A couple of close calls.


Worst Idea Ever.

Yea I took that L before. I lost my wallet, actually someone stole my Wallet right out my dresser in a halfway house I lived at in Florida . didn't care bout the cash, Wit no liscense I couldn't get home! N I'm from jersey. Hadda go threw all this trouble 2 get a flordia liscense just 2 touch down! I also had my HVAC certifications in there, and my lawyers number, AND my social. Was a epic fail. Needless 2 say my personal info cards cash NEVER leaves my pocket
Yea I took that L before. I lost my wallet, actually someone stole my Wallet right out my dresser in a halfway house I lived at in Florida . didn't care bout the cash, Wit no liscense I couldn't get home! N I'm from jersey. Hadda go threw all this trouble 2 get a flordia liscense just 2 touch down! I also had my HVAC certifications in there, and my lawyers number, AND my social. Was a epic fail. Needless 2 say my personal info cards cash NEVER leaves my pocket
I lost mine a week ago

My license and 6 dollars so nothing big
I was robbed and had to give up my wallet with nothing but $250 in it and a library card

never lost it though
I was robbed and had to give up my wallet with nothing but $250 in it and a library card

never lost it though
One time I thought I lost mine and was tearing up my house and car ended up finding it wedged between the backseat and the inside of the car. Another time I was at a club and after I closed my tab I put my card in my pocket instead of my wallet, and it got stuck to a pack of cigs and when I pulled everything out of my pocket when I got home I didn't see it in my wallet and freaked out called the club and they said it hadn't been turned in, so I kept looking and eventually found it inside the plastic wrapping around the cigs.
One time I thought I lost mine and was tearing up my house and car ended up finding it wedged between the backseat and the inside of the car. Another time I was at a club and after I closed my tab I put my card in my pocket instead of my wallet, and it got stuck to a pack of cigs and when I pulled everything out of my pocket when I got home I didn't see it in my wallet and freaked out called the club and they said it hadn't been turned in, so I kept looking and eventually found it inside the plastic wrapping around the cigs.
i was robbed at gunpoint back in nov 08. got my wallet and my g1 (phone released the week prior). i didnt have any cash in it, but i had my id's, cc's, debit cards, and various other cards. guys drop a couple hundred at a gas station in LA. havent used a wallet since. worst feeling in the world.
i was robbed at gunpoint back in nov 08. got my wallet and my g1 (phone released the week prior). i didnt have any cash in it, but i had my id's, cc's, debit cards, and various other cards. guys drop a couple hundred at a gas station in LA. havent used a wallet since. worst feeling in the world.
I've lost it in my room a few times. But when I'm out, I pat my rear every so often to make sure it's still there.
I've lost it in my room a few times. But when I'm out, I pat my rear every so often to make sure it's still there.
Question for those in here who said when they lost it, folks used their debit cards. How the hell did they get your pin?
Question for those in here who said when they lost it, folks used their debit cards. How the hell did they get your pin?
i found this dudes wallet in a cab in austin a while back. I took it to the address listed on his i.d and it was a gated apartment thing where you had to get a pin to go upstairs, so i climbed this fence thing to go to his floor (2nd floor). I could not get up over the roof thing without some acrobatic +%!+ so i just threw it on what seemed to be his floor mat. I took the liberty of buying a pack of smokes and gas...I still consider it a good dead
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