How many are praying not to have a little girl? vol. imma kill one of you lil fools.

put em up

Apr 21, 2009
you father with lil do yall deal with these lil fool out here?

long story short

I was in the mall with my lady and walking behind two lil dudes, they were no older then 14. One kid was talking about how he had a shorty on her stomach and he was going ham. He claim the buns was wack and hes gonna try to get at her befriend. Me and my old lady looked at each other with the

dont get me wrong, when i was young i got my rocks off too. but dam these lil dude are savages when it comes to these lil girl nowadays.

for some reason one side of me was like
 catch as many body as you can lil homie.

on the other side was disgusted.

then i come on NT and read things you cat write like "if she can drive, she can ride."

me and the lady are at the point in our relationship were having kid are becoming a big topic. I told her I need two boy first so we can have 8 eyes on the lil girl at all times. But i know those sheltered girls are the first ones to go wild in college, its a lose, lose situation having a girl in todays time. Guess you just gotta pump morals in her and hope she does the right thing.
Honestly, I think all it takes is being actively involved in a her life. When the time is right, I'll be hoping for a baby girl.
Yea I hear that but you it's nothing for some knuckle head to spit some foolishness and she falls for it. I've countless good girls fall for clowns game and ruin their lives
If I have a girl, even though I'm not very religious, I'm gonna make her go to church and wear a purity ring.  Trust me, the girls that wear them aren't about to let you take that piece of sterling silver off their finger unless you're replacing it with something from tiffany's...
Its a lose, lose huh? Comical. That dude in the mall is more than likely lying, like others do when it comes to their sexual adventures. You're listening to a 14 y.o. tell sex stories? lol I think there are more women than men in the world, so the chances of you getting that girl is prolly high.

For the topic, I dont care if it's a boy or girl. I just my child to be healthy. The behavoir wont be a problem for me.
I've already begun to forge my blade in the event that i do have a daughter one day..
Originally Posted by krazy88s

Its a lose, lose huh? Comical. That dude in the mall is more than likely lying, like others do when it comes to their sexual adventures. You're listening to a 14 y.o. tell sex stories? lol I think there are more women than men in the world, so the chances of you getting that girl is prolly high.

For the topic, I dont care if it's a boy or girl. I just my child to be healthy. The behavoir wont be a problem for me.

Yea he could've been lying but there are 15 and 13 year olds out there having sex.I rode around my old neighborhood and saw 5 lil girls push carriages.
a father figure/male reinforcement is all it takes to keep a girl on the right path. the absence of one has some really long lasting affects on the way young girls view men, relationships, love, etc. i'm willing to guarantee that every loose one we know has issues with their father.
But damn I've met girls who dad wouldn't let them live.

I had one who's dad was stupid cool.

Lawd knows if they knew how their angels performed when pops not around he would've killed me.

The wifey? Never had a constant male father figure in her life and she's one of the most amazing female ive ever encountered.

It's like drawing straws you don't know what you'll get when raising girl.
I wouldn't have a problem having a daughter. . . Right after I have her 3 brothers
Me cuz I know what I've done to peoples daughters and karma's a btich. A lot of people say it's all on how u raise her but I've seen females from good families still go ham
Originally Posted by Put em up

Originally Posted by krazy88s

Its a lose, lose huh? Comical. That dude in the mall is more than likely lying, like others do when it comes to their sexual adventures. You're listening to a 14 y.o. tell sex stories? lol I think there are more women than men in the world, so the chances of you getting that girl is prolly high.

For the topic, I dont care if it's a boy or girl. I just my child to be healthy. The behavoir wont be a problem for me.

Yea he could've been lying but there are 15 and 13 year olds out there having sex. I rode around my old neighborhood and saw 5 lil girls push carriages.
If you using that example, who got them pregnant then? The little boy, right? So its either have little boys or girls out acting up.

I don't care what I have as long as there healthy..

But I would be more strict on my daughter then I would my son though.
i got 2 girls , 14 & 12 , i already had to smack one lil dude around for getting funny on her facebook pg.

thankfully my girls are smart, respectful of themselves and listen to everything my wife and i say. i got a great relationship with them and they're " daddy's girls " to the fullest extent .

it's all communication and letting them know they're self worth. girls are so emtional , u constantly gotta make sure you let them know they're special and they never need a man to validate they're worth.

my oldest starts HS in sept. so i'm sure lifes gonna get pretty interesting these next couple years
But of course you'll expect your son to $!$% everything that walks? Just curious here.
i definitely CANNOT have a little girl, after the things ive done to some mens daughters when i was younger.
From my p.o.v as it stands, a father's role in his daughter's life is key. The right amount of affection, communication to let her know whats real, and appreciation to build her self-esteem. I think this goes for boys as well. I will be realistic in acknowledging that it is a continuous battle against external influence, with raising kids. But I do believe that within the early stages of a child's life, there are some core values in which you absolutely control.

...You have to find that balance as a parent. You also have to have realistic expectations with yourself and realize that she's going to fall for someone, and your influence can only extend so far. Just play your part accordingly.

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However, if you've been a whor and a half like're doomed
if i have a daughter i hope i can raise her right. ima try to spoil her & give her everything she want just to show her these $%@*#% out here cant do $+#% for her & she dont need em. havin a #@* for a daughter would make me crazy
Like it has been said by TOAST1985 and OHDANNYBOY it's all about being an active father, not one who passes the responsibility of raising your girl(s) onto your wife.

I have two beautiful girls from a wife who didn't have her first boyfriend until she went off to college. I asked her what kept her disinterested in boys for all those years and she gave me the keys, so pay attention fellas. First off she played sports since she was a little girl. T-ball, softball, volleyball, etc. My girls are two and four and they are already in gymnastics. I also take them to the park and let them compete against each other in races and at home I have a bat and a ball for them. They are already making contact with underhand pitches and they love that I get so excited every time they rock one past me. I don't force the game on them, I just make it fun for them and as soon as they are over it, I let them move on to whatever else they want to do. But the key here is in all these games, besides giving them a healthy distraction from boys, is setting up a dynamic where they take pride in me being proud of them.

The other thing my wife told me is she didn't get her license until her senior year and wasn't allowed to do sleep overs or ride with any random people. Her mom had her bring her friend to their house instead of her hanging out at other people's houses all the time. So my next step, for when my daughter starts wanting to hang out with friends outside of school, is to keep a good environment at my house for that. I don't trust other people with my kids anyway outside of a select few family members.

Good luck to all of NTs fathers of girls.
Originally Posted by toast1985

From my p.o.v as it stands, a father's role in his daughter's life is key. The right amount of affection, communication to let her know whats real, and appreciation to build her self-esteem. I think this goes for boys as well. I will be realistic in acknowledging that it is a continuous battle against external influence, with raising kids. But I do believe that within the early stages of a child's life, there are some core values in which you absolutely control.

...You have to find that balance as a parent. You also have to have realistic expectations with yourself and realize that she's going to fall for someone, and your influence can only extend so far. Just play your part accordingly.

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I fully expect my daughter to hate me after the age of 10
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