How many are praying not to have a little girl? vol. imma kill one of you lil fools.

I forgot to mention, I think it's important to expose your girls to the real world and be frank with them about your opinion on things. Don't be PC and paint a world that's perfect. Keep it real. I talk to my girls like I talk to adults. Obviously I'm friendlier and more loving to them than I am to anyone else, but I don't sugarcoat life for them.
Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

Honestly, I think all it takes is being actively involved in a her life.
i still want a boy, but good parents (especially a solid father) makes all the difference.
i actually want a little girl

call me cocky but between myself an a fine lady

chick is gonna be VERY blessed
I didn't pray hard enough

But she's perfect

I know I'll be able to raise her to be a sweet, confident, intelligent, non-$$*+$
Originally Posted by Degenerate423

If I have a girl, even though I'm not very religious, I'm gonna make her go to church and wear a purity ring.  Trust me, the girls that wear them aren't about to let you take that piece of sterling silver off their finger unless you're replacing it with something from tiffany's...

Hmmmmm *runs to tell wife about this idea...and she won't ever go to a DC Public School we started when we were 14...
Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

Like it has been said by TOAST1985 and OHDANNYBOY it's all about being an active father, not one who passes the responsibility of raising your girl(s) onto your wife.

I have two beautiful girls from a wife who didn't have her first boyfriend until she went off to college. I asked her what kept her disinterested in boys for all those years and she gave me the keys, so pay attention fellas. First off she played sports since she was a little girl. T-ball, softball, volleyball, etc. My girls are two and four and they are already in gymnastics. I also take them to the park and let them compete against each other in races and at home I have a bat and a ball for them. They are already making contact with underhand pitches and they love that I get so excited every time they rock one past me. I don't force the game on them, I just make it fun for them and as soon as they are over it, I let them move on to whatever else they want to do. But the key here is in all these games, besides giving them a healthy distraction from boys, is setting up a dynamic where they take pride in me being proud of them.

The other thing my wife told me is she didn't get her license until her senior year and wasn't allowed to do sleep overs or ride with any random people. Her mom had her bring her friend to their house instead of her hanging out at other people's houses all the time. So my next step, for when my daughter starts wanting to hang out with friends outside of school, is to keep a good environment at my house for that. I don't trust other people with my kids anyway outside of a select few family members.

Good luck to all of NTs fathers of girls.
If I do have girls this is what I would do. 
Beautiful thing Brolic

As for my boys. Smashing everything walking isn't what life is about. Sure I want him to be confident, smart, and charming. But I gonna keep it real with him early and what his parent has influenced him with he'll be able to know real from fake.

Thing that I'm learning is morals,gotta have strong morals. And also keeping idiot adults from them as much as possible.
Originally Posted by Quincy Powell

Father or really doesn't matter. We are all young and dumb once.

true, but its up to the parents to teach the kids how to prevent that

@Brolic, i plan to do the same things whenever i have girls

Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

Like it has been said by TOAST1985 and OHDANNYBOY it's all about being an active father, not one who passes the responsibility of raising your girl(s) onto your wife.

I have two beautiful girls from a wife who didn't have her first boyfriend until she went off to college. I asked her what kept her disinterested in boys for all those years and she gave me the keys, so pay attention fellas. First off she played sports since she was a little girl. T-ball, softball, volleyball, etc. My girls are two and four and they are already in gymnastics. I also take them to the park and let them compete against each other in races and at home I have a bat and a ball for them. They are already making contact with underhand pitches and they love that I get so excited every time they rock one past me. I don't force the game on them, I just make it fun for them and as soon as they are over it, I let them move on to whatever else they want to do. But the key here is in all these games, besides giving them a healthy distraction from boys, is setting up a dynamic where they take pride in me being proud of them.

The other thing my wife told me is she didn't get her license until her senior year and wasn't allowed to do sleep overs or ride with any random people. Her mom had her bring her friend to their house instead of her hanging out at other people's houses all the time. So my next step, for when my daughter starts wanting to hang out with friends outside of school, is to keep a good environment at my house for that. I don't trust other people with my kids anyway outside of a select few family members.

Good luck to all of NTs fathers of girls.

your wife may  have had the same father i do

my dad was tighter with me cuz i was a girl but he didnt shelter me...

the day before i started HS he sat me down and told me "don't drink don't do drugs don't hop in the car with anyone and don't listen to boys cuz they only want to get in your pants"

my mother and dad were both mom always always talked to me about sex...when i was younger it was 'good touch/bad touch" when i got older it was "i prefer you wait but if not come to me and we can talk BC options" she wouldn't let me stay at just anyone's house either even though i was never much of a sleepover type

even w/my dad being strict i was never a wild child when i got to college...
Yeah me and my wifey are having a little girl on June 24th(scheduled c-section). I mean as long as raise them right, hopefully when them time comes they will make the right decisions( in life and relationships). BTW I had a boy first and he's being groomed as I type to take care and look after his lil sis if one of these lil youngins wanna try something
As a father of a 5 year old son and soon to be 3 year old daughter, i have the same concerns. Just stay involved in their lives, teach them, talk to them. that's the best you can do. and pray they make wise decisions when you're not around.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

i actually want a little girl

call me cocky but between myself an a fine lady

chick is gonna be VERY blessed

she's gonna have a lotta testosterone.

The older I get the more I realize I really wanna adopt children, so whoever I end up with better be open to it.
i have one on the way....bout dropped a tear when doctor said what it was....i've done females wrong and played the !%!# out of 'em....

but as long as i'm in her life and always keep it real then she'll be aight......
I'd rather just educate my daughter (dont have any kids) than try and control every part of her life. Trying to solve one problem and causing another is dumb to me. I'm more concerned with my daughter trying to distance away from her father. Kids need guidance, but it has to be done in a way they wont rebel.
Lulz @ all the fathers that dogged the **#$ outta %$*##%@ & now are terrified about their daughters.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I have my son, he is 6 now.... when i found out i prayyyyyyyyyyyyyyed i didn't get a little girl. was 19 then.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]as i'm older now, i would love a little girl when i have a wife. I am an amazing father and do everything above and beyond for my son. Damn right i would do the same with my future daughter if it's in the cards.[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I have my son, he is 6 now.... when i found out i prayyyyyyyyyyyyyyed i didn't get a little girl. was 19 then.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]as i'm older now, i would love a little girl when i have a wife. I am an amazing father and do everything above and beyond for my son. Damn right i would do the same with my future daughter if it's in the cards.[/color]
Just had my first child last Oct... When we found out we were having a boy i felt like the weight of the world was lifted off my back...I can feel where dudes comin from sayin that they hope for a boy because of how they were as teenagers and such and i felt the same.. but after spending time with your child and knowing that you will part of that child's life whether it be boy or girl i don't think it much matters if you play an active role. obviously the way you raise a boy and girl will differ but your goal as a parent should remain the same to be committed and guide your child to the right decisions..
Seem like females for the most part don't want any girls either these days. If it happens it happens. My sister wanted a boy, but got a girl instead. Girls I talked to all wanted boys. Chick i talk to now swears up and down she better not get a girl or she's putting it up for adoption.
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