I kissed a girl with a boyfriend Vol. She told him

I smashed a girl with a boyfriend last Saturday and didn't think twice about it. Who cares.

You kissed her on the cheek, and the boyfriend got upset? WTH
IDK about some of you, but when I meet up with some of my female friends we great eachotherwith hugs and kiss on the cheeks.

Now, if she really did fall all over you on purpose the second time then she must either be playing games with you, or wants you.
at you for trippin'
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

You kissed her on the cheek, and the boyfriend got upset? WTH
IDK about some of you, but when I meet up with some of my female friends we great eachother with hugs and kiss on the cheeks.

Now, if she really did fall all over you on purpose the second time then she must either be playing games with you, or wants you.
at you for trippin'

This dude giving son advice 6 months later...
this is the most ridiculous thing I've ever read, you can't be in college talking bout going in ol girls room and kissing her on the cheek and havingemotional pain...this had to be summer camp.
wait wait wait..im super late because this is 6 months old..but which girl was he talkin bout? cus if its the girl on the right, I I'm pretty sure I knowher, and her ex.

I'm mad my dude bumped the thread 6months later and is trying to give advice for a situation that occurred a year before dude even made this thread.
hers ... if i was you i would smash , who cares she wanted it from you , thats her dudes problem
The real question is why did the Lame B, tell her boyfriend you kissed her on the cheek. Like how did that conversation even start
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