Is the prom worth going to?

Jan 4, 2008
I'm a senior now and it's like i wanna go to the prom,but i don't wanna go. My friend went last year and he sais he waisted like $300. He said itwas really boring and it seemed like it was over really quick. Did you go to your prom? Was it worth doing?
yes, I went. yes, it was worth it. I spent less than that (maybe like $225) on a Tux, dinner, and liquor for afterwards. I still look at it as one of my mostenjoyable nights. Chillin with your friends and your girl is just a whole lot of fun.

Do it. Do it.
Originally Posted by CjGenius368

yes, I went. yes, it was worth it. I spent less than that (maybe like $225) on a Tux, dinner, and liquor for afterwards. I still look at it as one of my most enjoyable nights. Chillin with your friends and your girl is just a whole lot of fun.

Do it. Do it.

i can't wait for my senior prom, only 1 month away...

and yes i say its worth going, well at least the after parties
imo It depends on your high school and how fun you and your friends make it.
It's what you make of it. My prom was wack IMO. Mad that my mom forced me to go, wasted her money and spend time with ppl. that I didn't like.
i would go, even if you had a whack time at least you wont spend the rest of your life wondering "how it would of been if you did go" thats how ifeel now about grad night. i thought it was whack back in 2003 and skipped out on it, now i regret not going.
I have to pay my senior obligations and thats like $350, so if i go to the prom i have to make sure I'm not waisting money.
you really only get one prom in youre life so you better take advantage of it...especially the afterparty
The quality of the experience will be passed on who your date is, what it is being held and how closely it is being chaperoned. Luckily for me, all of thosefactors were in my favor. My date was a really cute caramel skinned Latina, whom I has been dating and messing around with over the previous few months. Theprom was at a hotel in downtown LA and the setting was great and we go ta room and I my parents were cool enough to buy me some good booze so I dropped it offin my room when we got to the hotel. The chaperons were mostly cool parents and teachers who understood that we were 18 or almost 18 and they pretty much letus do what we wanted. My friends, my girls, their girls I got pretty buzzed and some got down right drunk. I capped the night by losing my V-card with my datein my room right there in the heart of LA. In was perfect for me.

If the stars are not aligned though and you date is a prude, the venue sucks and the chaperons are puritanical Nazis, then don't go.

I skipped out on grad night because of Disney Land's rules and the fact that I had a Laker parade to get to the next morning and I had to leave town at 6am and the grad night buses did not come back until like 9 am.
take advantage of this opportunity man, it only comes up once in a life time unless you go with someone thats still in HS when you graduate(but it wouldnt bethe same). i didnt go to prom and when i think about it, makes me kinda sad since there was alot of *++% going on in my life at the time, but life goes on.. goto prom !
if you have a girlfriend, or a really good female friend, then go. I went with a friend, but not a good friend, and got stuck sharing a limo with a couple thati didn't know all that well. I guess thats what I get for deciding to go after the girl i wanted to take had already been asked.
One question guys, did you pay for your dates' ticket? My date's a good friend to me, and I want to pay for her ticket. I'm also gettin hercorsiage, and feedin her afterwards. I don't know about payin for photos though, that's on her..what did you guys do? I still got to rent atux...probably gonna be near a hundred bucks.
apparently not for this one girl. she told me that her mom gave her all the money that they would have spent on prom, and gave it to her for a shoppingspree........
I went to prom... it is was pretty nice, had a lot of fun. Then again it all depends on you go with and what you do after prom

And I went to Grad-Party as well.. It was at the ESPN zone for the whole night. Food, Games, the real games - They gave out free TV's and laptops towinners
.. That place had everything you could think off

All in all I went to all this thinking oh I am gonna "miss" this people based on the assumption that I am not gonna see them again but I came to therealization that I don't miss none of them at all
nonetheless I had fun.
There's only one senior prom... you should go regardless if it will suck or not. Try to have fun and make the best of it. And co-sign on them Nazis
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