Little Things that are Devastating

toilet back splash.... rarely happens to me but when it does.... I become paralyzed with so much disgust.
toilet back splash.... rarely happens to me but when it does.... I become paralyzed with so much disgust.
need to take a +#!! and theres no toilet paper
need to take a +#!! and you're nowhere near a washroom
the feeling of disgust after jerking off
batteries for the tv remote die and you have no extra batteries
red rings of death
barber messes up your lineup
going to a club and its dead inside
drinking too much and having to throw up
need to take a +#!! and theres no toilet paper
need to take a +#!! and you're nowhere near a washroom
the feeling of disgust after jerking off
batteries for the tv remote die and you have no extra batteries
red rings of death
barber messes up your lineup
going to a club and its dead inside
drinking too much and having to throw up
Originally Posted by Nermindee

toilet back splash.... rarely happens to me but when it does.... I become paralyzed with so much disgust.


The last bite of your sandwich, yeah the one that you purposefully saved with the cheese hanging off... falling to the floor
The last bite of your sandwich, yeah the one that you purposefully saved with the cheese hanging off... falling to the floor
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