Man stabbed 9 times after defending his girlfriend from a catcaller

I guess you know something I don't, please share the other article you read that states otherwise.
 “When we tried to get away from the situation and cross the street, we were followed, and the harassment got even more intense,” said Schwartz. “I was scared for me. I was scared for my girlfriend. I told her to stay on one side of the street, andI went to tell him to stop.”
They weren't on the same side of the street.

I guess you know something I don't, please share the other article you read that states otherwise.
if I'm reading that article it seems that dude follow from the opposite side of the street. If not why would he tell his gf to stay on that side while he goes to tell him to stop?

Hmm yeah I didn't interpret it that way. I took it as he told his gf to move away from the situation while he talks to the dude. You can "go tell him to stop" while on the same side of the street as well. If he indeed went across the street then .. welp :lol: he basically engaged the physical altercation then
Here's another scenario.

I was walking with my girl at 4am thru TL. At some point a punk said something to my girl that offended me because I was with her. This dude did not show me respect and I don't appreciate that. I had to say something and it just escalated from there. My girl was trying to get me to leave and was pushing me to cross the street. While this was happening the dude kept mouthing off and insulting me. I had to push my girl out the way tell her to wait there while i went yo handle things. As I'm approaching the dude I'm cursingb and telling him that I'm going to beat his ***. As I get closer I realized that I done ****** up. Now how am I going to explain this... Easy I'm going to blame the dude that left.
My interpretation is that he told his girl to cross to the other side while he spoke to the guy harassing.

I guess it went like this:

1. Guy and girl walking, guy catcalls...

2. Guy and girl cross to the other side to avoid, catcaller follows.

3. Guy tells girl to go back to the other side of the street so he can speak to dude who is catcalling.

4. Guy gets stabbed when confronting catcaller.

Supposed "catcaller" tryna make trouble :smh:
I've gleaned a few other articles for more quotes... apparently there was a third person with them (a woman):
Daniela Saavedra, a friend, said that the group had passed the man twice before and that he had catcalled Schwartz’s girlfriend each time.

“All he said was, 'Can you please just stop?’” Saavedra said. “The man then sort of trailed behind them, and that’s when he attacked.”
After Schwartz told the man to “please stop,” he knew that the incident was not over.

“At first we tried to just ignore it, just kind of walk away and make our way home, cross the street and try to take a different path,” Schwartz recalled, as the group noticed the catcaller stalking them. “It turned violent very quickly, punches thrown. Next thing I know, I kinda had a knife in the back of my neck.”
Tenderloin is deplorable

By far the absolutely worst neighborhood I've ever had the misfortune of walking through

Homeless passed out all over the street, sidewalks covered in human waste, drug fiends coughing and dry heaving in doorways, all fully present in broad daylight.

It was an eye opening experience for sure, but still an unpleasant one.

And the juxtaposition relative to the surrounding areas is pretty remarkable, it was shocking how bad it got so quick, I think it's pretty easy to stumble into Tenderloin if you're a tourist.

Rest of SF is great though
:lol: at a place actually called Tenderloin. I thought it was another way of saying the proper name. Strong Island = Long Island, etc....

Tenderloin, bruh....Tenderloin :rofl:
:lol: at a place actually called Tenderloin. I thought it was another way of saying the proper name. Strong Island = Long Island, etc....

Tenderloin, bruh....Tenderloin :rofl:

Tenderloin = the strip

I see what they did there.
I'm not from Frisco but I asked my boy and he said I don't f with TL .. Bunch of Cambodian gansta there. He said if u from SF u know better than to walk thru there at 4am if u aren't from there.
I'm not from Frisco but I asked my boy and he said I don't f with TL .. Bunch of Cambodian gansta there. He said if u from SF u know better than to walk thru there at 4am if u aren't from there.

Old girl look kinda Bodian don't she tho?
Yeah and then you get stabbed 9 times :lol: (or shot or beat the crap up) or maybe win and don't end up getting charged with assault. No hyperbole. Real life.

I'm just saying a man shouldn't be letting his emotions make his decisions especially knee jerk reactions. Approach that **** with a rational mind and if you confident enough in yourself or got a weapon to punk a dude talking slick then make a move. This aint the past where dudes can have a dispute, fight it out and whoever loses would lose and that'd be the end of the story. Now a days wanting to be "manly" gets you killed.

FTR, only instinct I know about is self preservation. This aint a family man we talking about. Aint no "my yambs" or "your yambs" yambs is everywhere, up the block and/or around the corner. Can't be wasting no time on some stranger who you'll forget in minutes if not seconds.
If he kept it moving there wouldn't even be a thread. We'd have to wait until DC overheard some mailmen discussing this hypothetical situation while he was in line at the post office.

Chrisbosh jokes are so played

Everyone says keep out moving...

But sometime, that primal instinct comes out and you want to protect your yamb.

No man wants their lady to feel like they can't protect them... And even though the smarter thing to do is walk away...

Sometimes that's not the "manly" way to take care of it

Inb4 people use hyperbole to dissect my point.

I'm simply saying sometimes, your instinct takes over and you don't think it through
Suffice it to say, I'm saying YOU HAVE TO THINK IT THROUGH. Unless you about that yolo life or got anger issues I don't see how you couldn't be cognizant of that.
I dont know why cats dont know how to play it cool and turn something like that into a compliment.

Seriously, how would you feel if NO ONE wanted you're girl?
That's another thing, that's how I ALWAYS feel when I'm with a chick and dudes say something slick.

If anything I'm about to implement that Kanye move and get a handful of shorty's *** next time some dudes say something wild.
finding someone attractive is fine. she's walking with her bf, why feel the need to make a comment loud enough for them to hear ? if you say something like props bro, you got a good looking girl or something along those lines it's fine. but if dude says something like, i wanna tap that etc., how can you just take that as a compliment and feel good about it ?
Hey I can't make sense of why most ppl do the things they do. Gotta figure these the same wild thirsty dudes from instagram or on top of that they're simply tryimg to disrespect yall. Up to you if you gonna do something about it. I'm just saying think it through. That saying **** back stuff is not no natural instinct. That's pride and ego.

IMO if you know you that type of person, your instinct shouldn't be to say something back it should be to immediately attack the person and draw first blood. Rush em and knock em out before any knives or guns come out.
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I'm not from Frisco but I asked my boy and he said I don't f with TL .. Bunch of Cambodian gansta there. He said if u from SF u know better than to walk thru there at 4am if u aren't from there.

not just the gangsters from the city, you got ppl from all over the bay coming out there to deal and pimp. i grew up in the city, walked through there many times whether to visit friends or just passing through to get to market/downtown, but i would never walk down at 4a
the thing is, out of towners and people that move there see it as a place where it is being gentrified and lots of new restaurants/bars popping around that area and think it is all good

even if he was trying to go home, homie couldve easily avoided walking through the TL and just walked around it if he kept to the main streets. it's not even a big area, walk a extra 3 blocks and 15 minutes to avoid that place. if i am correct, there was a stabbing just a couple hrs earlier a block down. dudes dont eem care
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Used to get haircuts in the Tenderloin with a Chinese barber back in the day as a youngin....******* crackheads be entering the barbershop trying to sell stuff and even threatening the barbers :lol: :smh:
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How does this relate to cat calling and women's rights????

He encountered a maniac looking for trouble, people get stabbed everyday b
That tenderloin area is pretty sketchy. I stayed at a spot off Ellis and Larkin this weekend. Coming back at night after going to a few bars, it was alot of homeless people out and about and the area reeked and smelled like pee. No one bothered me or tried to panhandle for anything though.

Funny part is its a bunch of international hostels right around that area, I wouldn't be surprised if tourists from overseas and those that aren't aware of their surroundings get stuck up quite often around there though.
The tenderloin has always been an area for dudes to go and sell **** and rob people that underestimate downtown. I don't go below Sutter st with my girl either because I know those dudes will try to **** around with you just to bait you. Only mess with Market when I go south of 5th.
Difference between street & book smart. Know your environment and f gentrification.

Exactly, I shake my head every time these hipsters act all peachy and comfortable when they go into a bad neighborhood. The area is the ugliest part of downtown and has to be one of the most drug-infested areas in the Bay Area. Gotta stay vigilant all of the time. I watch everything that seems off, even when I'm with my girl.
time out, catcallin and the **** they was talkin about are two different things

catcallin is just sayin stuff, once dudes start followin females thats tryna holla, somethin a lil different feel me
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