Michael Sam Ramifications Not Yet Thought Of

Feb 6, 2007
Clearly, a landmark moment this week. Michael Sam's announcement will be forever remembered in history, and hopefully he will open the doors for others to feel safe enough to come forward.

But, I want to ask in a different way, something that teams/GM's/coaches may not have thought of, to this point.

What happens, when couples form, on an NFL-NBA-MLB roster, and with that........breakups?

Something never really thought of in a locker room is the outside relationships. For instance, Tony Parker and Brent Barry were teammates, and some stuff went down with them and their wives. That tore at the fabric of those two as teammates.

Now imagine, the QB and WR dating each other, can the team trade that WR for a Draft pick, if it pisses off their QB?

What if that QB and WR break up, will he throw him the ball still?

What if the QB and the Middle Linebacker are dating, and the team wants to trade the MLB?

Or any other sport, if the PG and PF are a couple, and the team wants to trade the PF for a SF and a draft pick, will they be able to, and keep the PG happy? What would a team, or GM do to handle a situation like that?

Having gay athletes is not a big deal, the leagues have had them for years, only no one knows about them (for the most part). But when the day comes, that there are several, and you start seeing issues like these come to light, to me, that becomes the interesting part, how teams handle those kinds of issues.

I applaud Sam for his courage and what he's about to face in today's media. I wish him well.

But for the GM's that will have to answer some of the questions I just asked, I don't envy their tasks, at all. :lol:

What about you guys, any of you thought about this, and how it will be in 10-15 years and what teams might run into?
Probably the dumbest thing I've read in 2014.

-edit- i thought this was an article :lol:

You wrote this?
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I would assume this is no different than any corporation (or any business for that matter), that highly discourages fellow employees to date one another.
Its going to be a major problem for michael sam cause no matter wat positive things are being said about him coming out his draft status just took a major hit ut doesnt make sense to that u have to announce ur sexuality to the public its like ur craving attention im sure there is plenty of gay & bi atheletes they just dont broadcast it cause its ur buisness not the worlds
As maturely and properly as Sam handled the coming out situation.

How do you text your father the news last Tuesday? If not in person, how about a phone call. A text message of that substance is difficult to digest.
Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo carressssssssssssssssssssssss!! Why is stuff like this always newsworthy?

Tell your parents, tell your friends. Outside of that nobody cares.
Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo carressssssssssssssssssssssss!! Why is stuff like this always newsworthy?

Tell your parents, tell your friends. Outside of that nobody cares.
Because it sets precedence. Allows future gay football players and athletes to be themselves, reveal their identities/personalities, and play more comfortably.
what are the chances really.

and I don't claim to be claim to be an expert on gay culture but Kerry Rhodes didn't look to banging football players,

this may be very ignorant, but aint that how most sort of macho gay dudes role? somebody generally plays the uhhm, for lack of a better term "female" role

don't ban me meth.
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Did DoubleJ's hack your account and make this post?


I would assume this is no different than any corporation (or any business for that matter), that highly discourages fellow employees to date one another.

They can try, but it will happen anyways of course.

And yeah, I sort of rambled on, sorry about that everyone. :lol:

I was just thinkin ahead a bit, as far fetched as it may seem (to use my own team and not insult anyone) if the Dolphins were trying to trade Mike Wallace, and he was dating Ryan Tannehill, could the team afford to risk alienating their QB even when trying to improve the team?

That's a dynamic that hasn't ever been addressed in Sports history, at least, to my knowledge.
Yall laughing but this IS important. What if a qb and center are dating and the qb smacks someone else's butt for making a good play and the center gets mad and confronts him? The qb tries to explain that it was harmless and congratulatory and even tells him "you're the only person who's balls i'd ever or ever want to fondle" but the center isn't hearing it. So next play he lets the dt through like remember the titans and the qb gets injured and to make the center even moe upset the dt kinda humps the qb on the ground like mendenhall did ben or that one UF defender. Now the qb is mad and hurt (physically and
emotionally) the center is mad and feels guilty. So after the game they take seperate showers and everyone on the team is stunned because they hadn't done that in forever. So the very next day a players only emergency team meeting is called and its held in the shower, but there's not enough room! What does a gm do? Stalless, communal showers? Or take it to the hottub?
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Yall laughing but this IS important. What if a qb and center are dating and the qb smacks someone else's butt for making a good play and the center gets mad and confronts him? The qb tries to explain that it was harmless and congratulatory and even tells him "you're the only person who's balls i'd ever or ever want to fondle" but the center isn't hearing it. So next play he lets the dt through like remember the titans and the qb gets injured and to make the center even moe upset the dt kinda humps the qb on the ground like mendenhall did ben or that one UF defender. Now the qb is mad and hurt (physically and
emotionally) the center is mad and feels guilty. So after the game they take seperate showers and everyone on the team is stunned because they hadn't done that in forever. So the very next day a players only emergency team meeting is called and its held in the shower, but there's not enough room! What does a gm do? Stalless, communal showers? Or take it to the hottub?
Are you people serious?  You ever work in a co-ed work environment before?  What difference would it make?  This guy just played an entire 4 years on a college team being gay and didnt have any problematic "relationships".  

I seriously wonder if some of you have ever (knowingly) met a gay person.  All that means is you are attracted to men in your personal life.  It doesn't mean these guys don't act like regular men, doesn't men they are "soft", doesn't mean they can't go to work or take a shower without trying to start a relationship with every other dude.  

I know this is an internet forum and we are used to saying dumb **** whether in jest or not.  But if I or anyone I knew were to have a lengthy real-life interaction with some of you dudes, they would just you as just a straight up Idiot.  Like a genuinely borderline mentally-disabled person.
Yall laughing but this IS important. What if a qb and center are dating and the qb smacks someone else's butt for making a good play and the center gets mad and confronts him? The qb tries to explain that it was harmless and congratulatory and even tells him "you're the only person who's balls i'd ever or ever want to fondle" but the center isn't hearing it. So next play he lets the dt through like remember the titans and the qb gets injured and to make the center even moe upset the dt kinda humps the qb on the ground like mendenhall did ben or that one UF defender. Now the qb is mad and hurt (physically and

emotionally) the center is mad and feels guilty. So after the game they take seperate showers and everyone on the team is stunned because they hadn't done that in forever. So the very next day a players only emergency team meeting is called and its held in the shower, but there's not enough room! What does a gm do? Stalless, communal showers? Or take it to the hottub?
Are you people serious?  You ever work in a co-ed work environment before?  What difference would it make?  This guy just played an entire 4 years on a college team being gay and didnt have any problematic "relationships".  

I seriously wonder if some of you have ever (knowingly) met a gay person.  All that means is you are attracted to men in your personal life.  It doesn't mean these guys don't act like regular men, doesn't men they are "soft", doesn't mean they can't go to work or take a shower without trying to start a relationship with every other dude.  

I know this is an internet forum and we are used to saying dumb **** whether in jest or not.  But if I or anyone I knew were to have a lengthy real-life interaction with some of you dudes, they would just you as just a straight up Idiot.  Like a genuinely borderline mentally-disabled person.

It was sarcasm, chill with righteous indignation. The players aren't even allowed to fraternize with cheerleaders. and there's still uneasiness about homosexuality in the nfl. People are just going to be professional about things from now on straight and gay alike.
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