NT so during you lifetime have u ever...

Jan 30, 2007
had a personal experience with an incident related to the constitution?? either positive or negative..
yeah, like when I called this dude a !*%#@%# %%%%# $%* gay $%* #*#+%% $%* $%%%# $%* $*%*$@#*!+%+@ punk $%* $%%%#. He got mad and told me to not call himthat, so I told him "It's free speech, CHECK THE FIRST AMENDMENT $%%%#!"
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by ReliantJ

I don't agree with the idea of prostitution.
I've kinda been wondering this for a little while now. I don't get why prostitution is illegal? Is it only because some of the other things that come along with it like violence, drugs, etc???? Much like people don't want to legalize gambling because they say crime rates increase?

But my take on it is if a grown adult wants to engage in sex with another adult in exchange for money then why is it bad? Don't we have two consenting adults engaging in an agreed upon arrangement? Your exchanging one asset (money) for another (sex acts).

We pay for all kinds of things in services industries. Haircuts, landscaping, snowplowing, restaurants, financial services......so why do we pay for some services using another persons body and/or mind yet prostitution isn't allowed?
Yes sir

I could foresee a time when brothels become more prevalent. I doubt that street walkers will ever be legalized due to the fact that they are a public health threat due to their drug use and unsafe sex practices. There is no way to regulate them like brothels do.

All legal issues aside, prostitution is not a good thing. Prostitutes have an extremely high rate of psychological scarring due to their jobs. The fact is that we aren't wired to continually have sex with people to whom we have no attraction. If prostitution is ever legalized, expect a proliferation of clinics that specialize in treating psychological disorders for sex workers.

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ReliantJ wrote:

Originally Posted by ReliantJ

I don't agree with the idea of prostitution.
I've kinda been wondering this for a little while now. I don't get why prostitution is illegal? Is it only because some of the other things that come along with it like violence, drugs, etc???? Much like people don't want to legalize gambling because they say crime rates increase?

But my take on it is if a grown adult wants to engage in sex with another adult in exchange for money then why is it bad? Don't we have two consenting adults engaging in an agreed upon arrangement? Your exchanging one asset (money) for another (sex acts).

We pay for all kinds of things in services industries. Haircuts, landscaping, snowplowing, restaurants, financial services......so why do we pay for some services using another persons body and/or mind yet prostitution isn't allowed?
Yes sir

I could foresee a time when brothels become more prevalent. I doubt that street walkers will ever be legalized due to the fact that they are a public health threat due to their drug use and unsafe sex practices. There is no way to regulate them like brothels do.

All legal issues aside, prostitution is not a good thing. Prostitutes have an extremely high rate of psychological scarring due to their jobs. The fact is that we aren't wired to continually have sex with people to whom we have no attraction. If prostitution is ever legalized, expect a proliferation of clinics that specialize in treating psychological disorders for sex workers.

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by ReliantJ

I don't agree with the idea of prostitution.
I've kinda been wondering this for a little while now. I don't get why prostitution is illegal? Is it only because some of the other things that come along with it like violence, drugs, etc???? Much like people don't want to legalize gambling because they say crime rates increase?

But my take on it is if a grown adult wants to engage in sex with another adult in exchange for money then why is it bad? Don't we have two consenting adults engaging in an agreed upon arrangement? Your exchanging one asset (money) for another (sex acts).

We pay for all kinds of things in services industries. Haircuts, landscaping, snowplowing, restaurants, financial services......so why do we pay for some services using another persons body and/or mind yet prostitution isn't allowed?
Yes sir

I could foresee a time when brothels become more prevalent. I doubt that street walkers will ever be legalized due to the fact that they are a public health threat due to their drug use and unsafe sex practices. There is no way to regulate them like brothels do.

All legal issues aside, prostitution is not a good thing. Prostitutes have an extremely high rate of psychological scarring due to their jobs. The fact is that we aren't wired to continually have sex with people to whom we have no attraction. If prostitution is ever legalized, expect a proliferation of clinics that specialize in treating psychological disorders for sex workers.

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Oh My...............
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