Phone Rings (my invention)... Updates on page 20

so lemme get this straight u want us to invest in something and not become long term investors? then u dont eem wanna show us a prototype or a mockup?

not a successful strategy pleighboi
To address questions:

- If you contribute, you WILL recieve the product. I will ship every single one out right after the patent is submitted. I'll need your real name/ screen name (to update the list in the OP).

- No it does not include a string/ cord or sticky glove.

- All funds profited from previous sales have gone toward more materials or packaging.
OP, I'm just going to paypal you the entire amount and own the patents and then own your company
@irie It's the same concept as the feinger, but it is much more simple and nowhere near as goofy looking. If I post a picture on the internet before submitting a patent, I'm virtually giving away a lottery ticket. TOO many outsiders view this site. Someone from mediatakeout might snatch it just like they do anything else we post.

I know it takes guts to go out on a limb and spend $4 on a new product, so I genuinely thank those that have/ will support.

I will update this post as frequently as possible.
As was posted, how can you not raise a measly 324$? Sneakers? I mean, you've been here since '02 so I'm sure you have one pair of shoes you could easily sell. Sometimes you have to sacrifice your own stuff to follow your dreams. I wish I would ask, beg for anything when I know I have enough invested in goods to sell my ish and make whatever idea I have happen. Don't take this as a shot, Just being real. I've always hated to ask ANYONE including mom, big brother for anything when I know I have hustle in me.
Some people clearly are not reading. If I'm providing supporters with a product then they aren't "giving" me anything.

Who says I don't have the money myself? I presented the idea to NT because I wanted you all to be involved in my journey. Those that decided to help may enjoy the fact that they played a part in helping another NTer reach his dream. And guess what? They may actually LOVE the product and tell family/ friends about it. Now I've not only provided an opportunity for someone else to feel a sense of fulfillment, but I just touched a region/ city that I ordinarily wouldn't have direct access to, and my product has been expanded to another part of the globe.

I'm not trying to pocket this money to buy kicks, I'm in the process of building a company from the ground up. That involved trying things that aren't written in books. Gotta take risks and think outside the box.
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If you already tested your product in the market, how you know one of them didn't steal your patent
so lemme get this straight u want us to invest in something and not become long term investors? then u dont eem wanna show us a prototype or a mockup?

not a successful strategy pleighboi

if you donate you get to the product to try/test

so i guess its smart on his part. its raising money while have people test it.

i might donate but id like to be compensated if this blows up and turns into a multi million dollar product...
Yolo I got you OP. If this blows up I hope we get a cut of da profits.

Just sent the payment.
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In to see what it actually is... When this blows up you just handle one of year releases for me and we're even.
So now we are paying $4 for a product that all we know is "i will never drop my phone ever again"

I can't see it....or be described it....I don't know if it will make my phone bulkier or less usable or anything. I know its only $4 but my guilt of "omg i could be a part of something saying i helped and had this first" is not enough for me.

But once you get the patent through and I see the product maybe i will think about buying it when i actually know what it does. But ive never really struggled to hold onto my phone
I am a Patent Examiner and although I can't help you I do advise that you get an attorney whenever you decide to file the non-provisional in a year. A good one especially if you think this is a good product. Good Luck.
Thanks for the positive vibes :pimp:

The patent will be submitted this week.
All products will be shipped on Monday.
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