Post Something You Know That We Don't Because Of Your Job

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

And now I have a any of you get mad/annoyed when the person didn't put the seat back to how it was?
Ohhh yes. That pisses me off everytime. And those fools also leave in that garbage like the temporary mat and mirror number tag. #@% that, remove from car before giving back to me.

I'll add one and I'm the damn customer
-Sometimes techs will try to take your cars out on joyrides on some bs "trying to test after maintenance".
Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

the whole gay rapper *%+%...believe what you want. people exaggerate *%+% so much, now with all these "bloggers" everywhere there's always someone trying to be THAT person to break a story, so they're reporting false *%+% that becomes heavily rumored. some dudes nowadays are like +%%%$@@ the way they talk...

as far as HIGHER UPS being gay, well yeah, most higher ups are either gay or jewish. that's Hollywood for you though...

oh, and apparently Wiz has had Atlantic behind him as far back as this spring, but they waited on announcing the signing because what looks better to the fans, an indie artist going on these tours or someone signed, someone who the fans consider THEIR artist...
same @!@# w/ drake though.....record label was financially backing the "best i ever had" song.......
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

And now I have a any of you get mad/annoyed when the person didn't put the seat back to how it was?
Ohhh yes. That pisses me off everytime. And those fools also leave in that garbage like the temporary mat and mirror number tag. #@% that, remove from car before giving back to me.

I'll add one and I'm the damn customer
-Sometimes techs will try to take your cars out on joyrides on some bs "trying to test after maintenance".

Yep. Someone let me on a ride in a ZR1 the torque on that thing is

I agree about the paper mat and tag. I don't know why they do that.
Technical Support

Every time you call or e-mail a record is kept detailing everything.  This means if you're rude and act like an idiot it will be noted in your account/file.  So realize this will affect every call/e-mail you make thereafter irregardless if it's another rep.  Ultimately if you wonder why certain people get better treatment or benefits then others its because they have a better track record.


- When you ask for a recommendation, what is given to you is not always what fits your needs but likely what item is overstock or an item directed by corporate as an initiative
- If you get the customer to try it on, they are 70% more likely to buy it
- If you are an attractive female, you will get better service.  no doubt.
- The profit margin on a TV is minimal or close to none but it's that $30 HDMI cable you bought that only cost them roughly $2.  As a matter a fact, all accessories.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

And now I have a any of you get mad/annoyed when the person didn't put the seat back to how it was?
Ohhh yes. That pisses me off everytime. And those fools also leave in that garbage like the temporary mat and mirror number tag. #@% that, remove from car before giving back to me.

I'll add one and I'm the damn customer
-Sometimes techs will try to take your cars out on joyrides on some bs "trying to test after maintenance".

Yep. Someone let me on a ride in a ZR1 the torque on that thing is

I agree about the paper mat and tag. I don't know why they do that.
Damn, ZR1...

-i can come get your ride if your 1 day past due on your payment
-student loans are not discharged via bankruptcy, u get a student loan u get it for life
-most people i talk to have no job and a degree and are know getting ready to file bankruptcy and these are 25 yr olds that are to proud to get a job outside of their degree
-by not answering your phone u dont solve anything i will call again tomm best bet is to answer be friendly about it
-if u answer and are rude or hang up i will call everybody in your family trying to get a hold of you u will have ex wife sisters callin you up asking what the phone call is about, your old employee and anybody u ever knew
-most people are cowards
-the customers are never right
-foreign people never verify the last 4 of there ssn
Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

the whole gay rapper *%+%...believe what you want. people exaggerate *%+% so much, now with all these "bloggers" everywhere there's always someone trying to be THAT person to break a story, so they're reporting false *%+% that becomes heavily rumored. some dudes nowadays are like +%%%$@@ the way they talk...

as far as HIGHER UPS being gay, well yeah, most higher ups are either gay or jewish. that's Hollywood for you though...

oh, and apparently Wiz has had Atlantic behind him as far back as this spring, but they waited on announcing the signing because what looks better to the fans, an indie artist going on these tours or someone signed, someone who the fans consider THEIR artist...
same @!@# w/ drake though.....record label was financially backing the "best i ever had" song.......

I knew PJ was going to come in and drop truth
 That is definately hollywood for you...And Drake and Wiz were definately signed for a minute before it was reported.
I rarely do Plaintiff work, but:

If you have an inkling that somebody is trying to serve legal papers on you (a summons and complaint for a civil matter, for example) the smartest thing to do is accept those papers. The trial will go forth regardless. If you duck the process server, he'll just tape the documents to your door and send a copy by certified mail. Ignoring it will not make it go away.

Better to deal with it rather than finding out your car has been towed by the Marshals or your credit is ruined because there's been a judgment against you.
Let's keep this thread going. IT department:

-70% of my time is surfing the web
-I had six figure execs plugging USB cables into network ports. Some real dumb ones, no matter how much they make or how high they sit.
-Is the power cable in the computer? Blew my mind how many people "accidentally unplugged it".
-I'm not overly friendly to help you, I'm overly friendly to see that hot chick working across from you
-People do NOT want to move on from what they're comfortable with. I know you like Windows 95 but it's time to move on to XP ma'am. Yes, the files will be fine. No, we cannot put XP inside Windows 95.

Question for the Hollywood types here:
-How hard is it to become a model, and why is the pay so crappy? Curious.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

And now I have a any of you get mad/annoyed when the person didn't put the seat back to how it was?
Ohhh yes. That pisses me off everytime. And those fools also leave in that garbage like the temporary mat and mirror number tag. #@% that, remove from car before giving back to me.

I'll add one and I'm the damn customer
-Sometimes techs will try to take your cars out on joyrides on some bs "trying to test after maintenance".

Yep. Someone let me on a ride in a ZR1 the torque on that thing is

I agree about the paper mat and tag. I don't know why they do that.
Chevy/Caddy dealership.. NY/NJ area? 
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Question for the Hollywood types here:
-How hard is it to become a model, and why is the pay so crappy? Curious.

it's not hard if you know the right ppl that'll put you in the right places. 
pay's crappy cuz they're dime a dozen.
I work at McDonalds

When you order nuggets, do you know when your Barbecue or Sweet and Sour sauce will be expired? neither do we...
Cookies aren't freshly baked, just microwaved and so are the pies...
I saw a package of French Fries that was good to 2012...
There are nothing wrong with the McCafe drinks, we use actual milk and cocoa beans.
We always have to smile, if we don't we will get warned and get our hours cut...
We never argue with our customers and will give them anything to keep them satisfied.
I have seen my manager re use utensils and cups that have fell on the floor before.
The meat comes frozen but I just don't trust it cause it so fast to cook!
The chicken selects come prebreaded and ain't even that filling but people still pay $4+ or so for 3 pieces...
Big Mac can be bought for $1.10 if you just follow these instructions...
Buy a McDouble, ask to subsitute the regular bun for a qtr(quarter pounder) bun, add lettuce, mac sauce and remove the ketchup/mustard.
In my McDonalds, there is an attic and they have extra stock toys from 1999
Originally Posted by kobe4threebang


-i can come get your ride if your 1 day past due on your payment
-student loans are not discharged via bankruptcy, u get a student loan u get it for life
-most people i talk to have no job and a degree and are know getting ready to file bankruptcy and these are 25 yr olds that are to proud to get a job outside of their degree
-by not answering your phone u dont solve anything i will call again tomm best bet is to answer be friendly about it
-if u answer and are rude or hang up i will call everybody in your family trying to get a hold of you u will have ex wife sisters callin you up asking what the phone call is about, your old employee and anybody u ever knew
-most people are cowards
-the customers are never right
-foreign people never verify the last 4 of there ssn
i could have sworn is saw this on the news a few months back, but isn't this illegal?
I am only 10 pages deep into the thread some interesting things in here, my contribution:

Papa Johns:
-We are told to wash our hands but not forced.
-Drivers who come help on make line NEVER wash there hands.
-The catching tray on make line gets nasty and we are told to use as much of THOSE toppings as possible.
-Pizzas do fall and if we can save them you will end up eating it if we are busy.

-As asset protection there are no active cameras in clothing sections and NEVER any near fitting rooms (law).
-They catch most people by wathcing footage in office, as long as you are not acting super bold or crazy you will not be noticed.
-If you think you are being followed and youre stealing just drop the stuff. You can drop it at any point right up to the registers/exits as its not considered stealing till you past last point of sale.
-If your Wal-Mart has a food section be careful and inspect produce product fridges are not cleaned daily.
-Packaged store made product is often the "rejected" items deemed not able to be sold a la cart.
-Be polite to cashires as they can "accidentially" enter wrong price or number of produce so you pay more.
-Self checkouts are watched like a hawk so if you not scanning stuff or skipping items you may get away once or twice but will get caught eventually as its considered a last point of sale and thus even if just not entering correct price its stealing weather its only 10 cents or 10 dollars.

Retail Clothing Stores:
-If you interrupt me or are rude while I am helping another customer I will mess up whatever you want me to look for.
-If rude I promise we will NEVER have your size of anything in the back. I will look though and I will sit down and relax for five mins and then convince you I searched all over.
-If you are respect full and dont ASK for a "hook-up" we are more likely to actually hook you up.
-We can make anything any price we want so dont be a jerk.
-If you shop there often learn our names and be kind as said above we can make things any price we want and that can work out for you.

Gas Station:
-Regardless how convient dont buy store made food you do not want to know what that hot dog or nacho cheese went through.

-If you are hooked up NEVER return it as often times you will basically be snitching on that employee and if you do most will never ever help you out again. Happened to me once gave dude 50% of item discount and also a 55% off entire transaction discount (total discount was $180+). He returned the stuff and I got in trouble I just said I hit the wrong button as was in a rush so I got off with a verbal warning to be careful. He on the other hand never got a hook-up from me or any one else again.
Originally Posted by MrSoLeFrEsH

Retail Clothing Stores:
-If you interrupt me or are rude while I am helping another customer I will mess up whatever you want me to look for.
-If rude I promise we will NEVER have your size of anything in the back. I will look though and I will sit down and relax for five mins and then convince you I searched all over.
-If you are respect full and dont ASK for a "hook-up" we are more likely to actually hook you up.
-We can make anything any price we want so dont be a jerk.
-If you shop there often learn our names and be kind as said above we can make things any price we want and that can work out for you.

You getting paid 8 an hour or something dun?
Originally Posted by swishasweets

Originally Posted by MrSoLeFrEsH

Retail Clothing Stores:
-If you interrupt me or are rude while I am helping another customer I will mess up whatever you want me to look for.
-If rude I promise we will NEVER have your size of anything in the back. I will look though and I will sit down and relax for five mins and then convince you I searched all over.
-If you are respect full and dont ASK for a "hook-up" we are more likely to actually hook you up.
-We can make anything any price we want so dont be a jerk.
-If you shop there often learn our names and be kind as said above we can make things any price we want and that can work out for you.

You getting paid 8 an hour or something dun?

Nope actually an assistant manager.
But did learn that stuff while I was just starting out.
im in banking, theres a lot i know that you don't, that i will never say.

that being said, lawyers suck to work with, they take forever.
Originally Posted by reigndrop

im in banking, theres a lot i know that you don't, that i will never say.

that being said, lawyers suck to work with, they take forever.
That helps.
Air Canada Center...

I hide the last turkey sub at the end of the night even if you ask for it; thats dinner.
Demar Derozan is always in the practice gym
Lady Gaga and Paul Mcartney show up to perform with about 12 buses full of an NBA team has one
Justin Beiber doesn't like being hit with when he comes around we are required to pour all bottles in to cups.
We always wash our hands; unlike half you pigs in this thread.
Popcorn cost like 10 cents for us to make; so we sell it for $6.20
I pour beer; therefore i expect a tip...just because i can sell you pizza too doesn't mean i don't deserve the same change you'd give the bartender across the hall.
Originally Posted by reigndrop

im in banking, theres a lot i know that you don't, that i will never say.

that being said, lawyers suck to work with, they take forever.

I don't blame you though, pleading the 5th.  Most crooks are in finance, legally stealing FTW!
I don't want to harp on the music industry in this thread, so i'll keep it brief, but r&b singer tiffany evans, who sang promise ring, with Ciara, (And tiffany's a good friend with my uncle *Shrugs*) said this:

"You gotta watch what u say. Because there are a lot of weak people in the world. They are susceptible to anything so anything you say or do some people actually do listen. So make sure its nothing bad. Its okay to be deep, but not murder deep.
Man! I really wish I could tell you guys what the industry really is and what stars are apart of destroying this world. The stars who worship satan,and those who have killed to get the respect they have now. You’d be verrrry surprised. Some of your favorite people pretend to worship God but they only do that to save face. Or seem innocent."

"Satan was head of music in heaven. He uses influential people…to help influence the world. Think about that. Once u make a certain amount of money. Just know that that’s when they ask u to join. To get in you have accept the beast, worship. Once you join they assist u with ur career.make u huge.only if u agree and obey to destroy Gods word.and his children.
Ppl listen and pay attention. Its a war going on right now between Good and Evil. Evil will rule this world for a min. The people that have this power are the people that RULE the whole world. I’m done I won’t say anymore before I get in trouble.
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