Post Something You Know That We Don't Because Of Your Job

There's no point in bumping this over and over. Most posters who have something to contribute have done so already.
Originally Posted by rickjames10

Originally Posted by 703 Hwy

Currently at the Secret Service, hope to be an agent one day.
Gather intel for your NT brethren
Originally Posted by IluvJordanXI

Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze

Originally Posted by IluvJordanXI

I work at McDonalds

When you order nuggets, do you know when your Barbecue or Sweet and Sour sauce will be expired? neither do we...
Cookies aren't freshly baked, just microwaved and so are the pies...
I saw a package of French Fries that was good to 2012...
There are nothing wrong with the McCafe drinks, we use actual milk and cocoa beans.
We always have to smile, if we don't we will get warned and get our hours cut...
We never argue with our customers and will give them anything to keep them satisfied.
I have seen my manager re use utensils and cups that have fell on the floor before.
The meat comes frozen but I just don't trust it cause it so fast to cook!
The chicken selects come prebreaded and ain't even that filling but people still pay $4+ or so for 3 pieces...
Big Mac can be bought for $1.10 if you just follow these instructions...
Buy a McDouble, ask to subsitute the regular bun for a qtr(quarter pounder) bun, add lettuce, mac sauce and remove the ketchup/mustard.
In my McDonalds, there is an attic and they have extra stock toys from 1999
eek.gif me.

And are you in the tri-state area?


Nope, I live in SF
I'm in the Bay, hook me up some toys

And I knew about that mcdouble into Mac trick a long time ago, my bro uses it everytime
-Everything you type and site(s) visited are all logged and audited (so be careful what you access on the internet)
this is something that i've been thinking about and that has bothered me for awhile. like what are things that would be a red flag? like, there's certain things i wanna look up, but i ain't tryin to have any knocks at the door about it. 
Originally Posted by jordan23collecta

Sams Club:

-Buy your furniture from Sams club, if it breaks, gets old, you want new furniture, need money etc, you will get a full refund.

-In the Meat/Fresh department, there is a 150% refund guarantee, if you bring back anything, you will get 150% your money back. Once had someone return $150 of crab legs because one piece in the package was brown, needless to say, we returned it and they got a couple hundred bucks

-In the bakery, you can bring back a half eaten cake and get a full refund

-in the produce department, you can bring back anything that is rotten, and get a full refund/ exchange for a fresh item


seriously? like dudes just eating half a cake & bring the other half back & getting a refund?
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Originally Posted by jordan23collecta

Sams Club:

-Buy your furniture from Sams club, if it breaks, gets old, you want new furniture, need money etc, you will get a full refund.

-In the Meat/Fresh department, there is a 150% refund guarantee, if you bring back anything, you will get 150% your money back. Once had someone return $150 of crab legs because one piece in the package was brown, needless to say, we returned it and they got a couple hundred bucks

-In the bakery, you can bring back a half eaten cake and get a full refund

-in the produce department, you can bring back anything that is rotten, and get a full refund/ exchange for a fresh item


seriously? like dudes just eating half a cake & bring the other half back & getting a refund?
when I worked at Kroger this guy brought back some ice cream that he ate from claiming he didn't like it.
Junk was about gone, took him that long to realize he didn't like it
Originally Posted by omgitswes

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Originally Posted by jordan23collecta

Sams Club:

-Buy your furniture from Sams club, if it breaks, gets old, you want new furniture, need money etc, you will get a full refund.

-In the Meat/Fresh department, there is a 150% refund guarantee, if you bring back anything, you will get 150% your money back. Once had someone return $150 of crab legs because one piece in the package was brown, needless to say, we returned it and they got a couple hundred bucks

-In the bakery, you can bring back a half eaten cake and get a full refund

-in the produce department, you can bring back anything that is rotten, and get a full refund/ exchange for a fresh item


seriously? like dudes just eating half a cake & bring the other half back & getting a refund?
when I worked at Kroger this guy brought back some ice cream that he ate from claiming he didn't like it.
Junk was about gone, took him that long to realize he didn't like it
& he got a refund? this is wild, i've know people wear clothes & return them but i never knew you could eat something & bring half of it back & get a full refund.
. Orange juice prices might be going up soon
yeah it's easier to just give a refund than to argue with the person. as long as the person doesn't make it a habbit they'll give refunds
Big Mac can be bought for $1.10 if you just follow these instructions...
Buy a McDouble, ask to subsitute the regular bun for a qtr(quarter pounder) bun, add lettuce, mac sauce and remove the ketchup/mustard.

the mcdonalds around my way charges either .49 or .59 cents just for them adding big mac sauce
Don't have much to contribute but...
Jamarcus Russell and Rolando McClain are jerks but Adonle Foyle has to be one of the nicest athletes.

Please accept a voucher/handout if I try to give you one even if you don't plan on using it. I am just trying to get rid of all of them as fast as I can

and all this music talk reminds me of this DMX song
Originally Posted by shoeking2101

You’d be verrrry surprised. Some of your favorite people pretend to worship God but they only do that to save face. Or seem innocent
many athletes are this way. they'll get caught with cocaine and hookers, and the first thing they say as they mention as they walk out the police station is God
im like
, you werent saying that last night buddy
Originally Posted by Mr Jordan04

Big Mac can be bought for $1.10 if you just follow these instructions...
Buy a McDouble, ask to subsitute the regular bun for a qtr(quarter pounder) bun, add lettuce, mac sauce and remove the ketchup/mustard.
the mcdonalds around my way charges either .49 or .59 cents just for them adding big mac sauce

word i hate that
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Originally Posted by omgitswes

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Originally Posted by jordan23collecta

Sams Club:

-Buy your furniture from Sams club, if it breaks, gets old, you want new furniture, need money etc, you will get a full refund.

-In the Meat/Fresh department, there is a 150% refund guarantee, if you bring back anything, you will get 150% your money back. Once had someone return $150 of crab legs because one piece in the package was brown, needless to say, we returned it and they got a couple hundred bucks

-In the bakery, you can bring back a half eaten cake and get a full refund

-in the produce department, you can bring back anything that is rotten, and get a full refund/ exchange for a fresh item


seriously? like dudes just eating half a cake & bring the other half back & getting a refund?
when I worked at Kroger this guy brought back some ice cream that he ate from claiming he didn't like it.
Junk was about gone, took him that long to realize he didn't like it
& he got a refund? this is wild, i've know people wear clothes & return them but i never knew you could eat something & bring half of it back & get a full refund.
. Orange juice prices might be going up soon
I used to work at a Publix and people would come to south florida for the weekend, stock UP on all types of food, eat most of it and keep all the wrappers and then bring it back right before heading home and get everything refunded.

Some people buy baby formula when its buy one get one and then return it later for full price, instant 25 dollar profit

As a cashier, Ive rung up a snickers bar, eaten the whole thing and then returned it too once
Customer Service:
Be as annyoing an rude as you want And if you dont get what you want Ask for a Supervisor..
Always ask for credits or anytype of discount
If they ask you for a survey do it because it only takes about 2 minutes and he/she might get something good out of it
If you think u had a really good representive give them a comendation
Customer Service:
Be as annyoing an rude as you want And if you dont get what you want Ask for a Supervisor..
Always ask for credits or anytype of discount
If they ask you for a survey do it because it only takes about 2 minutes and he/she might get something good out of it
If you think u had a really good representive give them a comendation
At Kroger any will work even if you didn't buy what the coupon is for. Most cashiers don't even check to see if you bought it or not. All they have to do is hit "Clear, Override, Enter"
We would take the coupons that printed out at the end of checking out a person and keep them and just save them up for huge savings. Dudes were buying Polo cologne for like a couple dollars.

A gang of them got fired because of that too. But yeah just hand them coupons no matter what it's for it will still work.
Originally Posted by jordan23collecta

Sams Club:

-when it comes to stealing, you can steal anything, and the majority of the time you can get away with it. Once had some people walk out the front door with 2 52 inch tv's

- If we are busy, we are not trying to grab a forklift and get something down from the steel, majority of the time we will say we are out of the item you are looking for

-vice versa, if we are busy, the 1st thing we are trying to do is jump on a forklift because with working on the floor, you are also a cashier. if you are on a forklift, you cant leave it

-Managers and Co-managers do nothing. They rely on their Team leads, which is their assistants, to get all the work done when it comes to projects

-in turn the team leads delegate those tasks to who they look over, the floor associates.

-If you are rude, you arent getting good service.

-Majority of the time when someone says 'Well the other store said you had it, so we came here to get it", they are lying. And that other store was lying to you.

-After you check out, if you then put something else in your cart before leaving, 99% of the time the door people will not catch the stolen item, if they do say 'Well the cashier must of missed it'...

-If we tell you we dont have something, then you find it in the steel, we WILL take 20-30 minutes to get if for you, regardless if we are busy or not

-i think this has recently changed, but more than 5 months ago, you could bring back your TV you purchased in 1995 and get a FULL refund for it, and use that money for a brand new TV. Sams has a 100% customer service return policy.

-Buy your furniture from Sams club, if it breaks, gets old, you want new furniture, need money etc, you will get a full refund.

-In the Meat/Fresh department, there is a 150% refund guarantee, if you bring back anything, you will get 150% your money back. Once had someone return $150 of crab legs because one piece in the package was brown, needless to say, we returned it and they got a couple hundred bucks

-In the bakery, you can bring back a half eaten cake and get a full refund

-in the produce department, you can bring back anything that is rotten, and get a full refund/ exchange for a fresh item

Consulting publicly traded companies

-the majority of CEO's of companies are all idiots and they think they are gods gift to earth

- most penny stock companies, are just shell companies that issue stock to their friends/relatives that in turn get sold for a profit



no way, ps3, xbox, ipods etc are all held in a locked case. Only the supervisors have access to it. Those things are watched like hawks. however, the TV's are out on the floor.

Originally Posted by omgitswes

At Kroger any will work even if you didn't buy what the coupon is for. Most cashiers don't even check to see if you bought it or not. All they have to do is hit "Clear, Override, Enter"
We would take the coupons that printed out at the end of checking out a person and keep them and just save them up for huge savings. Dudes were buying Polo cologne for like a couple dollars.

A gang of them got fired because of that too. But yeah just hand them coupons no matter what it's for it will still work.
Yeah, do that if you wanna lose your job eventually. 
we were all high school kids for the most part. We couldn't care less about that horrible job.
Dermatology office:

If you come in for any herpes/scabies/shingles/basically anything we have to take pictures

If you know you're getting a full body exam, please wear fresh undies

That growing mole on your arm/leg/nose is definitely a squamous or basal carcinoma. RIP.
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