Riding with Reckless Drivers Unappreciation

Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

I don't understand why people don't go 90+ mph on a wide open free way

Originally Posted by MASERATI HARM

Originally Posted by Mogulson

Originally Posted by ryair max 1

I can understand how reckless driving, switching lanes really fast and tailing real close is unappreciated but I don't see the big deal about driving fast. If I have an open highway, I will be on the accelerator. In MD, people routinely drive 90 mph on I-95 if traffic is clear.
In Southern MD, people don't do 90 cause the prince george county police will def stop you for that mug mug shun


I be Murkin in PG county .. Esp on the way home 

Be doin 90 -100 all the way to Bmore 

I had bow down to to this one cat in C63 tho one time .. Pause

I ain't gonna lie ..

We both doin steady 100 EASY on Crain hwy to I-97N @ 2am 

Pitch black All green lights ...BUCKIN! 

I think a Raccoon Met an untimely death due to our shenaningans too 

All sudden when %%#+%% hit 97 to Bmore, he Chucked a duce, put that hammer down Left my #%! 

He had to been doin like 150 easy

I can't front tho I was laid back in seat like ...


"You got it playa .. You got it"


Dudes on here stay with the best stories/descriptions of events
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

I don't understand why people don't go 90+ mph on a wide open free way

Originally Posted by MASERATI HARM

Originally Posted by Mogulson

Originally Posted by ryair max 1

I can understand how reckless driving, switching lanes really fast and tailing real close is unappreciated but I don't see the big deal about driving fast. If I have an open highway, I will be on the accelerator. In MD, people routinely drive 90 mph on I-95 if traffic is clear.
In Southern MD, people don't do 90 cause the prince george county police will def stop you for that mug mug shun


I be Murkin in PG county .. Esp on the way home 

Be doin 90 -100 all the way to Bmore 

I had bow down to to this one cat in C63 tho one time .. Pause

I ain't gonna lie ..

We both doin steady 100 EASY on Crain hwy to I-97N @ 2am 

Pitch black All green lights ...BUCKIN! 

I think a Raccoon Met an untimely death due to our shenaningans too 

All sudden when %%#+%% hit 97 to Bmore, he Chucked a duce, put that hammer down Left my #%! 

He had to been doin like 150 easy

I can't front tho I was laid back in seat like ...


"You got it playa .. You got it"


Dudes on here stay with the best stories/descriptions of events
I am the crazy driver that scares people, but I DO NOT TAILGATE, tailgating is feminine to me. However if someones going 10 under in the fast lane and I can't pass then, best believe I'm up on them. Vice versa I HATE being tailgated myself and I have brake checked people a few times.
I am the crazy driver that scares people, but I DO NOT TAILGATE, tailgating is feminine to me. However if someones going 10 under in the fast lane and I can't pass then, best believe I'm up on them. Vice versa I HATE being tailgated myself and I have brake checked people a few times.
OMG, the dude I ride with the most besides my girl does both. I had to sit down and talk to dude about it cause it was too much, plus i dont like laws
OMG, the dude I ride with the most besides my girl does both. I had to sit down and talk to dude about it cause it was too much, plus i dont like laws
My cousin when she first got her license she was a freakin maniac, doing 50mph in a school zone. Never slowing down for bumps in the road. I cant
understand why she has never received a ticket or been in an accident.
My cousin when she first got her license she was a freakin maniac, doing 50mph in a school zone. Never slowing down for bumps in the road. I cant
understand why she has never received a ticket or been in an accident.
Carlos Tevez wrote:

My friend is the most reckless and irresponsible driver I know. Whenever I'm with my boys we have 3 of us who volunteer to drive just so this guy does not drive (and yet he'll always end up driving anyways
). He's done some of the following over the last few years with me as a passenger:
-Run a red light because he wasnt concentrating
-Go into the right turn lane just so he can cut people off and move ahead of traffic
-Driving while eating a bowl of oatmeal
-Driving while organizing his wallet
-Driving at like 15 MPH on a busy street so he can look for something in his car
-Speed on the highway during a road trip during a rain storm when visibility is crap
-Accidentally drive down a 1-way street
-Try to make a left turn when the lane is blocked and then has us stuck in the middle of the intersection when the light turned red
-Make 2 consecutive U-turns on a street because he past the street he wanted to turn on

This guy cant follow simple directions. We'll tell him how to get us somewhere and he'll end up getting lost...we'll tell him to slow down because he needs to turn soon and this guy will still speed past our destination

Then theres other annoying crap like speeding when we're not in a hurry, constantly switching lanes and cutting people off, turning into the wrong side of residential roads, etc etc. He's also been in 3 minor accidents and paid the other people with his own money so that they wouldnt report him to insurance

im sorry it's really not funny but the driving with the bowl of cereal and the driving while checking his wallet is hilarious.

I hate the driver's that slam on brakes all the time. have your whole neck jerking.....and the infamous "when driving late at night i might doze off at the wheel" type of drivers.
Carlos Tevez wrote:

My friend is the most reckless and irresponsible driver I know. Whenever I'm with my boys we have 3 of us who volunteer to drive just so this guy does not drive (and yet he'll always end up driving anyways
). He's done some of the following over the last few years with me as a passenger:
-Run a red light because he wasnt concentrating
-Go into the right turn lane just so he can cut people off and move ahead of traffic
-Driving while eating a bowl of oatmeal
-Driving while organizing his wallet
-Driving at like 15 MPH on a busy street so he can look for something in his car
-Speed on the highway during a road trip during a rain storm when visibility is crap
-Accidentally drive down a 1-way street
-Try to make a left turn when the lane is blocked and then has us stuck in the middle of the intersection when the light turned red
-Make 2 consecutive U-turns on a street because he past the street he wanted to turn on

This guy cant follow simple directions. We'll tell him how to get us somewhere and he'll end up getting lost...we'll tell him to slow down because he needs to turn soon and this guy will still speed past our destination

Then theres other annoying crap like speeding when we're not in a hurry, constantly switching lanes and cutting people off, turning into the wrong side of residential roads, etc etc. He's also been in 3 minor accidents and paid the other people with his own money so that they wouldnt report him to insurance

im sorry it's really not funny but the driving with the bowl of cereal and the driving while checking his wallet is hilarious.

I hate the driver's that slam on brakes all the time. have your whole neck jerking.....and the infamous "when driving late at night i might doze off at the wheel" type of drivers.
Originally Posted by USA Pride4Life

I know someone who absolutely disgusts me when he's behind the wheel. It's like he doesn't even wanna drive at times

Son drives no faster than 20 on the main roads, yet will top about 70 on the freeway

always gotta tell him when a light turns green cause his face is always stuck on the phone/ipod

Never notices but swerves in his own lane due to lack of concentration, enough to justify a breathalyzer test

SLOW REACTION TIME is another one. There can be 4 cars in the left lane waiting to turn and son will just POST right behind them like it's all good. Im like "dog, go around these cars"
son goes "oh, yeah"

 Theres much more too, but im done for now.

this thread is hilarious.
Originally Posted by USA Pride4Life

I know someone who absolutely disgusts me when he's behind the wheel. It's like he doesn't even wanna drive at times

Son drives no faster than 20 on the main roads, yet will top about 70 on the freeway

always gotta tell him when a light turns green cause his face is always stuck on the phone/ipod

Never notices but swerves in his own lane due to lack of concentration, enough to justify a breathalyzer test

SLOW REACTION TIME is another one. There can be 4 cars in the left lane waiting to turn and son will just POST right behind them like it's all good. Im like "dog, go around these cars"
son goes "oh, yeah"

 Theres much more too, but im done for now.

this thread is hilarious.
My Pops is one of the worst drivers I know. He has the slowest reactions of ALL TIME.

He has to slam on the breaks everytime. Even if the car is a good distance away, he still slams on the brakes.

His brakes wear out quickly and he has the nerve to complain about the car, tombout: " I can't believe a car that cost me this much has braking problems". I'm like N', YOU are the problem.

Sometimes he zones out in his thoughts and of course he starts swerving in lanes, then there is the random accelaration and by accelaration I mean hitting the pedal to the medal. For no cot damn reason.

One time he did this while switching lanes and looking backwards but the lane he was switching to had a red light only about 4 car lengths away and dude was going 70 straight into the back of a suv at the redlight. I swear if I didn't yell, we would both be dead.

The older he gets, the more scared I become.
My Pops is one of the worst drivers I know. He has the slowest reactions of ALL TIME.

He has to slam on the breaks everytime. Even if the car is a good distance away, he still slams on the brakes.

His brakes wear out quickly and he has the nerve to complain about the car, tombout: " I can't believe a car that cost me this much has braking problems". I'm like N', YOU are the problem.

Sometimes he zones out in his thoughts and of course he starts swerving in lanes, then there is the random accelaration and by accelaration I mean hitting the pedal to the medal. For no cot damn reason.

One time he did this while switching lanes and looking backwards but the lane he was switching to had a red light only about 4 car lengths away and dude was going 70 straight into the back of a suv at the redlight. I swear if I didn't yell, we would both be dead.

The older he gets, the more scared I become.
Sounds like my Grandma...
*raises hands to the sky*
LAWD HAVE MERCY ON MY SOUL on the VERY RARE occasion i'm in the car with this woman!
I'm literally scared to death when she's driving.
Sounds like my Grandma...
*raises hands to the sky*
LAWD HAVE MERCY ON MY SOUL on the VERY RARE occasion i'm in the car with this woman!
I'm literally scared to death when she's driving.
The problem is that it's not like Germany where people really get tested and have to pay way more for a license than we do here. I get so mad when a freeway gets backed up for no reason at all.
The problem is that it's not like Germany where people really get tested and have to pay way more for a license than we do here. I get so mad when a freeway gets backed up for no reason at all.
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