Riding with Reckless Drivers Unappreciation

Originally Posted by VanillaFreak13

The problem is that it's not like Germany where people really get tested and have to pay way more for a license than we do here. I get so mad when a freeway gets backed up for no reason at all.

MD freeway's get like that early in the morning, specially when i'm trying to make it to school
Originally Posted by VanillaFreak13

The problem is that it's not like Germany where people really get tested and have to pay way more for a license than we do here. I get so mad when a freeway gets backed up for no reason at all.

MD freeway's get like that early in the morning, specially when i'm trying to make it to school
You know what really grinds my gear? When drivers drive well separated from the car in front of them see that they are applying brakes and don't even lay off the gas and or place their foot on the brake pedal for preparation to stop AND on top of that when they're yards away slam their brakes to avoid hitting the other vechile!!!

Be smart, I mean I speed when I'm alone but that's after knowing my cars capabilities and knowing it's well maintained(brakes, tires, suspension etc) and doing the following-

- applying brakes before a turn
- avoiding the median and outer lane lines(slippery)
- watching for braking not only the car in front Of me but the one or two cars ahead of it as well
- not doing anytime reckless on a road or route you don't know(don't know what turn, curve and or blind sides they are)
You know what really grinds my gear? When drivers drive well separated from the car in front of them see that they are applying brakes and don't even lay off the gas and or place their foot on the brake pedal for preparation to stop AND on top of that when they're yards away slam their brakes to avoid hitting the other vechile!!!

Be smart, I mean I speed when I'm alone but that's after knowing my cars capabilities and knowing it's well maintained(brakes, tires, suspension etc) and doing the following-

- applying brakes before a turn
- avoiding the median and outer lane lines(slippery)
- watching for braking not only the car in front Of me but the one or two cars ahead of it as well
- not doing anytime reckless on a road or route you don't know(don't know what turn, curve and or blind sides they are)
unappreciated. riding with a friend driving 50-60mph on the regular street not giving a damn about stop signs or anything having me feel like 
unappreciated. riding with a friend driving 50-60mph on the regular street not giving a damn about stop signs or anything having me feel like 
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