RIP George Floyd

Homie....let me make this perfectly clear to you. I hope you can understand this.

There is nothing you can say, do, show, quote etc that will ever change my mind on non-violence. I’m sticking to this conviction. I’ve chosen not to reply to your last 15 mentions, but a response beckons.

I stand with the movement. I’m all for equality and improvement of the treatment and abolishment of systemic racism towards blacks in this country. I agree with the protesting as well. I’ve done my part and continue to do so, whether it’s talking to someone about the issues (homie was a straight up racist), cleaning up my old neighborhood, raising awareness, donating money to several funds and charities focused on the progression of equality and ending police brutality.

We have our disagreements, that for sure apparent. But we do both agree on this movement and I’ll stand with everyone behind that line.

I’ve accepted all this. Why can’t you? Find your peace homie, I’ve found mine.

Can’t speak for Mr Dink Mr Dink
If a person doesn't believe in non violence then that person doesn't believe in the cause or the movement.
I do not consider propriety damage to be violent. What I don’t agree with is looting, specifically small businesses. I’m in no way saying the protestors are looting. It’s obvious the looters are opportunists who are trying to make with a come-up and heinously putting a black eye to this whole movement. That’s what bothers me the most.
That's not violence though, that's looting. It's not on you but just wondering why people keep focusing on the wrong thing and saying "non-violent" when the only real violence was the one that started the protests and police response to the protestors. Low key another deterrent from the truth of the matter at hand like "all lives matter" or "but MLK". It's like psychologically trying to program folks to see the protests overall as violent by insinuating the stance as "non-violent". Not saying it's on you, you just seem to fall victim to it as well.
That's not violence though, that's looting. It's not on you but just wondering why people keep focusing on the wrong thing and saying "non-violent" when the only real violence was the one that started the protests and police response to the protestors. Low key another deterrent from the truth of the matter at hand like "all lives matter" or "but MLK". It's like psychologically trying to program folks to see the protests overall as violent by insinuating the stance as "non-violent". Not saying it's on you, you just seem to fall victim to it as well.

I’ve never said looting was violent. NEVER SAID the protesting was violent either. I’m for it.

The thing I’m against is the looting.

Now if some of y’all don’t want me to stand with y’all behind this line of abolishing social injustice then I guess I see where y’all stand. I’ve made my peace with it. I really hope we as a society can change and see everyone as equals and not judge someone by the color or their skin, sexual preference, gender, religious beliefs etc.

Racism needs to end.
I’ve never seen anyone so obsessive over a difference of belief or opinion. Homie thinks if he keeps mentioning me I’ll change my mind.
He's tagged me in random threads involving lane merging (I don't believe in letting someone cut in front of me at the last minute, he does) for years. It's gotten to the point where I get a kick every time he tags me.
I’ve never said looting was violent. NEVER SAID the protesting was violent either. I’m for it.

The thing I’m against is the looting.

Now if some of y’all don’t want me to stand with y’all behind this line of abolishing social injustice then I guess I see where y’all stand. I’ve made my peace with it. I really hope we as a society can change and see everyone as equals and not judge someone by the color or their skin, sexual preference, gender, religious beliefs etc.

Racism needs to end.
Non-violent from looting was your actual wording though, just curious why your brain made that leap. You're choosing to skip the point and get defensive but no worries, be well, simply trying to have a conversation, wasn't an argument. Now if that makes you want to withdraw your support because you feel attacked then please do, as it clearly wasn't genuine.
I own several business across the country actually.
Not knowing what you business details, if someone finds a way to destroy and/or interfere with your business making money, do you still stand on the Non-VIolent approach?

Meaning if you walking into something YOU owned, and someone was attempting to destroy it, you just turning the other cheek? ( # )

I’ve never said looting was violent. NEVER SAID the protesting was violent either. I’m for it.

The thing I’m against is the looting.

Now if some of y’all don’t want me to stand with y’all behind this line of abolishing social injustice then I guess I see where y’all stand. I’ve made my peace with it. I really hope we as a society can change and see everyone as equals and not judge someone by the color or their skin, sexual preference, gender, religious beliefs etc.

Racism needs to end.
Originally, the convo moved away from looting and moved toward VIOLENCE as a form of retaliation.

That is what you said you were against, as well as looting.
Non-violent from looting was your actual wording though, just curious why your brain made that leap. You're choosing to skip the point and get defensive but no worries, be well, simply trying to have a conversation, wasn't an argument. Now if that makes you want to withdraw your support because you feel attacked then please do, as it clearly wasn't genuine.

Never said I’m withdrawing my support for the cause. Never will.

But there seems to be a Mexican standoff in this thread. It’s either believe everything y’all say and be “part” of the movement or have a difference of belief and be the “enemy”. I don’t think it has to be that way. But it seems like it does in this thread.
Just hopped on the Xbox and damn

Never said I’m withdrawing my support for the cause. Never will.

But there seems to be a Mexican standoff in this thread. It’s either believe everything y’all say and be “part” of the movement or have a difference of belief and be the “enemy”. I don’t think it has to be that way. But it seems like it does in this thread.
That's not at all what's happening, sad you see it that way. I truly hope the racist you tried to educate didn't curl up in a ball and see it that way either and genuinely engaged without being defensive and make it about him. You be good man.
As far as looting goes, I have no sympathy for a police station or precinct nor do I care much about a Target location, which apparently was known for harassing black shoppers.

I do have sympathy for truly small businesses like liquor stores or family run restaurants. I’m sure they are insured but there’s still a deductible and the prospect of rates going up in the future. If the protests were hitting up homes and apartments, I’d think differently about the protests. As it stands, few independent businesses and no residences have been hit. For the most part, these uprisings have been measured in terms of looting.

Also, we have to look at these riots in context. All these marginalized groups have tried more peaceful ways of addressing the issues the that affect them and our system ignores those appeals. Protests, including the property damage, get results while every other form of political participation has failed.
I addressed Hank Scorpio Hank Scorpio a few times, just asking him simply when has any real change been achieved specifically regarding civil rights without some form of violence taking place and he couldn't answer. He also tried to misconstrue some of Malcolm X's viewpoints which I also shut him down on. It seemingly goes deeper than he letting on. But you can't change a person's heart no matter how much you try and educate them.

Bottom line if you care about non violence that much then you should be more angry at these police and be demanding reform at every turn since they are the biggest gang in America. And in reality can commit violent acts virtually unchecked.
Damn, here comes these preachers to try and destroy the movement, then making this about praising jesus.

This is the stupid ish that takes away from momentum every single time.

All that damned screaming. smh
Damn, here comes these preachers to try and destroy the movement, then making this about praising jesus.

This is the stupid ish that takes away from momentum every single time.

All that damned screaming. smh
How does it take away from the movement?
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