Apr 11, 2006
okay guys, I'm having a talk with a recruiter from the National Guard right now and he's peaking my interest. This is the thing, I do music and I know if join something like the Army, Marines or Navy this is a life changing decision. My life right now isn't all its cracked up to be and I can't find a job. I'm living where I don't want to live and things are moving so slow. Me joining the Army, Navy or Marines could lighten up my load a little bit.. I feel. Has anyone done anything like this before and can give me some advice!? Or is anyone thinking about joining the service in order for them to pay for school and so one day i can put a down payment on a house or something like that... I just don't know what I want to do with my life... this feeling is horrible.
This is a life-changing decision, but since you've got a good enough head on your shoulders to understand that, you're already headed in the right direction.

If you have no other options, the military is a great way to go.  In spite of the propaganda and negative things we hear on a regular basis, it offers many great things.  For one, you get a steady check every two weeks, consistent health insurance, and the chance to travel the world.  As a young person who is still trying to find their self, I say go for it.  As a man, you'll probably be better for it once you get out.
thanks, its really sounding interesting. like i have no idea what i'm doing with my life and im good at music but i need money and right now money is winning the war on my life and also that i haven't finished school as of yet too
Originally Posted by Fox5Kobe

thanks, its really sounding interesting. like i have no idea what i'm doing with my life and im good at music but i need money and right now money is winning the war on my life and also that i haven't finished school as of yet too

So I have a class that is literally half veterans (23-35 age)

You gotta realize that unless you opt out of the army service now and goto college first by time u go back to college ur gonna be OLD.
Honestly if your future isnt look too good enlist. Just dont try to be out there on the front lines but use your time as well as possible. Pick up a trade or even find a career. Going into the military isnt that bad of a decision as people think. The military sends millions of people every year to college. They pay you and its like a guaranteed job.
If you join, you are going to become property of the United States Government. You aren't an individual anymore, just a piece of dispensable equipment.
Originally Posted by southzeztpdot

Honestly if your future isnt look too good enlist. Just dont try to be out there on the front lines but use your time as well as possible. Pick up a trade or even find a career. Going into the military isnt that bad of a decision as people think. The military sends millions of people every year to college. They pay you and its like a guaranteed job.
Really?  When did you complete your service, Mr. 18-year-old?  You know a lot about going to school on the military's tab?  Because, um, I know a few people who felt more than a bit mislead about what they were promised and what they actually got.  Oh, and that's good advice about trying not to be out there on the front lines.  I guess all the stupids that I know didn't realize there was a "don't send me to soak up bullets" option on the enlistment form. 

I've really been trying to be positive this year, but I'm sorry. 
I dont know how old you are. I just turned 21 and when I was like 19 or early 20, I was going to join the Navy. I went and spoke to a recruiter and he obviously told me everything I wanted to hear. I ended up not doing it and I found a job. Dont join just cuz you're broke and you need someone to pay for school. It'll turn out to be more of a burden and less of a life changing career move.

Good luck with your decision
i know a female friend who enlisted...and she's only 16

@ her...i bet she will regret it when she hits 18
It is true that when you talk to a recruiter, you are going to hear what they want you to hear. Your local recruiter works on commission so if you get recruited he gets extra $ from that...

I joined the Navy in 03. Like most young people looking for a brand new start, I listened intently on everything my recruiter had to tell me. I went in the Navy as an undesignated Airman...basically meaning that I didn't belong exclusively to a rate (job field) and was told that I'd be able to "switch" between divisions within my ship's air department...
..which turned out to be a total lie.

I eventually got out of my situation..but it took 2 1/2 years for me to fully strike into another job field and make rank as an EN2 (engineerman)...but even before I signed my name on that contract, I knew that I needed a spark in my life to help me refocus and get my life started with. I got all my G.I. Bill money working in my favor, as well as some lifetime friends, memories, and places I got a chance to see that I probably would never have if I had not decided to join....

I went in as a young man, just shortly after my 22nd birthday, and came out a determined and focused man. But I will say this, if you are going on a deployment...don't think it's going to be super easy to use your college fund money right away..because they're gonna want you to work first. If you are on land duty, you will have time to go to school......my advice would be to research what branch you might be interested in joining, and then research some of the jobs and decide if that is the job you want to partake in because usually it is very hard to get out of if you find out you don't like it....

Ask plenty of questions to the recruiter also, because once you leave for boot camp, chances are you will not see them again....use it as a trial..if you don't like or feel you need the service for any reason anymore then you can leave and always be proud of your accomplishments and the fact that you served. College isn't cheap and I'm glad I don't have to worry about the expenses had I not went....
It may be a good choice for you, look into it.  If you want money for college make sure make sure make sure that you receive the college fund on top of the GI Bill if it's still being offered.  VA home loans I've heard good things about, but I haven't used it yet as I live in an apartment while I'm in college.

If the recruiter is telling you that you won't spend time in Iraq/Afghanistan it's bull, you will.  Don't buy into the stabilization thing either, because it will take a back seat to a mission.  READ THE PAPERWORK BEFORE YOU SIGN ANYTHING!!!!  Remember that they need you to meet their recruiting quota you don't need them, so if you want a certain duty station or MOS refuse to sign unless you get exactly what you want.  Don't buy any lies they feed you, ask for proof if they say they can't get you a duty station or MOS.

I suggest you consider an MOS that can translate into a job in the civilian sector, especially if you're not considering the military as a career.  I repaired COMSEC (communication security) equipment and FM radios when I was in the Army.  Now I'm in my third year of getting an Electrical Engineering degree with a track in Signals & Systems.

I'll leave the rest of the #%#* for you to discover on your own should you decide to join.  It's a %#%$%** trip man.  Chances are you'll come out the other side with some wear and tear, but with a lot of life experience, life long friends, and a certain confidence that others won't and will never have.  Best of luck man with whatever you choose.
Damn, why you quitting on yourself already. Nothing comes easy. Go out get a job, grind, go to school. Damn, you guys are soft.
Op before you make your decisions check out all possible benefits you can get for joining the military online. And I'm not sure how old you are but i know it is possible for you to get into college for free by talking to a recruiter and join a colleges ROTC, they will pay all four years and it will be possible for you to be a officer right out of college. just pm me or use google for more info.
Originally Posted by davidisgodly

Damn, why you quitting on yourself already. Nothing comes easy. Go out get a job, grind, go to school. Damn, you guys are soft.

Wait, so how is joining the military quitting?
Originally Posted by Fox5Kobe

okay guys, I'm having a talk with a recruiter from the National Guard right now and he's peaking my interest. 

coming from a soldier: one of the best decisions i've made with my life was joining the Army...my life was going nowhere...i was going the dopeboy route and everythng got hectic and crazy so i got out of that and tried being a butcher...that didn't work out either so one day i called the recruiter and started the process of joining...mad lucky too...i got in with the g.e.d and a record...they're not doing those kinda waivers anymore....but yeah you get to go see the world...they give you at least 40k for schooling for when you get out...and if you go to school while you're still in they will give you 4,500 per semester...i'm deployed in afghanistan right now and for this year i cleared over 50k....that's not alot i know but for someone with a g.e.d who everyone said i would never make more than 5 bucks an hour i was pretty happy bout that...and since i'm married they pay for my rent..plus i got extra left over to just stack...plus if you get a gravy job sitting at a desk you don't ever have to worry bout nothing happening(SOME UNITS DON'T EVEN DEPLOY)...but check out your options....the military is not for everybody...
Im in Navy and looking back now, joining the service is probably the best decisions Ive made. The economy sucks but I get a paycheck coming in every 2 weeks.
Originally Posted by davidisgodly

Damn, why you quitting on yourself already. Nothing comes easy. Go out get a job, grind, go to school. Damn, you guys are soft.
He's not quitting on anything, it's simply another path that he considering.

OP I know where you're coming from, FAFSA $@%*#+ me over with my financial aid so now I owe my college. The military is a possibility for me also.
I was gonna join up too. Did the tests, got all ready to rumble, had some injury issues at MEPS, and then the wife backed down. End of story for me. I got a huge respect for the ppl in the Military. However, its not for everyone. Ive read a ton of books like "Generation Kill" and "the Unforgiving Minute" and soaked it all in. Cant say that anyone can help you make the decision but I can say that if you do serve do it cause you wanna serve. You wont like it but at the same time you just might not want to leave.
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