Shawne "Roids Out" Merriman strikes again!

Originally Posted by dyyhard

i knew she was going to get the first words in on twitter....
can't drink of don't drink??? she probably would be mad if she found out that shawne merriman was a trending topic and she wasn't after news broke.

I have just gotten back home safely to Los Angeles. Thank you for all of your love and prayers, and I appreciate everyone's support....about 1 hour ago from web

I am allergic to alcohol. It has been publicly known for years. That is how I got the name Tila "Tequila" cuz the irony. I cant drink.15 minutes ago from web

I put all of my love and faith in God......9 minutes ago from web

I am only 93 pounds and 4'ft 11......4 minutes ago from web


Jan Caldwell, a spokeswoman for the Sheriff's Department, said there were several other people at the home at the time of the alleged assault and investigators have questioned them.
"She was not seriously hurt," Caldwell said. "She was able to talk. She was able to walk. She was mobile. She did not have any serious injuries that our deputies saw."
Caldwell said the couple had been at a nightclub earlier in the evening and Tequila was intoxicated when deputies arrived.


I am allergic to alcohol. It has been publicly known for years. That is how I got the name Tila "Tequila" cuz the irony. I cant drink.15 minutes ago from web

someone is lying, or they were on something else.....
Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

No doubt in my mind English is going to shine in the system. How all of this transpires, it may be the start of Merriman out the door. If that's the case, then good riddance. I'll respect his talent, roids or not, but I'm tired of dude.

Phillip Rivers is going to be an absolute animal this season.
Chargers "fans" are the worst in the NFL.
Wait....why would Rob Kardashian be simpin' over Tila? Isn't he with that one chick from 3LW Adrienne Bailon? they broke up?
Originally Posted by SaltineWarrior

Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

No doubt in my mind English is going to shine in the system. How all of this transpires, it may be the start of Merriman out the door. If that's the case, then good riddance. I'll respect his talent, roids or not, but I'm tired of dude.

Phillip Rivers is going to be an absolute animal this season.
Chargers "fans" are the worst in the NFL.
Oh well.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by Pig Love

Originally Posted by d0nt w0rry about it

To add on to this previous update from

UPDATE -- A lawyer for Merriman denied all charges and says Tila was "extremely inebriated" and that Merriman tried to stop her from leaving the home because he didn't feel it was safe for her to do so. something that may very well support Merriman's lawyer's claim
Jan Caldwell, a spokeswoman for the Sheriff's Department, said there were several other people at the home at the time of the alleged assault and investigators have questioned them.
"She was not seriously hurt," Caldwell said. "She was able to talk. She was able to walk. She was mobile. She did not have any serious injuries that our deputies saw."

Caldwell said the couple had been at a nightclub earlier in the evening and Tequila was intoxicated when deputies arrived. Caldwell did not know if Merriman had been drinking.

Nik Richie [aka the guy that reported the Ben Baller/Sasha Singleton supposed cheating situation] had this to say:
Tila Tequilea is making up stats. All Shawn did was try to help her... anything for attention. Another Dream Killer.about 1 hour ago from mobile web

We could all clown Merriman all we want [which has become the norm on NT], but if it does indeed come out that he was trying to prevent her from driving drunk, he did something commendable and got done dirty for it.

Nonetheless, it's no excuse for Merriman to be dating someone whose "sacked" total totally blows away his own career total of QB sacks.

I was just about to post this info for all you internet gossipers. After Steve Foley got shot in the same neighborhood, on the same week a few years back
this would be unbelievable. If only it was true kids. Keep hating the Chargers, it's ok because they will probably beat your team this year anyway. No 90
pound TV chick is gonna stop this train from rolling.
you're acting like the Chargers weren't .500 last year....on top of it all, you have the luxury of playing in arguably the worst division in football...

This seems like the beginning of the end of Merriman in SD....I was reading on ESPN, that AJ Smith is fed up w. Merriman's penchant for nightlife etc....he may come out of this unscathed, but he's stupid for putting himself in this situation to begin with. No matter if he's found not guilty.

Last year? (epic) Worst division in football? That seems like a bye andsome promise this season for the Chargers.

If Merriman plays, it might be lights out
for the NFC champ. huh?
An official statement from Shawne Merriman himself:

Statement from Shawne Merriman

11:04 p.m. September 6, 2009

The following statement was received via e-mail late Sunday night:

On September 6, 2009 the San Diego Sheriffs Department responded to a citizens complaint that was initiated by Tila Nguyen (aka Tila Tequila). I was taken into custody based upon that complaint. At the time, I was concerned about her welfare given the intoxicated state she appeared to be in and I encouraged her to stay until safe transportation could be provided. We would all do our best to help a friend if we considered their actions to be detrimental to their personal safety. I in no way caused any harm to Ms Nguyen, however, paramedics were called and she was examined but no injuries were reported. She was released and has since returned to Los Angeles, California. There have been no charges filed against me. I want to thank the San Diego Sheriffs Department for their professionalism. I will continue to cooperate fully with the Department and I look forward to clearing my name regarding these false allegations. I want to put this behind me so I can continue to focus on a successful season for the San Diego Chargers.

SOURCE: http://www3.signonsandieg...wnestatem23448/?chargers

All jokes aside, it seems as though everything is starting to point towards Merriman trying to HELP rather than HARM.
real talk, i went to a party last saturday night in downtown la at a building in skid row. questlove was djing. i saw this chick there with some dude that wasnot shawne merriman. maybe dude found out.

and i never thought she was that hot...but in person, chick is hot as #@$+. she is TINY.
Originally Posted by d0nt w0rry about it

An official statement from Shawne Merriman himself:

Statement from Shawne Merriman

11:04 p.m. September 6, 2009

The following statement was received via e-mail late Sunday night:

On September 6, 2009 the San Diego Sheriffs Department responded to a citizens complaint that was initiated by Tila Nguyen (aka Tila Tequila). I was taken into custody based upon that complaint. At the time, I was concerned about her welfare given the intoxicated state she appeared to be in and I encouraged her to stay until safe transportation could be provided. We would all do our best to help a friend if we considered their actions to be detrimental to their personal safety. I in no way caused any harm to Ms Nguyen, however, paramedics were called and she was examined but no injuries were reported. She was released and has since returned to Los Angeles, California. There have been no charges filed against me. I want to thank the San Diego Sheriffs Department for their professionalism. I will continue to cooperate fully with the Department and I look forward to clearing my name regarding these false allegations. I want to put this behind me so I can continue to focus on a successful season for the San Diego Chargers.

SOURCE: http://www3.signonsandieg...wnestatem23448/?chargers

All jokes aside, it seems as though everything is starting to point towards Merriman trying to HELP rather than HARM.

It's a STRANGE situation because there are conflicting reports coming from both parties on how "intoxicated" she was. After readingthe tweet that dyhard posted, you have Tequila saying that she can't have alcohol....then you have merriman's camp saying that he was just trying tohelp her due to her intoxicated state. Now, most of us are probably associating the term "intoxicated" with being drunk....I'm thinking if shewas in an altered state (and based off of what she said about not being able to drink) she was probably on some drugs....someone is lying. No matter what theoutcome if it's drugs or alcohol, especially drugs if she was doing them in Merriman's presence, it's not a good look. Merriman HAS to be smarterabout how he conducts himself off the field.
Originally Posted by SaltineWarrior

Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

No doubt in my mind English is going to shine in the system. How all of this transpires, it may be the start of Merriman out the door. If that's the case, then good riddance. I'll respect his talent, roids or not, but I'm tired of dude.

Phillip Rivers is going to be an absolute animal this season.
Chargers "fans" are the worst in the NFL.
How so?

Just cause most Chargers fans know that Merriman routinely parties at downtown clubs BEFORE and AFTER game night and that we are tired of his antics, we'rethe worst fans in the NFL?
KB8 your my dude but i think your taking merrimans antics a little too personal. I know hes been actin up and i know hes not the classiest off-field guy, butwhy convict him of these accusations before he is proven guilty? It just seems like you were waiting for anything to use against him and you got it and youdont even give the guy a chance to be innocent. I understand he shouldnt even be in the position for these accusations to occur, but regardless if he DIDNTattack her, if he DIDNT choke her like people say...then all you really have on him for your 'hate' is his roids usage and his partying ways...

now im not a Merriman 'stan' just a guy who likes to give everyone the benefit of the doubt until they prove me wrong, also i like to giveeveryone 2nd chances. That includes Vick, Chris Henry, Merriman, Julius Peppers, anyone whose done something stupid gets a 2nd chance imo until they abuse it.So far, unless Merriman is convicted of any charges he hasnt abused his 2nd chance in my opinon.

I still look forward to having him on my team, and im sure as hell glad he isnt on anyone elses team. I love the guy as a player and he hasnt done nearlyenough off-field for me to be 'tired' of him or want him gone. Im a Chargers fan, and as long as he doesnt do anything to disrupt the teams progress ilove having him on my team and dont care who hes dating or who hes smashin. (that is, unless he is actually proven guilty with domestic abuse...which doesntseem to be going in that direction)...

Cant wait for the season
Naw fam, it goes back to 06.

Back during the steroid allegations, I remember me and DoubleJs got into a debate in regards to that situation and I stood up and defended Merriman as aCharger fan would.

Merriman clearly stated he would go after the company who provided/created those "tainted" supplements. As for me, I have no respect for cheaters.Merriman is one. But to make up for it, he said he would go after that company to prevent others from being mislead in taking those supplements like he has.

Flash forward now, show me an article. Show me anything. Not a damn thing. As a fan, I felt like I was lied to after defending him. So in that case, !@#$ him.Dude gets the Sasha Vujacic treatment from me.

People want to clown and hate on Barry Bonds, Alex Rodriguez, and Manny Ramirez for steroid use, yet Shawne Merriman gets a free pass because he's on"our team"? Double Standards?
I can vouch for KB8 in that he did stand up for Merriman when we would go back and forth....I think the thread was about him being a candidate for DPOY amongstthe likes of Jason Taylor and Champ Bailey. I agree with everything KB8 said in his last post...there is a HUGE double-standard as far as who the media likesto scrutinize as far as athletes who have tested positive for roids...
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