So... Did my girl cheat on me?

Originally Posted by McFlyyy

fellas, if your girl let a man get at her,
and you hit up the man then you're playing backwards,
it happens to the best, you are not alone,
her booty and her breast are nothing you can own.
Songz aint never lie.....
Okay, so I didn't read any of that.. But, I will.

I just came in here to say....... If you have to ask yourself that question, then yes, she cheated.
tell her this :
"I hope you die and your whole family drowns right in front of your eyes"
then proceed to whip it out for one last smash
on the real. I JUST got out of my most serious relationship.  And it ended the worse way possible.  As much as I was an adult and took the situation very all went bad due to her actions.  Heres a BRIEF  of why i started doubting:

RED flags.. sometimes we are blind to them because we "love" the person.  Take things to consideration, little things lead to other little things and when you put them all together its one huge problem.  If your girl has guy friends she has all the right to, but when she lies about "talking" or "hanging out" with that person...there's something more then friendship.  when your girl tells you she doesnt want u as her friend on myspace because she feels u control and watch everything you do..that she needs her "own" thing eventhough shes the one that brought up myspace and adding me (she wanted to, then when i said ok, she gave me that BS).  She added me for 1hr, looked thru all my stuff, then took me off....  Being off on weekends and playing ghostie sometimes...checking her BILL, and seeing same number texted on a regular, and called on a regular not past 6pm because thats when i get off work.... lying about texts at 245am saying its a facebook notification, i check. it was dude texting her.  .  a lot of these things seem very obvious and you have to be blind to not see the real meaning of them..but when you feel shes the dont want to believe the truth. 

You think your issue is bad?. Bro, She left on Tuesday night to her moms...came back wed morning to get some of her stuff before going to work..( i had neatly, placed all her belongings in the living room and i was going to take them straight to her i didnt have to deal with the BS and her being here). so I get woken up.. she storms in the house, shoves me...cussin, saying this , saying that... walks up to me, shoves me..and i get a left jab to the that moment..i felt like what just happened...i was the bigger person.......called the cops...she RAN out..PEELED out of parking lot...she gets pulled over within 5min. 

she was driving with a suspended license...she was going to get it back February 12th 2010, yeah, literally in over a week....she gets charged to domestic violence (yeah, i can laugh..i got hit).  she got arrested on the spot...
car got impounded a mandatory 30 days...@ 150$+ a day.. her bail had to easily be 5-10k..she got out same day on bail...her license got revoked another 3-5 yrs.. and i see her in court soon. 

As mature as you may be..and as much as you think you know this person..people will surprise you..  I loved this girl, had a place with her..knew her family.. we shared a life together. and i would of never imagined the girl i loved and thought was it to end up being a psycho..i found out she was fooling with a dude from Santa Rosa..and prob had been for months...  Be wise with how you handle things, be respectful regardless of the situation and Bro, theres plenty of females out there that will treasure your commitment to them and never do you wrong.  Your situation is obvious , instead of lagging on ending this so it doesnt get any worse, just do it man.. you'll feel bad for a week..two weeks..yet you'll get over it and eventually look back and be glad you left her..

sorry for writing a book. but i wanted to share this so you can see that it could be worse..

take care of it.

Originally Posted by SoFreakinWavy

so this past weekend after coming back from winter break my girl's phone bill came up to $800.

her parents are haitian and got all mad talking about yada yada yada you in school for education and all that and she shouldn't have a boyfriend

then her older brother who gave her a ride back was basically all in her ear telling her the same thing, so i stop by her dorm when she came back, and i chilled with her for a minute and told her I was going to the gym

so i come back and hour and 30 mins laters or so, and she on her bed chilling and I sit down on the chair and i see a facebook convo with this other dude, who she "accidently" messed (no sex or head) with during orientation,

and i open it and at the bottom of the conversation it says "shes stopping by to say hi"

so i call her out on it and the first thing she says is I'm not messing with him, boo hoo and all that and she was picking up her french book from a friend who does live in the same building as ol boy does and all she did was stop by and say hi, they are just friends now and they dont even talk about what happened anymore

so I'm like why did you even hit him up tho? im your bf and your hitting him up to say hi? i honestly wanna go up to dude and ask him whats good with him and her without sounding like the dude in cam'ron "stop calling"

so how should I approach the dude? cause I can't be mad at him if my girl is a ho

my *#+%
Net gain retro.

to OP:

drop her. I'm pretty sure the people saying the same thing know from personal experience or from friends.
Originally Posted by Clevereddie

Originally Posted by SoFreakinWavy

who she "accidently" messed (no sex or head) with during orientation,

How do you accidentally mess with someone? 
Ive done it a couple times. It can actually save a relationship if it wasn't intentional
I hate to say it, but put it in his perspective...

You think he's gonna waste his time with some chick stopping by if they aint on that?
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

It's not a big deal that they messed around before you it's the fact that she tried to minimize it by saying it was an accident. Maybe she was just saying hi maybe not but you should def be concerned. Why were you on her facebook tho?
I wasn't on her facebook, when I walked into her dorm her facebook page was open and it had this dudes name in the chat browser, and I clicked on it.
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