So Is India Like One Huge Party?

Oct 8, 2003
cus everytime I see a bollywood movie preview them Indians are always gettin down..Ya be partyin like that 24/7?

Its a pretty nutty place though.
The gap between rich and poor is nuts there. I've seen some crazy things go down.

From an American perspective, I can get away with anything there. Especially being an NRI (non-resident Indian), cops don't even bother with,
I have not been India, but I would love to. However, I have partied with Indian friends. Crazy!
They know how to party and they can take in a lot ofalcohol. I've been to those Indian jams in clubs and when an Indian song comes on, I know to step away from the dancefloor.
you must also believe that we can clone dinosaurs from DNA found in amber encapsulated mosquitos too.
No. Where would you get that from? Bollywood movies are used to "unite the country" and help people forget their problems.
You really think folk be dancin around wearing brightly colored outfits doing spontaneous choreographed dances all day? Confetti and %%#@ fallin from thesky? That's like sayin all gang fights is like 'West Side Story'. Picture thugged out dudes in white tees and Timbs snapping and doin the hustleand swingin around lightposts with a gat in hand and carryin on...that look right to you?
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

you must also believe that we can clone dinosaurs from DNA found in amber encapsulated mosquitos too.

While I do realize this topic was stupid (I wasn't being serious hence the "like" in the title), thank you for bumping this thread 17 hours laterwith that worthless reply. Have a good day.
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

you must also believe that we can clone dinosaurs from DNA found in amber encapsulated mosquitos too.

While I do realize this topic was stupid (I wasn't being serious hence the "like" in the title), thank you for bumping this thread 17 hours later with that worthless reply. Have a good day.
Originally Posted by potus2028

You really think folk be dancin around wearing brightly colored outfits doing spontaneous choreographed dances all day? Confetti and %%#@ fallin from the sky? That's like sayin all gang fights is like 'West Side Story'. Picture thugged out dudes in white tees and Timbs snapping and doin the hustle and swingin around lightposts with a gat in hand and carryin on...that look right to you?

I'd pay to witness that..
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

you must also believe that we can clone dinosaurs from DNA found in amber encapsulated mosquitos too.

While I do realize this topic was stupid (I wasn't being serious hence the "like" in the title), thank you for bumping this thread 17 hours later with that worthless reply. Have a good day.
Dirty got owned.
Originally Posted by jose cansec0

i wouldnt want to visit india at seems dirty as hell. thats just me tho.
How do people make generalizations like this?
It's funny you brought this up. I was thinking about this yesterday. I was watching some Bollywood songs and I realized that their movies are nothing likeIndian life. But everyone watches movies and they just use it for entertainment.
Originally Posted by Mivish

As an Indian whose been to India numerous times, it's not. There are tons of clubs and dancehalls, but Bollywood movies are disgustingly over exaggerated, where the stars of the movies are in no way similar to the general population.
It's crazy how exaggerated it is. Dudes like John Abraham and Hrithik Roshan don't even exist on the streets. All the guys over there tryto impress the girls with their mobiles and say 'yaar' after every sentence.
Atleast that's how it is where I'm from.
Clubs and dance halls just got popular over the last 10 years or so. Now, whenever I land in Mumbai in the middle of the night, I can see so many people justgetting out from the club.

The Punjabis go absolutely crazy. I remember going to a Punjabi party once and it was crazy. Dudes drink so much and work the dance floor like nothing I'veseen before. Punjabi + Bhangra + Alcohol = Crazy Time

Originally Posted by jose cansec0

i wouldnt want to visit india at seems dirty as hell. thats just me tho.
It was reallllllllly dirty a few years ago. Now their cleaning up, quick too. Last I went was in March and it's amazing how clean it was. Iwent to Chennai then, one of the biggest cities in India. It still screamed India, but it resembled a US city more than ever. Traffic lights, tall buildings,loads of cars and way too many cars. The only thing is, they don't know how to drive in lanes.
I swear, I don't know how they drive over there. Nosuch thing as an automatic. You're stuck weaving around thousands of motorcycles.
But even their water is cleaning up. Filtered water is becoming the standard and all the young people wear jeans. They're picking up quick from the west.
I'm going back in December, so I'll see how my part has changed in the past year and a half.

anybody catch Abhisheck and Aishwarya on Oprah? My mom told me about it, so I checked it out.
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