So NT, what are you procrastinating on at the moment?

Reading half of two books. and answering question on them. i'll prolly sparknotes it
5 articles for a seminar class.

Outline for my comm class + powerpoint.

And, a semester worth of work for my reading class.
Sending some stuff the financial aid office at a prospect college keeps bugging me about...
Writing a 5 page essay on Franco...
Working out...
- Looking and applying to more Nursing schools in/around Philadelphia

- Booking plane tickets to Long Beach, CA. Going there for vacation in Mid- May

- Trying to do more pushups and sit ups. All I do is run and I'm losing muscle mass

Other than that I'm pretty ambitious.
Sociology Research/Term Paper.

Only has to be like 5 pages but I REALLY don't wanna do this +@%%
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