Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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Thanks Hallywood.

Yeah Ben, I think it's time for me to move past it, grow up a little, and just use it here and there when watching sports.

Positive affirmations work man. I've had to use them these past 6 months to psych myself into becoming a better trader, and remaining positive, knowing eventually I'll get over the hump, and affirming myself has definitely helped. Now to keep it up in the other aspects of my life so I could be the best me.

There's a pitcher for the Padres that reads positive affirmations in between innings, Tyson Ross. That was an omen for me when I saw him doing it a while back.
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On that note, anyone have any brainwashing materials? Im trying reprogram myself from top to bottom and I haven't found any deliberate manuals or anything in my short search so far.
Made it through the day easily. Reupped as a means to test my discipline and maturity. I'm tired of not being who I could be. This time I won't fall back into the same hole, I'm more mature, disciplined and I understand the importance of not overusing the herb. I'm ready to take this next step in my life, and I will deliver.

Any of you guys use crystals? I've got a couple of citrine and lapis lazuli chilling under my bed and on my desk. I've found them to be helpful.
JRS funny you mention crystals. I carry one black onyx and one white quartz mini egg shaped crystals on me whenever I leave the house. They are my urim and thummim word to the alchemist. I don't use them to make decisions ever but I feel they bring me luck. Yea I know sounds corny but it works for me. I also have an apache tear on my desk and a few others I forget the names of
I feel you Wiz. I picked these up cause I read they will help you with fear and I felt these might help me when it comes to trading.

Woke up at 7 am this morning (usually up early) and had the urge to burn a little since that's been the habit for the past year + but I was too enamored to say that Day 3 would be a success so I remained disciplined.

Next step here is to be more confident as a trader, to trust myself and my plan, and to know that unlike where I was 6 months ago, I know what I'm doing now. Been a sitter too much due to fear, but I'm transitioning into being a doer so I'm rising to the occasion. I'm a doer, I'm confident, I'm successful, I'm ready to capitalize on the opportunities handed to me by the Universe.

Don't mind me using this thread a little as a journal in these first few days, I just feel more comfortable sharing this stuff with you guys than my real life friends, and I feel like it helps me get over that hump talking about it and updating you guys in this initial stage.
Not sure how much into dreams you guys are, its possibly one of the most interesting and fascinating things to me and i look forward to sleeping just to see what ill dream about. Im aware im dreaming in almost all my dreams, and besides the setting and the beings i interact with im able to control much of what happens, be it flying or controlling things with my hands ala star wars waving my hands and pulling them towards me or shooting them away. Anyway ive had several dreams were i tell the beings that they arent real and they are a part of my dream and the couple of times ive done this the beings or entities didnt really appreciate it. Last night i had a dream and was going around asking the beings if in this dream world they slept or if they dremt and they responded by saying no and some didnt know what i was talking about. After a while it occurred to me in the dream to tell the beings that they should and have to break out of this world and come into mine where i go when i wake up. And they asked me how and after a while in the dream i was rounding up a kind of army of people and telling them all that they have to break out of the dream and join me or just go somewhere outside of what ever this place is. I was getting ready to tell them that coming along with me i only had one rule which was going to be peace and love but i slowly started waking up before i could tell them. After a couple of my mushroom trips and reading trip reports on dmt i sort of been stuck with this idea that maybe its somehow released in some quantity or a like chemical is released when we dream and thats what causes them. I haven't tried dmt yet luckly will soon and im looking forward to see if there is any connection myself to any of the theories ive been thinking about with dreams and psychedelics. I havent had a dose higher than 3.5 grams and wonder if something like 5 or 7 will allow me a much greater trip and what the experience will be. Just felt like sharing about this dream that i had and the fact that im telling these entities that they need to break out of the dream world and join me in mine and they asked me how and just everything that was going on in that particular dream with the entities.
Just had a mini epiphany.

As above so below.

Our solar system is a macro version of the atom. The sun represents the nucleus, and protons(positive energy) and the planets represent electrons (negative) energy.

The suns rays penetrate the solar system to give life to things. This is the masculine penetrating the feminine to begin creation.

Our solar system is an illusion/matrix because it never manifested into what it was supposed to be.

Most solar systems have binary stars. These binary stars balance each other out. In metaphysical terms, these stars are soul mates. Much like you see in our life's, these binary star systems tango, form a holy union, impregnate the universe, explode and start the creation process over.

When sirius b (the star we came from imploded) it had a rogue masculine energy that started creating on its own. Because this masculine energy was unbalanced nothing it creates last. It's soul mate was supposed to be Jupiter, but it didn't wait on her to come to fruition. This rogue creator is our sun.

Like I said it was masculine and it goes by many names: Allah, Yaweh, Jehovah, Zeus, Ra etc.
I'd say knowledge of self and creation. When you master both they become eternal and rise above the limitations of this reality.
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