Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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of course

it is in part the same kind of argument anthropologists give in regard to religion

where the elite made up god & their own special place as middle-man, regulating religion
in other words, religion is all smoke & mirrors set up by the elite to control the common man

but some run into a chicken-or-the-egg paradox with that as many elite rituals were stolen from the common man
which means maybe aliens or gods came first & the elite are simply capitalizing on pre-existing phenomenon
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[h1]A Vacant Lot In Wyoming Will Become One Of The World's First Vertical Farms[/h1]
A unique conveyer belt design allows the three-story greenhouse to be efficient and sustainable, providing jobs and fresh produce to the Jackson community.

Jackson, Wyoming, is an unlikely place for urban farming: At an altitude over a mile high, with snow that can last until May, the growing season is sometimes only a couple of months long. It's also an expensive place to plant a garden, since an average vacant lot can cost well over $1 million.

But the town is about to become home to one of the only vertical farms in the world. On a thin slice of vacant land next to a parking lot, a startup called Vertical Harvest  recently broke ground on a new three-story stack of greenhouses that will be filled with crops like microgreens and tomatoes.

"We're replacing food  that was being grown in Mexico or California and shipped in," explains Penny McBride, one of the co-founders. "We feel like the community's really ready for a project like this. Everybody's so much more aware of the need to reduce transportation, and people like to know their farmer and where food's coming from."

The small plot of land is owned by the town, and the building that houses the farm will be owned by the town as well, as part of a partnership. The founders spent five years working with the city to fully vet the idea—from how well the business model can support itself to how the efficient the new building will be.

"One of the things the town of Jackson was concerned with was if we using more energythan if a tomatoes was trucked in here," says Nona Yehia, the architect of the vertical farm and one of the company's co-founders. Greenhouses do typically use a lot of energy, especially in a cold climate, but the math worked out, in part because of the farm's design.

Inside, the plants move throughout each greenhouse floor on a conveyor belt that the founders compare to a moving rack at a dry cleaner. As they rotate, each plant gets an equal amount of time in natural light on the south side of the building, saving energy in artificial lighting. On the top level, the system also pulls plants up to the ceiling, effectively creating an extra floor. The conveyor also brings each plant to workers who can transplant or harvest the crops.

The startup plans to employ workers with developmental disabilities who have few local options for a job. "We have a certain number of hours of work and divide it up based on ability, desire, and skill," Yehia explains. "The job is developed based on how many hours someone wants to work and can work."

In a year, the greenhouse should be able to crank out over 37,000 pounds of greens, 4,400 pounds of herbs, and 44,000 pounds of tomatoes [Note: this sentence originally listed all these measurements as tons, which is too many tomatoes. We regret the error]. The yields are high compared to traditional farming, because of the efficiencies of the farm's hydroponic system. But it still will be only a fraction of the produce needed for the town, which has fewer than 10,000 residents but many more tourists.

"The demand is far greater than what we'll be able to supply," says McBride. The farm has already pre-sold its future crops to local restaurants, grocery stores, and a hospital. It's a reminder of the fact that vertical farming, despite some advantages, would be a challenging way to try to feed many people in a larger city.

But on a small scale, it's a way to add both local food  and jobs. McBride and Yehia hope it will serve as a model for other communities, and may eventually expand themselves. It's a business model that they're convinced will work.

"It's a feel-good story, which is why so many people were partnering with us from the beginning," says Yehia. The team plans to open the farm early next year and will harvest the first crops a few months later.
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honestly, if it were found that my dna came from aliens, it would not make me feel derivative in a limited sense

it would actually make me feel more compelled to understand the universe outside of earth as i wouldn't be reaching out into the abyss of stars
as much as i'd be returning to where i came from

some scientists make ancients out to be so dumb
whether one believes in aliens or not this seems to be the case
what about the hanging gardens of babylon?

title says world's first
article says one of the only, which is it? does it matter?

Dope! Bookmarking that.

The future is bright. Life is great and it's going to continue to get better and better. Bless the internet for jump starting our awareness back to where it once was; with the addition of a bunch of cool technology.

That's why the yin/yang understanding is very important. We had to go through everything that we've went through in order to eventually comeback to a common understand of our place in the universe - but with technology providing essential tools to provide a better experience.

I just volunteered at a local organic garden by my house on tuesday. Met some really cool people with major connects and experience and they want to help me actualize my vision. First I gotta learn how to cultivate the land though lol So i'll be there 3-4 times a week learning as much as I can.

If ya'll want to follow me on my journey or simply keep in touch with me follow me on Instagram @justonthejourney

Enjoy the day ya'll!
of course

it is in part the same kind of argument anthropologists give in regard to religion

where the elite made up god & their own special place as middle-man, regulating religion
in other words, religion is all smoke & mirrors set up by the elite to control the common man

but some run into a chicken-or-the-egg paradox with that as many elite rituals were stolen from the common man
which means maybe aliens or gods came first & the elite are simply capitalizing on pre-existing phenomenon

enlighten them :smokin
[h2]Meet Yacouba Sawadogo – The Man Who Stopped the Desert[/h2]
By Sumitra on January 20th, 2014 Category: News
Yacouba Sawadogo is an exceptional man – he single-handedly managed to solve a crisis that even scientists and development organizations could not. The simple old farmer’s re-forestation and soil conservation techniques are so effective they’ve helped turn the tide in the fight against the desertification of the harsh lands in northern Burkina Faso.

Over-farming, over-grazing and over population have, over the years, resulted in heavy soil erosion and drying in this landlocked West African nation. Although national and international researchers tried to fix the grave situation, it really didn’t really make much of a difference. Until Yacouba decided to take matters into his own hands in 1980.

Yacouba’s methods were so odd that his fellow farmers ridiculed him. But when his techniques successfully regenerated the forest, they were forced to sit up and take notice. Yacouba revived an ancient African farming practice called ‘zai’, which led to forest growth and increased soil quality.

Zai is a very simple and low-cost farming technique. Using a shovel or an axe, small holes are dug into the hard ground and filled with compost. Seeds of trees, millet or sorghum are planted in the compost. The holes catch water during the rainy season, so they are able to retain moisture and nutrients during the dry season.

According to the rules of Zai, Yacouba would prepare the lands in the dry season – exactly the opposite of the local practice. Other farmers and land chiefs laughed at him, but soon realized that he is a genius. In just 20 years, he converted a completely barren area into a thriving 30-acre forest with over 60 species of trees.

According to Chris Reji, a natural resources management specialist with the Center for International Cooperation, “Tens of thousands of hectares of land that was completely unproductive has been made productive again thanks to the techniques of Yacouba.

Yacouba has chosen not to keep his secrets to himself. Instead, he hosts a workshop at his farm, teaching visitors and bringing people together in a spirit of friendship. “I want the training program to be the starting point for many fruitful exchanges across the region,” he said. Farmers from neighboring villages visit him for advice and good quality seeds. “If you stay in your own little corner, all your knowledge is of no use to humanity.”

In 2010, award-winning filmmaker Mark Dodd created a documentary based on Yacouba’s experiences, called ‘The Man Who Stopped the Desert’. It tells the story of how a single man’s efforts saved thousands of farmers across Africa’s Sahel region – one of the worst hit by desertification in the world. The film helps defy the notion that Africa needs outside help to solve its problems. “We must stop teaching and telling, and instead start learning and listening to what the farmers have to say,” said Reji.

The film has helped raise awareness about Yacouba’s work and also resulted in more donations. With the support of Oxfam America, he is now promoting the use of stone bunds that slow runoff, so water from the pits trickle into the soil. This has proven to be a very successful technique.

“What Yacouba has done can also be done by many other farmers across the Sahel. The big challenge is that in the next 5 to 10 years, we will have to try to motivate millions of farmers to invest in trees because it will help them to improve their food security, and at the same time it will also help them adapt to climate change,” said Reji.

But making this happen isn’t as easy as it sounds. In spite of the success of the documentary film, Yacouba is facing problems from several quarters. A recent expansion project has taken up a considerable portion of the forest he spent years growing. Homes are already being built on his land, with meagre compensations.

Despite these setbacks, Yacouba hasn’t lost hope. He is currently trying to raise $20,000 to purchase his forest back. He knows that his work is important – he has doubled his cultivation efforts, expanding into nearby barren lands.

Yacouba’s understanding of the future of the environment and conservation is profound. “If you cut down ten trees a day and fail to plant even one a year, we are headed for destruction,” he said.
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[/h1][h1]Methane Found on Mars, Indicates Life May Once Have Existed There: Nasa[/h1]

Indo Asian News Service, 28 February 2015

After an exhaustive analysis of data obtained during 605 Martian days, Nasa'sCuriosity rover has confirmed the presence of methane on Mars environment which may hint that life once existed on the Red Planet.

The tunable laser spectrometer in the SAM (Sample Analysis at Mars) instrument of the Curiosity rover has unequivocally detected an episodic increase in the concentration of methane in Mars' atmosphere.

This puts an end to the long controversy on the presence of methane in Mars, which started over a decade ago when this gas was first detected with telescopes from the Earth, the authors from the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) reported.

Since methane can be the product of biological activity - practically all the existing methane in the Earth's atmosphere originates in this way - this has created great expectations that Martian methane could also be of a similar origin.

(Also See:Nasa Curiosity Rover Clicks New 'Mars Selfie' at Mojave Site)

"It is a finding that puts paid to the question of the presence of methane in the Martian atmosphere but it does pose some other more complex and far-reaching questions, such as the nature of its sources," said  study co-author Francisco Javier Martin-Torres from the Andalusian Institute of Earth Sciences (CSIC-UGR) at the University of Granada, Spain.

"The sources, we believe, must lie in one or two additional sources that were not originally contemplated in the models used so far. Among these sources, we must not rule out biological methanogenesis," he added.

According to some current models, if there really existed methane in Mars, it would remain there for an average 300 years and during this period, it would be homogeneously distributed across the atmosphere.

SAM has been detecting basal levels of methane concentration and has confirmed an event of episodic increase of up to 10 times this value during a period of 60 Martian days.

The new data are based on observations during almost one Martian year (almost two Earth years), included in the initial prediction for the duration of the mission (nominal mission), during which Curiosity has surveyed about 8 kms in the basin of the Gale crater.

The newly arrived MAVEN (Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution) from Nasa will provide continuity for the study of this subject, the US space agency said in a statement.

In the near future, the Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO), jointly developed by the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Russian Space Agency (Ruscosmos) will measure the concentration of methane on Mars at a larger scale.

The paper was published in the journal Science.

For full coverage of the Mobile World Congress from Barcelona, visit our MWC 2015page.
lead back to alchemy, what does that mean? sounds good, but what alchemy have you been involved with?

I haven't been "involved", just been reading on varied topics and it always pops up in some way or another. Astrology, Greek gods and their Egyptian counterparts along with their cooresponding metals and planets. Hermetcism, masonry, all the religious symbology. Seems to all be an allegory in the same vein.

To my knowledge, there's only one form of true alchemy. The rest are just people's inability to understand it. Thus taking the allegory of alchemy literal.

Correct me if I'm wrong, though.

" It was possible for a man of Micheal Maier’s intellect to conceive of an idea as an arena of infinite potential where the right word as symbol and sound utilized under correct circumstances virtually holds the force needed in order to change the world. In his alchemical understanding of the evolution of metals, he came, through the expression of his art, to realize how this microcosmic work might affect the macrocosmic evolution of human consciousness."

"Maier believed that classical tales contain the formula of the alchemical art, disguised as argot, a language the adept Fulcanelli would describe as "peculiar to all individuals who wish to communicate their thoughts without being understood by outsiders...a spoken cabala." (Fulcanelli Master Alchemist, p. 42; the author goes so far as to call it (in cant) ar got: art gothic, implying the transmission of sacred knowledge through architectonics, ie; a facade, something that stands for something else)."


"Make a circle around man and woman, then a square, now a triangle; make a circle, and you will have the Philosopher’s Stone."

"Around the man and woman draw a ring,

From which an equal-sided square springs forth.

From this derive a triangle, which should touch

The sphere on every side: and then the Stone

Will have arisen. If this is not clear, Then learn Geometry, and know it all." (Godwin, Michael Maier’s Atalanta Fugiens, p. 147.)

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May i ask why you don't?

its hard to believe what can't be proven, can't blame him for that.

but ET's do exist

There are multiple reasons why I do not believe in extra-terrestrials in it's definition within this third dimensional realm. I stay out of topics about belief because people get upset when it comes to their beliefs, but I wanted to provide a different perspective because I know we are all capable of having an intelligent conversation here.

Before I get into this though, let me just say that when we are talking about UFO's, aliens or extra-terrestrials like with everything, we need to have an intellectual process of critical thinking. If not we end up jumping from one box to another. Going from one persons prison consciousness to the next persons prison consciousness. I'm also not telling anyone what to believe or what not to believe. Your experience is your experience. I'm just simply sparking a topic of conversation.

So let me ask; What made us believe in the idea of Aliens or extra-terrestrials in the first place? Where did this belief come from?

Movies? Television? Books? Comics? Someone else's interpretation of artifacts or ancient texts?

Would you believe in them if you never heard about them before from any of the above outlets I named above?

Have you actually seen an extra-terrestrial? Or do you believe in someone else's claim that they have been in contact with an extra-terrestrial?

The key word is believe; belief. to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so.

So unless you've had a personal experience with an extra-terrestrial or alien (semantics but different definitions), you are relying on believing in someone else's personal experience with ET's. And belief, doesn't necessarily mean it's true.

As for my own personal experience. I have watched a lot of episodes of Ancient Aliens. I have read Fingerprints of the Gods by Graham Hancock. I have read Chariots of the Gods by Erich Von Daniken. I've watched "UFO footage" on youtube. The disclosure report. The videos posted in this thread. I've watched hours of interviews with former Government Officials that worked in the Airforce and in NASA and heard their accounts with extra-terrestrials. etc. etc.

And after all of that, nobody has provided any conclusive evidence that they exist. Most are theories, interpretations and hear-say.

And to be honest, why would I believe in a Government official? When one of Obamas advisors is tweeting that his biggest failure of 2014 was not securing the disclosure of the UFO files, just makes me further question. Especially when it's always supposed to have been this giant cover up. Yet a Senior White House advisor is tweeting it to the masses, fox news and CNN broadcast "UFO footage" and Ancient Aliens is on season 5.

I for one have never seen an ET or any conclusive evidence or proof that they exist. In my own reality, they do not exist. Just like the Easter Bunny, Thor, Satan, Reptilians,Hercules, Santa, The Boogie Man etc. All things that people told us to believe in, but we never seen them or experienced them. So they do not apply to me. Does that mean they don't need to apply to you? Not at all. That's fine. There's nothing wrong with having a belief. People can pretend if they want to. Reality is relative.

Theories and Interpretations. Chariots of the Gods, Ancient Aliens etc. These are interpretations of texts, structures and symbols. Reality is relative to our state of mind. They are looking for Aliens, they believe in Aliens, they want to find evidence, so they interpret every thing they find to fit their belief system. Have any of them provided actual proof? Not at all. The "It Must be Aliens" Meme pretty much sums up all of their interpretations. I think they are discrediting us. I think the box they put themselves in have limited their assumptions. That's why I **** with Graham Hancock. He doesn't correlate his findings to Aliens, he believes that there was once a one world high tech ancient civilization. In my own research, there is way more evidence to support that than ET's.

What about UFO's? Well, what exactly is a UFO? An Unidentified Flying Object. By definition: UFO
a mysterious object seen in the sky for which, it is claimed, no orthodox scientific explanation can be found.

That could be anything flying in the sky that you can't identify. That doesn't mean it's an alien space ship.

All these HD camera cell phones in everyones pocket and ive yet to see an ET space craft. And if there was footage of a UFO (which who knows what it would look like) Does that mean there's an ET behind the wheel? Not at all. Does that mean it came from outer-space? Outside of our Earths atmosphere? Not at all.

It could be Government technology that they aren't releasing to the public. Why would they? The nazi's were building flying saucer shaped flying objects and Tesla invented anti gravity propulsion in the early 1900's. The Government has been researching anti gravity propulsion for decades. Who knows what they have up their sleeves.

My point is, there is no conclusive evidence or proof that ET's exist. Until I experience it or am provided proof it won't be something I ponder or believe in. Just another box in my reality.

Hope no jimmies were rustled.

One Love Only.
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May i ask why you don't?

its hard to believe what can't be proven, can't blame him for that.

but ET's do exist

There are multiple reasons why I do not believe in extra-terrestrials in it's definition within this third dimensional realm. I stay out of topics about belief because people get upset when it comes to their beliefs, but I wanted to provide a different perspective because I know we are all capable of having an intelligent conversation here.

Before I get into this though, let me just say that when we are talking about UFO's, aliens or extra-terrestrials like with everything, we need to have an intellectual process of critical thinking. If not we end up jumping from one box to another. Going from one persons prison consciousness to the next persons prison consciousness. I'm also not telling anyone what to believe or what not to believe. Your experience is your experience. I'm just simply sparking a topic of conversation.

So let me ask; What made us believe in the idea of Aliens or extra-terrestrials in the first place? Where did this belief come from?

Movies? Television? Books? Comics? Someone else's interpretation of artifacts or ancient texts?

Would you believe in them if you never heard about them before from any of the above outlets I named above?

Have you actually seen an extra-terrestrial? Or do you believe in someone else's claim that they have been in contact with an extra-terrestrial?

The key word is believe; belief. to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so.

So unless you've had a personal experience with an extra-terrestrial or alien (semantics but different definitions), you are relying on believing in someone else's personal experience with ET's. And belief, doesn't necessarily mean it's true.

As for my own personal experience. I have watched a lot of episodes of Ancient Aliens. I have read Fingerprints of the Gods by Graham Hancock. I have read Chariots of the Gods by Erich Von Daniken. I've watched "UFO footage" on youtube. The disclosure report. The videos posted in this thread. I've watched hours of interviews with former Government Officials that worked in the Airforce and in NASA and heard their accounts with extra-terrestrials. etc. etc.

And after all of that, nobody has provided any conclusive evidence that they exist. Most are theories, interpretations and hear-say.

And to be honest, why would I believe in a Government official? When one of Obamas advisors is tweeting that his biggest failure of 2014 was not securing the disclosure of the UFO files, just makes me further question. Especially when it's always supposed to have been this giant cover up. Yet a Senior White House advisor is tweeting it to the masses, fox news and CNN broadcast "UFO footage" and Ancient Aliens is on season 5.

I for one have never seen an ET or any conclusive evidence or proof that they exist. In my own reality, they do not exist. Just like the Easter Bunny, Thor, Satan, Reptilians,Hercules, Santa, The Boogie Man etc. All things that people told us to believe in, but we never seen them or experienced them. So they do not apply to me. Does that mean they don't need to apply to you? Not at all. That's fine. There's nothing wrong with having a belief. People can pretend if they want to. Reality is relative.

Theories and Interpretations. Chariots of the Gods, Ancient Aliens etc. These are interpretations of texts, structures and symbols. Reality is relative to our state of mind. They are looking for Aliens, they believe in Aliens, they want to find evidence, so they interpret every thing they find to fit their belief system. Have any of them provided actual proof? Not at all. The "It Must be Aliens" Meme pretty much sums up all of their interpretations. I think they are discrediting us. I think the box they put themselves in have limited their assumptions. That's why I **** with Graham Hancock. He doesn't correlate his findings to Aliens, he believes that there was once a one world high tech ancient civilization. In my own research, there is way more evidence to support that than ET's.

What about UFO's? Well, what exactly is a UFO? An Unidentified Flying Object. By definition: UFO
a mysterious object seen in the sky for which, it is claimed, no orthodox scientific explanation can be found.

That could be anything flying in the sky that you can't identify. That doesn't mean it's an alien space ship.

All these HD camera cell phones in everyones pocket and ive yet to see an ET space craft. And if there was footage of a UFO (which who knows what it would look like) Does that mean there's an ET behind the wheel? Not at all. Does that mean it came from outer-space? Outside of our Earths atmosphere? Not at all.

It could be Government technology that they aren't releasing to the public. Why would they? The nazi's were building flying saucer shaped flying objects and Tesla invented anti gravity propulsion in the early 1900's. The Government has been researching anti gravity propulsion for decades. Who knows what they have up their sleeves.

My point is, there is no conclusive evidence or proof that ET's exist. Until I experience it or am provided proof it won't be something I ponder or believe in. Just another box in my reality.

Hope no jimmies were rustled.

One Love Only.

There is no evidence of ETs. We don’t see the magic at work behind every day phenomenon like simple things as plants. Flowers sprout from nowhere, leaves turn energy from the sun into apples, oranges and grapes, popping them out from wood. the process is slow nevertheless, it happens without our understanding it. ETs deliver incrementally. they don’t drive up in a stealth bomber and hand us the keys, they put ideas in many peoples heads spread over many years.

I've had experiences with ET's so I can understand where you're coming from since you haven't. But don't say theres nothing wrong with having a belief then call it "pretending". Thats kind of rude imo.

"So let me ask; What made us believe in the idea of Aliens or extra-terrestrials in the first place? Where did this belief come from?

Movies? Television? Books? Comics? Someone else's interpretation of artifacts or ancient texts?

Would you believe in them if you never heard about them before from any of the above outlets I named above?"

this confuses me because there are many things in life that are learned and taken from those that inspire us. Its not different than our parents teaching us about life even though we have not been through it yet. It's only until we mature that we realize they knew exactly what they were talking about the whole time. But as kids we are naive and we brush off their teachings. Humans are the same way, we are not there yet in terms of understanding. I've said this before but it holds very true.

The answers are here for the grabbing . The teacher gives us all the answers to the upcoming exam, quiz..whatever but only those who come prepared are the ones that pass.
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