Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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And as they say, can't put the cat back in the bag..

"slangin and banging" was used in HORRIBLE and inconsiderate context.. Add in that it had NOTHING to do with the topic at hand and yea...

I think it's 100% fair to change your thinking of a poster after such a post...
I was literally speaking about people in the hood that do those specific things. I wasn't implying that everyone in the hood does that.

What I should have said was instead of marching in the streets BEGGING the oppressor to stop oppressing, or *****ing about it on niketalk and doing nothing how about taking matters in your own hands and get control of your communities. Police your own communities, watch over the cops, create a new paradigm in the community.

The Black Panthers laid a blueprint, where they failed was not involving all who are oppressed by government; literally everybody.

This is no different. The police state will continue to increase after these events. This effects us all. Until the majority comes together, none of these issues we face will change. But first you have to see exactly how you are being oppressed. If you think cops killing or arresting blacks is the only way your being oppressed, you have yet to see the light. We cant marginalize all the issues. We gotta go after the foundation. Cant do that if we alienate and exclude each other. Otherwise we make it more insurmountable.
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Who does this being fake benefit?
Who is behind this? Who is pulling the strings if it's fake..

And most importantly, how can you keep alllllllllll these people quiet and in on it? Wouldn't they speak out eventually? Imo it's impossible to have that many people in on it, while all playing their part and most I importantly staying quiet..

I genuinely wanna know...

I dont think its fake as in it didnt happen, the theory is that it was done by one group of people for a particular reason and being presented as being done by an entirely different group for an entirely different reason. For example one could say the fire at the german parliment building prior to ww2 was fake in that it wasnt domestic terrorism perpetrated by govt opposition, it was hitler himself who ordered that fire set and blamed it on govt opposition as a means to enact laws that gave his govt more power to control the domestic population and facilitate the lockdown of groups he wanted to oppress, namely the jews. Sound familiar?

The link posted on the last page showed another more recent example of this tactic in Ukraine. In that example it was the US backed opposing party that used snipers to commit mass murder which was then blamed on the then current president and his security forces. The public outrage facilitated a coup againt that govt and placed the opposing party, the real alleged perpetrators of the massacre, in to power in Ukraine.

Its not an issue of the event itself being staged necessarily, its an issue of the public being led to believe false info about the who, where, why and how of particular events.
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Dude knew what he was implying with the slanging & banging comment. Just as he knew what he was doing when he made a thread with a weak attempt at mocking Black fathers & denying that law enforcement targets Black men. You wanna unify everybody & break the system start with yourself practice what you preach don't throw shade then hide your hands & try to act like your intentions weren't clear with the comments you made. I've said my piece I won't derail the thread any further.
What are peoples thoughts on modern day slavery? I'll leave the "new slaves" rhetoric for another time and stick to whats easily and practically known as slavery.

"Contemporary slavery, also known as modern slavery, refers to the institutions of slavery that continue to exist in the present day. Estimates of the number of slaves today range from around 21 million-29 million to 46 million."

Child labor
Children comprise about 26% of the slaves today.[19] Most are domestic workers or work in cocoa, coltan, cotton or fishing industries. Many are trafficked and sexually exploited. In war-torn countries, children have been kidnapped and sold to political parties to be used as child soldiers. Forced child labor is the dominant form of slavery in Haiti.

Bonded labor
Millions of people today work as bonded laborers. The cycle begins when people take extreme loans under the condition that they work off the debt. The "loan" is designed so that it can never be paid off, and is often passed down for generations. This form of slavery is prevalent in South Asia. People become trapped in this system working ostensibly towards repayment though they are often forced to work far past the original amount they owe. They work under the force of threats and abuse, their helplessness is reinforced due to the large power differential between the 'creditor' and the 'debtor'.

Forced migrant labor
People may be enticed to migrate with the promise of work, only to have their documents seized and to be forced to work under the threat of violence to them or their families.[17] Illegal immigrants may also be taken advantage of; without legal residency, they often have no recourse to the law. Along with sex slavery this is the form of slavery most often encountered in wealthy countries such as the United States, in Western Europe, and in the Middle East.

Sex slavery
Along with migrant slavery, forced prostitution is the form of slavery most often encountered in wealthy regions such as the United States, in Western Europe, and in the Middle East. It is the primary form of slavery in Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia, particularly in Moldova and Laos. Many child sex slaves are trafficked from these areas to the West and Middle East. An estimated 22% of slaves to date are active in the sex industry.[18]
Dude knew what he was implying with the slanging & banging comment. Just as he knew what he was doing when he made a thread with a weak attempt at mocking Black fathers & denying that law enforcement targets Black men. You wanna unify everybody & break the system start with yourself practice what you preach don't throw shade then hide your hands & try to act like your intentions weren't clear with the comments you made. I've said my piece I won't derail the thread any further.

Um, what? I never made a thread even remotely close to that. You have me confused with someone else.
Staged Snipers designed to inflict a strategy of tension.

Never knew about GLADIO.

Are these more gladio type events? Either way this will be used to fear and warmonger.

I guess something related to this but, does anyone find it Ironic that last month ESPN aired the mini series OJ: Made in America? Just before the events in Baton Rogue, Minnesota and Dallas? It had lots of racial connotations. Now rewind that and look at the title "Made in America". I hope I'm not the only one that noticed this. :nerd:
Who does this being fake benefit?
Who is behind this? Who is pulling the strings if it's fake..

And most importantly, how can you keep alllllllllll these people quiet and in on it? Wouldn't they speak out eventually? Imo it's impossible to have that many people in on it, while all playing their part and most I importantly staying quiet..

I genuinely wanna know...
What do you mean have all these people in on it?
All who in on it?

Nobody has to be in on it except the group carrying out the act, the rest are pawns.

The Shooter    The Shooters Identity
The Media
The DPD etc

Nobody "has" to be in on it.
It's no different than a military group being sent on a Mission abroad, they carry out said mission, goal is achieved and life goes on. They don't come back home and start spilling the beans about that Mission.
That was "for the Country" and an order.
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If LEON the Professional was hired to pose as Micah Johnson and take out 11 cops, you think is going to feel bad about it and spill the beans after? Man hell nah...
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Just looking at historical facts using logic and removing any egotistical or emotional views, another white dude keepin it 100
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Post the proof suggesting evolution is bogus, @hallywoodxo
Here you go...a white dude keepin it a buck

30 minutes in. Mind successfully blown.

Ikr, the certainty with which he mentions bigfoot got me reading university studies on footprints lol.

Meh... thanks for sharing but I need more than that (1.5 hours into it). Gonna start looking into some of the topics addressed. Are we suggesting nearly the entire science community is in on this lie, perpetuating evolution, or that they simply don't understand what Lloyd is suggesting? 
Yall believe in Yakub? :nerd: The story of Yakub?

lotta parallels with some of the ideas in the posts over the past couple of pages
but too vague to tell which is why i ask
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That book right there solidified my perspective and gave a lot of the biological evidence necessary I needed to connect the dots in my mind.

I never bought into evolution in the first place. Even being young I remember how they tried to explain that the caveman found fire and that propelled him into homosapien. If you study the effects of people who are exposed to fire on a consistent basis there's no way it would've yielded a situation that would have promoted sophisticated growth. Then you take into account the anatomical make up of the Neanderthal and again no chance he would have survived amongst the predators at that time. One huge flaw with the the evolution theory, key word theory, there is a huge gap they are still unable to explain from the Neanderthal and modern human. When most people talk about how the Caucasian came to be, they state that a select group of Africans got trapped in Europe during the ice age. To that statement, I would say this: you mean to tell me that some of the most sophisticated and advanced civilizations this planet has ever seen were not advanced enough to get out of the cold? Not buying it. So when you take a look at the pieces of the puzzle on the table and they don't fit you gotta look elsewhere. I say you start with the ancients and see what they have to say. I'll use the Egyptians since everyone respects them for their technological and spiritual contributions. They say the same thing as the Yakub theory. Instead of Caucasians being called the white devil, they're called the tamahu which means the white created ones. Their texts explain it more in depth and detail how initiates in the mystical system started creating entities out of their lower 3 chakras. Most of the general population considered these beings abominations and sent them to the hill sides of Europe or "your-rope" when they left the hill sides and became to civilization they were called the Hyksos. The bible gives a very mutilated version of the story when they talk about pharaoh and the Hebrews.

Again I'm not saying this as hate or trying to slander whites or anything. My mother is white.
When I started this path all I cared about was finding out the true nature of things. This is where it took me.
Meh... thanks for sharing but I need more than that (1.5 hours into it). Gonna start looking into some of the topics addressed. Are we suggesting nearly the entire science community is in on this lie, perpetuating evolution, or that they simply don't understand what Lloyd is suggesting? 

For the most part science is a religion as well. White supremacy is a war being fought on all fronts, science is no different. It is in my opinion that big foot is a product of these ancient nuclear wars as well.. When you study the effects of radiation and what it would do to the endocrine glands a lot of things start to fall in place. Irregular limb growth, hair growing in places it wouldn't usually to try and shield the radioactive debris. Even Islam speaks to the past. When you see the women covered from head to toe, it wasn't because of modesty it was because of the environment at the time. When you understand the true nature of a women's anatomy you'll see how fragile it is and needs to be so it can be in tune with nature. The big craze now is for everyone to be fit, women included. Unbeknownst to them they're destroying the temple of God and moving towards a state of androgyny.
If all those things are true, then I recond that equality can and will never exist. It will always be White vs then, or vice versa.

I mean of this knowledge of self and others, that you are discovering, is already in the hands of the White or "European" as you call it, and the Powerful Blacks hands as well, they already know this history.

If the ancient texts you speak of are true, then one can only come to the conclusion that this will always be a war for control or Superiority, then. :smh:
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That book right there solidified my perspective and gave a lot of the biological evidence necessary I needed to connect the dots in my mind.

I never bought into evolution in the first place. Even being young I remember how they tried to explain that the caveman found fire and that propelled him into homosapien. If you study the effects of people who are exposed to fire on a consistent basis there's no way it would've yielded a situation that would have promoted sophisticated growth. Then you take into account the anatomical make up of the Neanderthal and again no chance he would have survived amongst the predators at that time. One huge flaw with the the evolution theory, key word theory, there is a huge gap they are still unable to explain from the Neanderthal and modern human. When most people talk about how the Caucasian came to be, they state that a select group of Africans got trapped in Europe during the ice age. To that statement, I would say this: you mean to tell me that some of the most sophisticated and advanced civilizations this planet has ever seen were not advanced enough to get out of the cold? Not buying it. So when you take a look at the pieces of the puzzle on the table and they don't fit you gotta look elsewhere. I say you start with the ancients and see what they have to say. I'll use the Egyptians since everyone respects them for their technological and spiritual contributions. They say the same thing as the Yakub theory. Instead of Caucasians being called the white devil, they're called the tamahu which means the white created ones. Their texts explain it more in depth and detail how initiates in the mystical system started creating entities out of their lower 3 chakras. Most of the general population considered these beings abominations and sent them to the hill sides of Europe or "your-rope" when they left the hill sides and became to civilization they were called the Hyksos. The bible gives a very mutilated version of the story when they talk about pharaoh and the Hebrews.

Again I'm not saying this as hate or trying to slander whites or anything. My mother is white.
When I started this path all I cared about was finding out the true nature of things. This is where it took me.

Fam this book is $230 and that's the cheapest I can find. But I like where you're going with this and I'm interested in more literature. PM if necessary or post them in here.

I'm damn close to just buying a copy though because apparently this book really is on another level.
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