Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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Zach Hubbard drops info nonstop. He’s constantly connecting dots and he’s quick.
It’s almost like he’s employed and given this information to report.
Some of these connections he makes are so mind blowing I’m like, he had to be hand fed this info, but to what end?
You can’t say he’s a paid shill because he’d be on the wrong side of that statement, wouldn’t he?
....or can you, claim he’s a shill.....
......wherever and however he gets his information is impressive to say the least.
Came into general looking for the politics thread and stumbled into this one. I don’t believe this was any type of sacrifice or Bron knew or anything like that, but thanks for the interesting posts. Niketalk is legit a one stop shop. Be well.
General question for all. Something I was thinking about this morning when it comes to "The Pact." What do you think happens to a child when their parent offers them up to to an entity in exchange for riches/success/abilities.

(For example) For example, I think of prominent child stars, Biebers, Mike Jackson, and whether or not their PARENTS made a pact "for" the kid to ensure they are put in a position to BE successful.

Of course nobody KNOWS the answers but just curious as to everyone's thoughts on the topic.

Man, Kobe really got this thread/folks' brains moving.

Good to see.
you reap in the benefits as a parent. your child takes care of you after all right? bought you a house and the car. early retirement and almost none of the limelight is preferable to some. You don't necessarily need to watch your child anymore because the puppet masters you signed the deal with and more importantly the media will watch them for you. you get situations of parents in the light like Joe Jackson but then again that's Joe bloody Jackson.

IIRC because of child stars in the early 40s-50s especially someone like Shirley Temple the laws at the time stated that money your kid makes becomes the parents' money until 18. california changed their state laws (since most stars were based in hollywood) that whatever the kid earns is theirs to keep since then. so times changed. parents become agents on top of getting rewarded from your kid. maybe they're signed in another state that don't share the same laws now. there's the trope of family first or keep your day ones around but it really be your own and you may not really know it.

EDIT: read your question wrong, i'm dumb.

-they're used until they no longer are good for service. *shrug
This is real man. It’s not edited. Read the comments for yourself. I screenshotted it for those who don’t want to. Here’s the post: it’s clickable.

they have
but we label them crazy
or they are embroiled in some public humiliation or shaming
to discredit them
to where no one believes him
but folks who seem crazy
as well as a bunch of crazies
there are hundreds of videos and tweets and interviews
of folks talking about it
matin Lawrence waving that gun claiming folks was tryna kill him in downtown la
whitney handing that note to brandy on the day she died
the weirdness of brittney and how her parents control EVERY aspect of her life
all these celebrities allegedly having breaks downs like mariah carey kanye and countless others
theres a reason ALL celebrities go to cedar sinai in la when something happens
thats all im a say
a lot of weird stuff goes on in a specific part of the hospital
also death is a main reason why some are scared to air it all out
Delonte West prolly saw something when he was with Brons mom. Kinda explains his recent humiliation to keep him in check.
im a mason..i was actually the treasurer of my lodge before moving to nashville..Im really tied in with people in my grand lodge..I can honestly tell you that freemason = illuminati stuff is bs lol
I come in peace.

1. I am curious as to what inspired you to join.

2. Do you think there IS a possibility that there are so me secret teachings that only a selected few are giving acess to?
Maybe, but then you realize hes always worn #13 and a connection is made.
(Not arguing just making a point)
We don't know why he wore the #13 though.

Maybe he did it to prove a traditionally unlucky number "won't be unlucky for me." You know humans always want to fight against the established.
(Not arguing just making a point)
We don't know why he wore the #13 though.

Maybe he did it to prove a traditionally unlucky number "won't be unlucky for me." You know humans always want to fight against the established.
It's not the why but the fact that he did that makes the connection.
Explain please.

Treat me like I am stupid because I am not following you.
Convo was discussing how 'illuminati' uses public humiliation to discredit or silence those that would shed light on the societies moves.

Delonte West dated Brins mom and seemingly has had mental issues since. Could he have stumbled upon something in his intimate dealings with Brons mom and had to be silenced or discredited in case he gets chatty.

Hes in the news recently, publicly humiliated again, in case anybody forgot.

Kobe dies and all types of connections to the number 13 are discussed and its alleged LeBron knew.

All the bron/west connections are coincidence and speculation until you realize west always wore 13. It could be the Sherm, it could be a silencing before our eyes. Ijs
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