Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

What do you fellas think about high intensity training? To be specific, to keep the heart rate up pretty high.
Should I cut first or bulk?

I'm actually more interested in losing weight while gaining muscle...Is that possible?

I usually do 30 minutes of cardio in the morning (5 times a week, usually on weekdays) and lift 5 times a week.I'm making good gains but I really need tofix my diet because it's what's holding me back
Originally Posted by Disfunctional

Should I cut first or bulk?

I'm actually more interested in losing weight while gaining muscle...Is that possible?

I usually do 30 minutes of cardio in the morning (5 times a week, usually on weekdays) and lift 5 times a week.I'm making good gains but I really need to fix my diet because it's what's holding me back
sounds about like me too man.

i've been doing 200 minutes of cardio per week (mostly the bike in the gym), hitting legs, chest, shoulders, back, and arms, etc.

but i need to tighten up the diet to take it all to the next level...

i'm about to buy some protein bars for one (if someone can recommend some that aren't crazy high in fat, sugar, and carbs, that'd be rad), i know ineed to eat more times a day, smaller meals...

right now my daily diet is something like this:

bottle of water, 20 minutes later 2 bowls of kashi cereal, or egg whites and 1 bowl of cereal (and with the milk i drink down my vitamins and stuff).

2 hours later i have a banana and an apple.

then i work out, and have a protein shake afterwards with about 40 grams of protein.

then as soon as possible i have something like 2 chicken breasts and mixed veggies, or 2 chicken breasts in a salad with some lite dressing.

then about 3 hours later, b4 bed, i have another chicken breast or two and a protein shake and go to bed.

all while drinking plenty of water all day (especially at the gym).

i think it's obvious i'm not eating enough, i need to have something in between those meals.

never messed with cottage cheese, always heard it's not very pleasant. i've also heard about people eating peanut butter b4 bed, something about itmaking you burn calories while you sleep because it's hard work for your body to break it down. but does it need to be low fat peanut butter or something?
working out is for chumps

go get yourself one of these



also another thing how do my fellow dudes who lift to get big deal with stretch marks? i never get em but recently i noticed i started to get some on both mybiceps
theyre barely noticeable but any way to make em look lighter orsomething?
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

working out is for chumps

go get yourself one of these



also another thing how do my fellow dudes who lift to get big deal with stretch marks? i never get em but recently i noticed i started to get some on both my biceps
theyre barely noticeable but any way to make em look lighter or something?
Cocoa Butter, or anything w. vitamin E can help....

*Also for those of you who lift...I can't stress the importance of doing a dynamic stretching routine before touching any weights in the gym. I usuallysave all the static stretching for when my workout is completed...

here are some examples..

Originally Posted by Q46totheE

*Also for those of you who lift...I can't stress the importance of doing a dynamic stretching routine before touching any weights in the gym. I usually save all the static stretching for when my workout is completed...

here are some examples..


that's a good link. i personally feel that the movement prep in core performance by mark verstegen is even better. next time your in borders or barnesand noble check it out.

i am about to start dieting pretty hardcore. i have a little under three weeks to get to 141 and i am bouncing from 156-160 at the moment. i'll berunning 4-6 miles every morning an doing two a days starting tomorrow which should drop me to about 152ish. then i will cut whatever is left in water weightover the course of two days prior to the weigh in. thank god it is a 24 hour weigh in this time.
yo would getting a personal trainer be a good or bad thing? I always needed someone else to START my motivation ie: bball coach, I had someone push me I reallydon't have a clue what to do by myself. I think if I do it on my own I won't stick to the strict regimen but if someone was there and I was paying thatit'll be worthwhile?

What do yall think? and if I do get one what to expect? or is it just crock full of..
Originally Posted by heLiumcLinton

yo would getting a personal trainer be a good or bad thing? I always needed someone else to START my motivation ie: bball coach, I had someone push me I really don't have a clue what to do by myself. I think if I do it on my own I won't stick to the strict regimen but if someone was there and I was paying that it'll be worthwhile?

What do yall think? and if I do get one what to expect? or is it just crock full of..
DON'T get a personal trainer if you don't need one. Read this thread, a bodybuilding magazine, imagine the amount of box females will bethrowing at you, think about your health, or anything else if you are not motivated enough. I was stupid enough to buy the horse @#$% the trainer was feedingmean I'm paying dearly for it every month
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

working out is for chumps

go get yourself one of these


also another thing how do my fellow dudes who lift to get big deal with stretch marks? i never get em but recently i noticed i started to get some on both my biceps
theyre barely noticeable but any way to make em look lighter or something?
def..........but on my skin complexion they arent noticed at all.
I know this is a motivational thread an all....

but looking big after working out and then seeing yourself shrink 3 days later sucks

and being sore ftmfl. Being sore is like the biggest c-block towards working out

lol I'm done
Originally Posted by Shaky3

I know this is a motivational thread an all....

but looking big after working out and then seeing yourself shrink 3 days later sucks

and being sore ftmfl. Being sore is like the biggest c-block towards working out

lol I'm done
I love the soreness. I haven't got sore in a long time until I went hard on a spinning class and got sore on my triceps while supportingmyself in the standing position...loved that feeling 'cause you know you did work.

Same with Lurkin and Joe, I have minor stretch marks on the inner sides of my arms, around the biceps.

To the dude asking about getting a personal trainer as a need to motivate yourself. Sure, you can have a trainer school you for an hour or twoin the gym. But if you have no discipline and eat crappy food, you're going to make the work out worthless and then some.

45 mins elliptical..
Chest press dumbbells
fly dumbbell press
incline dumbbell press
Hammer press stationary (i think it's called)

breakfast: 2 bowls of cheerios for
lunch: lemon tilapia, and corn
snack: post work out shake (3 scoops)
dinner: watermelon and banana probably.. maybe another tilapia fillet and steamed veggies..

Ain't no way i can lose 15lbs before Sept. 1st without going on some kinda Auschwitz diet..
Originally Posted by lilpro4u


45 mins elliptical..
Chest press dumbbells
fly dumbbell press
incline dumbbell press
Hammer press stationary (i think it's called)

breakfast: 2 bowls of cheerios for
lunch: lemon tilapia, and corn
snack: post work out shake (3 scoops)
dinner: watermelon and banana probably.. maybe another tilapia fillet and steamed veggies..

Ain't no way i can lose 15lbs before Sept. 1st without going on some kinda Auschwitz diet..
damn id be so hungry just eating that bro

awwww shwitz
It happened again went to the gym started working out about20mins in head got light and puked in the bathroom...why does this keep happening to me its embarassing
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

It happened again went to the gym started working out about 20mins in head got light and puked in the bathroom...why does this keep happening to me its embarassing

Go to the Doc and get a "stress test" I'm pretty sure it checks your heart specifically, but they may be able to see what's up.
Why are you taking 3 scoops at once, instead of spreading them out? The general rule of thumb is maximum intake of 50-60 g of protein every of couple of hours.

I would've consume the first scoop with your breakfast, one 45-60 mins before working out, and the other after working out.
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

It happened again went to the gym started working out about 20mins in head got light and puked in the bathroom...why does this keep happening to me its embarassing
make sure you are hydrated BEFORE you lift, and also don't wait until you are thirsty to drink water while you are working out.....

maybe you were dehydrated?
Yesterday no gym, Breakfast 4 Egg omelette (35g of protein), 5 peach ring candies spread out through the day, 1 piece of skinless boneless chicken with nosauce, (15g of protein) 2 cans of Tuna (40g of protein), 20 piece mcdonalds nuggets (48g of protein) 1 mcgriddle. Yesterday I ate out and felt so sick afterthat mcgriddle
Originally Posted by Q46totheE

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

It happened again went to the gym started working out about 20mins in head got light and puked in the bathroom...why does this keep happening to me its embarassing
make sure you are hydrated BEFORE you lift, and also don't wait until you are thirsty to drink water while you are working out.....

maybe you were dehydrated?
possibility thxx
Originally Posted by lilpro4u

Didn't know you were supposed to spread them out, maybe?
This is what I picked up from reading articles and talking to folks who are into lifting. I assume you want to get down from that size 38 pantsas soon as absorb as much knowledge as you can to make things as efficient as possible for you. If you put effort into it, you can go down to a32-34 within 6 months easy. Right now is the ultimate cutting stage for you, bro. You're going to starve yourself to the max with watermelon and banana,which won't be really helpful either. Especially considering that if you're going to eat that for dinner and your next meal won't be untilbreakfast of the following day.
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

It happened again went to the gym started working out about
20mins in head got light and puked in the bathroom...why does this keep happening to me its embarassing

n e advice

Maybe you didn't eat enough during the day.You should eat something before you workout and wait like 45 minutes before you go to the gym.You probablydidn't have enough energy to be lifting weights.It's happened to me before as well.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by lilpro4u

Didn't know you were supposed to spread them out, maybe?
This is what I picked up from reading articles and talking to folks who are into lifting. I assume you want to get down from that size 38 pants as soon as absorb as much knowledge as you can to make things as efficient as possible for you. If you put effort into it, you can go down to a 32-34 within 6 months easy. Right now is the ultimate cutting stage for you, bro. You're going to starve yourself to the max with watermelon and banana, which won't be really helpful either. Especially considering that if you're going to eat that for dinner and your next meal won't be until breakfast of the following day.

I'm trying to understand that if i want immediate results how is drastically cutting my calories not going to help?
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