teaching discipline WITHOUT causing harm vol. Put that switch down, ma'am

I'm gonna beat my kid just like I got beat when I acted a fool. Period. That timeout/analyzing the situation !%$% don't work. Switches/belt buckles will be used on the regular.
So much lazy, stubborn, ignorance when it comes to parenting, and it's evident in this thread.

If you have 2 ways to do something and you're not even remotely open to the more difficult option, you're lazy. Period. And hitting is easier than other non-physical methods.

Stubborn because you refuse to open your mind.

Ignarant because you have no idea what you're talking about. There's a TON of that from parents, and in here. You think this is JUST about science and research? You don't think any of this talk is actually coming from REAL LIFE examples of success?

"The book said to do this, that, and the other, so I'm gonna do it, even thought it's not working w/ my kid." NOOOO.

"The book said to do this, that, and the other, and what do you know? It's working! I think I'll keep doing it, and tell others!" YESSS. That's not science.

And of course there's a difference between spanking and beating. We're talking about the former in here.The general consensus on beating shouldn't even need a thread; I think we can collectively agree that it's unacceptable.

And it's too easy to respond with "You're just saying all this because of your childhood experience." Like I said, I was beaten and tortured. My decision to raise my son through non-physical discipline is loosely based on that experience, but not entirely, because I was never disciplined physically, as 'beaten and tortured' is nowhere close to 'discipline.'

And I hate seeing kids get out of line in public while the parents do nothing, too. Trouble with you saying that is your definition of 'something' is most likely just 'hitting'. When my son starts to throw a tantrum and all I say is 'Cart!' and he comes over and grabs the cart... pouting, but obedient... you're probably thinking "See? Didn't even do anything. Should have smacked the piss out of the kid." If I handled that situation my way, you would fail to see that it DID get handled without physicality, and he's now pouting while grabbing the cart as we continue shopping without disturbing anyone.
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