That Mysterious "S" Thing We Used to Draw

Nostalgia'd. Would love to know where it originated because EVERYONE would draw these for no particular reason
Bruh I came in here to post EXACTLY THIS.

Must be Silluminati ma g

EDIT: I used to think I was mad creative for doing this extended one
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Kinda sorta on topic, but since we are talking about drawings I know some of you guys remember drawing Metallica over and over on your note books, or drawing Bart Simpson wearing nike apparel and "gangsta" Nikes.

I remember drawing this and drawing the Wu Tang W on every notebook i owned.

I remember being in like 6th grade and if you seen the W on a kid's notebook even if ya'll beefed before or if ya'll didn't know eachother at all ya'll would give each other the nod and respect like "Yo this kid knows whassup. Not like these other crab *** kids in this Social Studies class. We on a swarm, god." For some reason once you hit 11-12 you just assume you've reached mental adulthood and are just waiting for puberty to bring you all the way to speed. Like i remember hoping to get pubes and a beard and get taller so I can start stepping to these grown *** women. Back when you saw a 16 year old and in your eyes that might as well have been a fully grown adult in their 30's.
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